So everyone is on bord with this game story: accountability does not work if the executioner is feeling righteous.
Accountability is for the victims and the ones that loved them, never to the psicho killer
who has nothing remotely related to the victims - feelings, family, connections - nothing whatsoever.
This is why ”vigilante” cops acting like nazis and killing or maiming or badly hurting on suspects just *cause,
based on their totally immaginary ”arian brotherhood” - ”right of the fittest” - sence of justice,
before any justice actually gets done,
is frowned upon,
exactly how our gorgeous victoria secret wonderfully beautiful cop wonder babe feels about MC.
Vengeance is not justice, precisely since the people you are supposed to avenge are dead
and not anyone you actually knew. This is even worse if the victims are total strangers who get sent to hell
for your ”righteus actions” - way to go above and beyond revictimizing the already doomed opressed girls.