NGL the game has stunning art, very beautiful, great atmosphere. The only 2 complaints I'd say I have are the pig and the exploration. The pig is great for tension at first, but with how often he appears and how easy it is to escape it becomes more of an annoyance or something to have "fun" with (he deals as well with object permanence as the pain from metal gear solid). The exploration however made me a bit frustrated. I could get how you'd pass over an object just to need it later, but I was still able to get several objects that did nothing for most endings, so it was a little annoying to find out I suddenly had to go all the way back to a place not because I found something that could be used in there, but simply because the game didn't let me notice everything I could pick in the room just because. That fact however did not mean I could afford not to worry about exploring every nook and cranny at the first chance over the promise of potentially have to return later, since not doing so originally made it impossible for me to get certain items important to the story.
Other than that problem I had (because honestly I don't see the pig matter as any more than a little anticlimatic in the mid-game), 10/10 game, definitely recommend it if you're into horror games, exploration and good atmosphere.