Single goon drives are too risky. I need to replicate them properly in case F95 and Sukebei just go poof, so a goon machine is needed.
And I'm sure someone here has an entire goon storage array in a datacenter.
Might update the cheat table later. Changing a single variable is really easy, but I'm not too sure how to handle offset changes.
I know there are scripts that do that, but I have no idea how they work.
Edit: For reference (including my own), TheDarkBladeII's CT (based on truemechasonic's CT) for 1.4.3 tl φ and Kagura is
Edit 2: Okay, got it.
If you have Cheat Engine and know how to use it:
- PROVIDED you have RJ338582 (ILF 1.4.5) as well as RJ01165413 (the DLC) from this thread and can successfully run it,
- PROVIDED you are already using TheDarkBladeII's CT for the fan translation (and not Kagura's), linked above,
- PROVIDED you did not rename the unzipped game executable's name,
- PROVIDED you are not using any translation or mod,
The reference address is now:
instead of:
"Imouto Fantasy.exe"+00DAD67C
You can hit Ctrl+Alt+Enter on a cheat to replace the pointer reference address for a single cheat, or just find-and-replace the .ct file itself (which is just XML).
WILL NOT WORK for onii-chan's titles (which were relative to 00DAFE1C, not 00DAD67C, and I have no idea how to get the title values at this point), but should work for all other cheats from the CT.