This is slightly off topic to this game, but I'm just wondering what everyone's opinion is on this.
I like both this game and Trials in Tainted Space (and CoC, but I'll exclude it for the sake of brevity). However, I can't help but feel that TiTS has more engaging and varied content. I do tend to prefer combat in this game though, at least in the early game (or if I choose not to abuse broken strategies), and some other gameplay elements as well, but I want to keep the question strictly focused on the way content is worked into the games.
Whenever I play this game I play it for maybe a couple of weeks, but never really interact with anything in the game outside of the intro stuff and the (relatively few) unique encounters, because everything resolves to basically the same set of interactions with few variations between all encounters (sex encounter A is virtually indistinguishable from sex encounter B, baring some flavor text for body part types). There's just so little variety between the scenes for each character that I grow bored. Even in the "unique" encounters, the encounter uses the same menu, and mostly the same text with the same variations for every action. There's depth and relatively well-written content up to a point, but the payoff is then a generic sexual encounter that is shared between every other entity in the game. It just feels like a letdown to me. It even gets to the point where I just "quick sex" everything just to read the actual unique bits - the build-up - which is not something that should happen in a sex game! Nyan's quest line is a decent example of this issue. Lots of build up, decent conversations, dates, etc., but the instant anything sexual happens it resolves to virtually the same exact sexual encounter as every other sexual encounter in the game with a few unique lines of dialogue that don't really add anything. How boring!
TiTS on the other hand has exclusively unique scenes, which comes at the cost of "less" content, since everything is basically either one and done, or is replayed with very slight, preset variations for flavor (body part variations). This means that every single character has entirely different scenes, but you never get interactions not purposefully designed by the developers (e.g., you'll never get some characters pregnant, or have a tit-job scene with another, etc.). This means that I avoid some characters entirely, since I can't change or influence their content, but that I get generally more entirely unique content that I do like. Very little feels generic across all events. I also think that this style of content yields much faster update times, since the devs don't have to redo the entire code base every single time they want to add more stuff, which is apparently a problem this game/dev has. Penny's quest line is a good example of content in this game. Entirely unique, shared by no other character, but once you've finished it you're basically repeating the same (although still unique) scenes. It's good, but not something you'll be able to repeat forever.
I personally prefer the latter, as I find it more entertaining to read the actual written stories and events, but I'm just wondering which people prefer more.