Hi guys,
I wanted to leave this message because I see that there are many questions.
What differences are there between the versions?
The Official translation version is made by Kagura and the Fan version by Shade.
Which version is better?
This depends on your taste, the only thing that changes (At the moment) from one version to another is the translation and some minor changes to the interfaces.
Can mods be installed in the Kagura version?
Yes, but you must unzip the .wolf files.
Keep in mind that the FFFOX MOD and the Godly Brother Mod were made with the Shade translation, so they will change a large part of Kagura's translation.
Does the new version of Kagura have the DLC?
No, the dlc is still in development, it will come out first in the Japanese version, which is what Shade translates.
Why doesn't the color mod have the H scenes colored?
Because "SOMEONE"

wants those scenes to be as perfect as possible and gets a little frustrated every time he paints something there and finds errors, so he paints content from other folders to clear his head.
I will continue to give progress on that content in the color mod thread, today I plan to share some images that I worked on this week. If you want to see them, you can keep an eye on the other thread.
I hope this message helps clarify doubts.