Aug 4, 2020
Hello all,

maybe someone can help me out here:

i just unlocked the secret room in the library.
Claire did some reading for me, but in the evening, when i talk to her and say "tuck me in" nothing happend.

Aiden got the "good spots" and rose from me. Now he says "i will not be in class" but he was in class and i cannot find him outside anyway

Taylor got the stickers and i finished his quest, since then it says "i will think about something to make it up to you"

Belle got the doll, and so on. I am at the point, where she says "i wanna buy a crib" everytime i finish i cannot move and have to press esc to continue and the dialog will remain the same

Storywise i am th the point to explore "mountain street" so "talk with the people in the houses"

thanks for your help all.

i restarted the game 5 times, emptied Appdata and reinstalled it - "errors" still occur (if that are error)
no errors... you did all that you can do... you didn't mention the wedgie club, but i think that you completed also that (?).. so now you only can wait for updates :((


New Member
Nov 30, 2021
Bonjour à tous,

peut-être que quelqu'un peut m'aider ici :

Je viens de déverrouiller la pièce secrète de la bibliothèque.
Claire a fait de la lecture pour moi, mais le soir, quand je lui parle et que je lui dis « rentre-moi », rien ne se passe.

Aiden a obtenu les "bons spots" et s'est levé de moi. Maintenant, il dit "je ne serai pas en classe" mais il était en classe et je ne peux pas le trouver dehors de toute façon

Taylor a obtenu les autocollants et j'ai terminé sa quête, depuis lors, il est écrit "je vais réfléchir à quelque chose pour me rattraper"

Belle à eu la poupée, et ainsi de suite. J'en suis au point où elle dit "je veux acheter un berceau" à chaque fois que je finis, je ne peux pas bouger et je dois appuyer sur esc pour continuer et la boîte de dialogue reste la même

En ce qui concerne l'histoire, je suis le point d'explorer "la rue de la montagne" alors "parlez avec les gens dans les maisons"

Merci à tous pour votre aide.

Éditeur :
j'ai redémarré le jeu 5 fois, vidé Appdata et l'ai réinstallé - des "erreurs" se produisent toujours (si c'est une erreur)

Comment as-tu fait la demande avec Belle, il ne me propose pas quand je lui parle...
Et aucune maison me donne une peluche :/
Aug 4, 2020
Belle ti fa prima cambiare le lenzuola, poi ci fai un po'amicizia, poi ti chiede un vestito per la sua bambola. devi andare all'università e vicino il centro informazioni c'è una macchina che ti fa riciclare i tessuti e qualunque vestito/lenzuolo ci infili dentro ti dà un tessuto che tu lo porti a belle e ti fa andare avanti con la sua side quest. a quel punto se ci riparli il giorno dopo ti dice che ha perso la bambola e tu per ritrovarla devi andare in una delle case che vanno verso juniper town.
se hai già fatto tutto ciò e c'è comunque qualche problema o rinizi il gioco o se ti annoia aspetta il prossimo aggiornamento, dove sarai costretto a riniziare da capo.
quando rinizi il gioco cancella i file nella cartella
C:\Users\your user name\AppData\LocalLow\GaucheCheeks\LittleingtonUniversity


Active Member
Feb 12, 2019
Anyone's else having problem with the inventory system or is my save just fucked? Can't change my clothes.


New Member
Dec 5, 2021
does anybody know what the daycare is? not seeing anything new in the library one or at the baby store in town??


New Member
Feb 13, 2021
does anybody know what the daycare is? not seeing anything new in the library one or at the baby store in town??
it's far from the campus, the daycare is located in the beach area
you can trigger a quest by going into the workshop there, the daycare will be the building that once cannot be entered at the right edge which has a playground in front


Jun 28, 2018
According to the changelog on the main menu screen there are some new combat skills. Has anyone else found them yet?


New Member
Feb 13, 2021
Ah. I hadn't gotten that far yet. I had decided to replay from the start and see if they added anything new dialogue wise.
I have no idea how far you need to play to get there, but the path should be open once you went into the cave
but also interested if anything is added if you can find anything:LOL:
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