1) Download Locale Emulator. (the name of the emulator is 'Locale Emulator' - shocking, I know!)
2) Install Locale Emulator following the instructions. (You can do it! Ganbatte!)
3) Use Locale Emulator to run the game that needs a JP (fake) locale - it has -again, really easy- instructions on how to do that.
4) Profit.
uhmmm i know i did the right instructions
locale emulator
install locale emulator
after installation
i open LEProc "a small window pop out that says
Locale Emulator Version
Welcome to Locale Emulator command line tool.
Usage: LEProc.exe
-run path [args]
-runas guid path [args]
-manage path
path Full path of the target application.
guid Guid of the target profile (in LEConfig.xml).
args Additional arguments will be passed to the application.
path Run an application with
(i) its own profile (if any) or
(ii) first global profile (if any) or
(iii) default ja-JP profile.
-run Run an application with it's own profile.
-runas Run an application with a global profile of specific Guid.
-manage Modify the profile of one application.
-global Open Global Profile Manager.
You can press CTRL+C to copy this message to your clipboard.
Locale Emulator Version
Error Number: 0
If you have any antivirus software running, please turn it off and try again.
If this window still shows, try go to Safe Mode and drag the application executable onto LEProc.exe.
If you have tried all above but none of them works, feel free to submit an issue at
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You can press CTRL+C to copy this message to your clipboard.