Some issues with this update; 1st is saves not working, found out it's due to changes. Would appreciate if someone marked this on the OP so others are aware of it. 2nd is the autosaves does not correspond with the content for that save, as it skips ahead 1-3 choices from the choice shown or a good chunk of content almost as if at random, so new game recommended yet again.
Also a lot of end user bug fixes needed with UnRen and image fixing for the missing images etc. as from previous experiences with this, it's usually wrong image format being called for, or in some cases missing images entirely or wrong image number, for example IamDaNoobWithLeCodeAndQC23.jpg instead of IamDaNoobWithLeCodeAndQC13.jpg or IamDaNoobWithLeCodeAndQC23.png/webp etc. . Incase of this time w6_d1mhn00 is entirely nonexistent. Maybe it was meant to call for w6_d1mh00? IDK cause for me that does not make sense since it's a scene involvoing
mr. and mrs. Johnson or perhaps we're not supposed to know who
mr. Johnson is besides the name and relation to the
Johnson household. But then again there's also w6_d1mhn01, w6_d1mhn02, w6_d1mhn03 and so on, and if my reading is correct all of the scenes are supposed to be related to the
Johnson bedroom, where the mr. is saying no to sex, mrs. is wanting it, and then thinking of MC so the images are missing entirely. Then again,
I am using the compressed version. So if anyone has the same experience on the non-compressed version, please let us know. Then we know if we can chuck it up to QC(
or the severe lack of) or not