Resident Post: The next patch is gonna huge lol!
Yo, it's me! Doin' the weekly drive-by

I've been so locked in all week working on literally everything all at once, my work schedule on the game recently has gotten so erratic that I'm having a hard time figuring out just how much is actually done. Thankfully the batch renderer keeps me somewhat in check lol ^_^
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I LOVE this section of the Orgy and I think it's only gonna get better ^_^
I've just finished working on the tail end of the Rubbins' quests, before that I was finishing off Marcus' content, before that I was working on some new Byron minis, earlier that day I was making some sick renders for the orgy, this is all within the past 48~ hours. I've even squeezed in some more RPGM work in between so it's been full speed ahead on this side of the development wheel x) this manner of working is SO much fun though because the second I get a cool idea for a scene or an image I just jump ship from whatever I'm currently working on and move over rather than really forcing myself to continue working on something that I'm perhaps lacking a little inspiration for.
I started working on the Rubbins' content a week or two ago but left it right at the last 10-15CG because I needed a better idea for the mini events at the end then today it just came to me so I'm back on it. The best thing about this is that the sets are so small so it takes 15s~ to jump from scene to scene which is unbelievably quick compared to the 5 minutes~ it takes to load a single frame from Jayce's Apt ^_^
ANYWAY, I'm rambling. I'm just in a good mood because everything's coming together really nicely!
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It doesn't take long for Lisa to recognize the "type" of people found in the RLD.
I was thinking during the week how unfair this whole "party" thing is to everyone but the short straw definitely goes to the players on the DS Cheating route of Jayce's Party because that route won't be uploaded for another full patch which really blows but then I was sorta thinking about the bright side of it. So this patch obviously includes quite a bit of "E3" content (any future content outside of Jayce's Apartment) but largely it focuses on reintroductions and continuations of credit quests. There isn't exactly "a lot" of sexual content featured in the E3 content planned for next patch because of how big the orgy is and how much longer sexual content takes to make. I was considering adding more in the form of the next Mod Shop event but that event is quite a lengthy one and I just don't think it's fair to keep players in Jayce's Apartment for another month just to add one more lengthy-ish scene.
The "main" DS Cheating scene features a much lower character count than the sharing scene or the orgy so it's development time will be a fraction of either of those meaning I can focus more on E3 content in the next update. So when the DS Cheating patch is uploaded there will be a
wealth of content waiting outside for them, likely a few hours worth which is honestly a lot nicer than returning to Renshire only to scavenge for a few smaller events if that makes sense.
BASICALLY next patch will have a much more diverse range of content waiting in Renshire than the upcoming patch because I'll have more "free" time once the orgy is completed ^_^
(there was probably a way more concise way of saying this but I hope you understand my meaning lol)
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It's gotta be over 2 years since I've rendered an image with Jock in it. BACK TO RENSHIRE LETS GOOO! xD
think I have the final scene list for the upcoming patch so I'll just drop it below:
DL Orgy - 15%~
Night After with Sharon - 85%~
Outfit3 - 30%~
TB - 100%
PSF (Pink Street Outfit) IG Photos - 100%
Rubbins' Leaflets - 100%
Marcus Poster - 100%
Byron Minis - 15%
Photo Club Intro - 0%
Return to Theo's - 0%
This alongside all of the updated changing / coffee / etc, etc CGs with Lisa's "Pink Street Outfit" should be a solid couple of hours of gameplay. My Daz output folder already has well over 700CGs rendered, about 500~ of those being unique with the patch not really even close to completion; the patch is likely gonna be one of the largest in the past couple of years. The only scene from the list I'm really unsure about is the Photo Club because it begins as an RPGM sequence then grows into some smaller "investigative(?)" CG based events so I'm not sure if it's even worth starting it with no real payoff BUT I haven't made a decision either way yet. I'll update later ^_^
I might also add some new harassment events for the RLD but not sure yet!
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The orgy is ridiculously big already and I've barely scratched the surface, it's gonna be a monumentally large scene which you probably all know by now but I do wanna mention that I think so far it has some really sexy sequences. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite scenes and I'm holding back on so many juicy CGs because I think it'd be better to experience them rather than me just tossing them up out of context. I hope my bigging this up isn't in turn building it up for a fall lol! But I
think you guys will love it too (i hope.. xD)
I think I'm gonna direct some focus to RPGM in the coming days. I want to start striking things off the to-do list to tidy up my "workspace" a bit. Getting some RPGM out of the way early also helps because I often need to alter some CGs or even add some additional ones so doing it early isn't a bad idea but most of all I wanna write the scenes while they're still sorta fresh in my head.
But that's about it! I'm
super excited about this update, I think it's gonna be so, so good! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Sending my love to everyone ^_^! xoxo