Recommending List of high quality management/corruption/transformation games

Jan 25, 2018
All of the games below have elements of stat progression and strategy to some extent. However, some have slightly different focuses.

Top games - Management focused:
- Free Cities - Best in its class, extensive mods
- Lab Rats 2 - Still in development but starting to get real good
- Strive for Power - Surprisingly good and extensive, similar to Free Cities
- Farmer's Dreams - Could be an amazing stardew valley clone if it didn't crash so often and never saved
- XXXivilization - Fun little Civilization clone
- Portals of Phereon - Hope you like monster girls
- Monster Girl Club Bifrost - IMO the best game focused around monster girls

Top games - Corruption/Transformation focused:
- Queen of the Seas - Grindy and still a bit incomplete but one of the best
- Perverted education - Surprisingly extensive
- Lab Rats 1 - One of the best ren'py games with actual gameplay
- Corruption of Champions - Classic, surprisingly long game, also look into mods
- Corruption of Champions 2 - Sequel of the classic, still in development
- Trials in Tainted Space - Also made by the CoC crew, sci-fi flavored
- Night Games - Interesting mechanics
- Take Over - Still in development and a bit linear
- The Company - Still in development and a bit linear
- Tales of Androgyny - A more straightforward RPG strategy combat game with quality art
- Crossdressing in Camelot - A well written text RPG
- The Allure of Wanton Cove - A fantastic film noir / lovecraftian horror themed story with a focus on transformation
- Seeds of Chaos - Very VN-centric but has very high quality content
- - Text-only extremely classic magical girl story, except you're the Demon Lord
- Wife Trainer Files - This is game is as amazing as it is hard, and holy shit is it hard.
- Flesh Cult - A shockingly good little game about corrupting citizens as a succubus/incubus
- President Yukino - If you don't like cheating on your loved ones don't even look at this, it will give you an aneurysm. Don't be fooled by the RPGM look, this is more of a weird sandbox VN with light management aspects.

JRPG or JRPG-like:
- Tower of Trample - [corruption]the RPG for people with a sub & corruption fetish and literally no one else
- Sengoku Rance - [management] A classic, but nearly impossible to beat. Get a walk through
- Kamidori Alchemy Meister - [management] Hey hey people , Sseth here. Go watch ssethtzeentach's video on it.
- The Last Sovereign - [corruption] One of the most successful & ambitious RPG maker projects ever made
- Princess Sacrifice - [corruption] This one is pretty fucked up at times. Also, just beat it on easy or smth, especially for the later sections.
Unverified JRPGs (recommended but haven't had the time to check for quality, these take a fucking long time to beat)
- Renryuu: Ascension

Honorable mentions:
- Monster Girl Dreams - A great game but doesn't really fit in this list
- Jack o nine tails - Repetitive, unforgiving, repetitive
- Fantasy Slave Trainer - Too early in development
- Degrees of Lewdity - Good mechanics, lacks concrete progression
- Trap Quest - Insanely clunky but has some good stuff if you can tolerate it
- Ravager - Very high quality, but still too early in development
- Dryad Quest - Very early in dev but really high quality almost D&D-like mechanics

Honorable JRPG mentions:
- Under the Witch - 3d Tower of Trample if they condensed their entire budget to a single fight - short and great

Please suggest more. I'll update the list with suggestions if they fit and are good.
Last edited:
Jan 25, 2018
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Jan 25, 2018
Honestly last time I played xxxivilization it was so basic it barely even had any features, but I see that the dev has been adding more features. I'll try the latest version out and see if it's worth putting in the list.

