Sorry, but that is plain wrong, make your choices carefully? Sure. I'm not complaining about the fact that I can't save before every choice, although I would like it, because I can understand this design philosophy. But saying that not having the ability to quickly skip through the content I already saw is a design choice is horseshit. What if my save got deleted, do I have to go through the whole game again? Hell no, I will just abandon the game at that point, especially if the game is bigger. As it is right now, maybe I would suffer through this and just speed press space bar, but when it reaches a point where its longer it will be hell. Also saying that's a design choice removes the possibility of a second playthrough, because let's say you finish the game and it has content for 2-3 hours of reading, considering its one line of text at a time, if you speed space that, you are still looking for at least 30 minutes of pressing space. In addition sometimes the space pressing stops because you have to click somewhere which slows you down. If that is in fact a design choice, then it is an incredibly terrible one.