Stationmaster is actually one of my favorite concepts, basically a dungeon keeper clone, but everything about it is so insanely janky that it makes it not worth playing IMO. The models look like the stuff of nightmares, the performance is terrible, the dev seems to have gotten massively sidetracked with ship combat and galaxy conquering to the point where the base building barely has anything to it... I'll be happy to add it if the dev ever fixes the models and actually focuses on developing the base building aspect of the game, because as it stands right now I would not recommend it to anyone.
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Oct 10, 2018
Based on your initial requirement list needing at least strategy or management I would have discounted many of the games that you list after that so I suppose what I imagine when I hear them is probably a bit different than what you mean so hopefully I won't be too off in my recommendations.
Degrees of Lewdity is great though the transformations are more of a easter egg than a focus.
Crossdressing in Camelot I haven't had the chance to play it despite really looking forward to doing that but based on what I know of it it should be pretty good and have some of what you want.
Tales of Androgyny has an interesting combat system, interesting stats, some corruption and somewhat strategical map movement.
Trap Quest tons of transformation and corruption stuff but it's being made in some horrible engine that might be too offputting.
Portals of Phereon no transformation or corruption IIRC but should otherwise be what you want though I didn't really take to it since the UI isn't the best and I'm not really into the turn based tactics battles.
Monster Girl Dreams probably not really what you're looking for but some of the gameplay features like the stat and trait system it has might make it interesting enough.
No Haven and Defiler Wings might be good too.

Night Games - Interesting mechanics, I helped with the mod lol
That's cool, hasn't it(edit: the mod) not been updated for ages? Do you know if there is any chance of it being updated to include everything the main game has added since then? I considered playing the mod but seeing as how it seemed to be based on some super old version I decided against it and just played the regular version.
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Jan 25, 2018
Based on your initial requirement list needing at least strategy or management I would have discounted many of the games that you list after that so I suppose what I imagine when I hear them is probably a bit different than what you mean so hopefully I won't be too off in my recommendations.
Degrees of Lewdity is great though the transformations are more of a easter egg than a focus.
Crossdressing in Camelot I haven't had the chance to play it despite really looking forward to doing that but based on what I know of it it should be pretty good and have some of what you want.
Tales of Androgyny has an interesting combat system, interesting stats, some corruption and somewhat strategical map movement.
Trap Quest tons of transformation and corruption stuff but it's being made in some horrible engine that might be too offputting.
Portals of Phereon no transformation or corruption IIRC but should otherwise be what you want though I didn't really take to it since the UI isn't the best and I'm not really into the turn based tactics battles.
Monster Girl Dreams probably not really what you're looking for but some of the gameplay features like the stat and trait system it has might make it interesting enough.
No Haven and Defiler Wings might be good too.

That's cool, hasn't it not been updated for ages? Do you know if there is any chance of it being updated to include everything the main game has added since then? I considered playing the mod but seeing as how it seemed to be based on some super old version I decided against it and just played the regular version.
Oh yeah that's a good list, I've played all but Phereon I believe. I'll give a more detailed case-by-case answer, because honestly I would not put something like trap quest on the top list just due to how massively clunky that game is.

As for night games, it stopped development for a very long time then it sort of resumed it and I'd say it's absolutely worth playing just for the rather fun and fairly unique combat mechanics that it has.


Oct 10, 2018
As for night games, it stopped development for a very long time then it sort of resumed it and I'd say it's absolutely worth playing just for the rather fun and fairly unique combat mechanics that it has.
Sorry I just realized I didn't clearly specify that I was only asking about the .
I really liked playing the non-modded version and was kind of surprised how similar it was to Marunomi(one of my favorite games that inspired me greatly) despite in some ways being totally different.
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Jan 25, 2018
Sorry I just realized I didn't clearly specify that I was only asking about the .
I really liked playing the non-modded version and was kind of surprised how similar it was to Marunomi(one of my favorite games that inspired me greatly) despite in some ways being totally different.
Oh, it was not my intention to particularly endorse the mod, the link goes to the original game and afaik the mod died when the author decided to pick the project back up.
Jan 25, 2018
I'm not adding the following:

No Haven - the game is way too clunky and generally not all that good
Defiler Wings - the really clunky and the translation is sort of not there

I'm currently reviewing the following:

Portals of Phereon
Monster Girl Dreams
Battle for Luvia

All other suggestions have been added to the list.
Jan 25, 2018
I've added two main categories to the original post to better reflect the focuses of each game in the list. I believe that people will find it more useful this way.