Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game. Truly a masterpiece.

    I should admit, I love sandbox games, though I totally get why a lot of people don't - they can be tedious and grindy, adding little beyond arbitrarily inflating play time. This, however, is a perfect example of how to do it right. There's a great sense of freedom and discovery, and I had fun exploring efficient routes, building my own priorities, and uncovering the mysteries in the game.

    To that point, I loved the clue system. Obviously a labor of love there, and it was worth it. Really inspired. The spells were interesting too, though the clues definitely stole the show. I hope to see more games with innovative mechanics like this. I'd honestly be thrilled to see the developer just do this exact game again with a new settings, characters, etc. It's that good.

    The girls all had a ton of character and depth, with compelling relationships and sensible progression. They're also all absolute smoke shows. I know not every girl is going to be your perfect type, and a couple of them missed the mark for me, but even then, they were still very appealing and I genuinely enjoyed the ride with each.

    I have a few nitpicks, but only because this developer could easily be the best - no exaggeration.

    - Humor in these games can be a big risk, and I'm usually pretty dubious about it. Tends to fall flat a lot. However, I think this game nailed it most of the time. Belle's dialogue was occasionally a little contrived, especially when first meeting her, but it wasn't off-putting. The sassy, wise-cracking thing was lighthearted and fun, but don't go full cartoon. Have it add value and not just be a gimmick.

    - I would have loved to see a little more content in the epilogue with regards to your final love interest. I don't think it fell short, but I can't get enough of this game and these characters, so there could have been more depth and impact there.

    - Again, the girls are all absolute babes. Some of my favorites from any game. And I hugely appreciate the more realistic, proportioned appearance, but a tad more variety would have been great. What can I say, I likes 'em curvy.

    - A couple of the relationships felt a little shoehorned and inorganic. Nell's, specifically. It seemed disjointed, I'm just not sure how or why it started in the first place, much less grew to be something so significant for her. Honestly, that's probably the only one I have issue with, all the others were excellent. Samarra, for example - even if she wasn't my favorite, I still respected her character and could see the genuine bonds growing there.

    - Being able to do more with magic, outside the one specific situation each spell was created for. Knock felt like a missed opportunity, shrink too.

    Not to sound unappreciative. There's already a ton of content in this game, and I can't imagine how much work went in to it, so I don't want to just blithely be like "add more stuff lol" but that would have made the difference between like a 9/10 and a 10/10 here.

    So stoked to see new projects from this developer, seriously can't wait to see more absolute gems from them.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with awesome writing and an interesting story! I can recommend playing it through on timed mode first and then going for the unlimited mode if you don't get the ending you want.

    - I loved the clue mechanic.
    - The story is good and pairs great with the clue mechanic. It made me want to figure out all of the secrets.
    - As such, this is one of the very few games I've completed.
    - Decent amount of variety with sex scenes and kinks. It was fun to have different species involved too without things getting too crazy.

    - Some of the sex scenes felt a little bit flat due to the animations. The story was more compelling than the sex scenes, which is unusual for me with this type of genre.
    - There wasn't quite as much variation in body types as I had hoped with it being a fantasy game. Most women were average height with slim bodies and medium-sized boobs. A little bit more variation here would have been fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with engaging gameplay mechanics. It's like part medieval rpg and part magical noir/detective story. With lots of sex and a variety of kinks. Multiple endings too. I didn't try the new game + mode, but it should help those who played with the timer on and didn't finish everything.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! One of the best games i've ever played.

    tdlr: highly recommend if you like either: proportional girls, great story, incest and fucking royalty, medieval time, magic, riddles here and there.

    - Story is so good! interesting women and everything connects beautifully in the end. the climax was amazing, i couldnt stop playing. it takes place in medieval times and not a lot of games are doing it well.
    - the girls. i like them to be realistic so thanks for not having them huge asses and tits. they are sexy and really really beautiful, and diverse (you can see pretty well in the images). you can decide bush/no bush for most of them. the faces are really really well made, especially the princess, the sister, the fey queen and the blonde one.
    - the game play. well explained throughout the game. the acheivments add to the feelings of progression.
    - sex stuff. the animations/videos of the act for most of the time is well done. some acts can be replayed again and again.
    - if you dont like molesting stuff- you can skip it without hurting your game play which is nice.
    - if you dont like incest you kinda can avoid it too, but dont be a weirdo.
    - loved the idea of all the "time" things there.
    - humor.

    Cons: first i will say every con is really not that big of a deal, just me being picky:
    - some sex acts are only 1 position where you cant even see the women's face or whole body all together, and thats too bad cause they are so sexy and beautiful.
    - i liked it when the "toggle camera" was in the corner and not as an option in the middle of the screen, but sometimes it was that and sometimes the other.
    - could be a tough game sometimes, when the riddles and stuff get really hard, but if you dont want to handle it, there is a very good walkthrough.

    Dev, thank you so much for all your efforts, lots of love, good health and success and hope to hear from you in the future.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Kinks: 7/10
    Overall: 7/10

    The princess is dead, long live the princess.

    Been a long time coming, but it's done. Had some fun with this one, the story is kinda interesting, but what kept me around was the variety of ways you can pork the girls while they sleep. The pixy is right, you are a sleep creep. And I love it.

    However the only ending for me is the harem ending, which is technically the bad one? I mean, if you get the "good" ending you only get to pick one chick and the rest are forsaken. Screw that. I took the power for myself, and made myself a harem of the women I've been filling with cream filling the entire game. Well, besides the pixy, who for all her horny nature ditches you because you made a naughty choice that is somehow worse than taking virginities while girls sleep. Whatever.

    Sadly unless the story truly grips you, you'll be clicking through a lot of it, and I do mean a lot because this is a book before it is a sex game. Which I am leaning away from more and more, probably because I don't have time to muck about when I just want to get my jerk on.

    Overall the best girl is the library girl, had the most fun with her the whole game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down one of the finest adult games I've played.

    The biggest standouts for me were the story and the magic which provides phenomenal context for the sex scenes. The plot is intricate enough to keep you hooked till the very end. And the endgame, every variation of it, was satisfying conclusion.

    The writing is certainly top-notch, with clearly defined characters. Bella is obviously the clear oscar winner, but every character feels distinct and yet, sufficiently familiar.

    The soundtrack only adds to the mystery and the depravity while the writing keeps it lighthearted. Mind you, there were some moments that moved me and were very well scripted.

    I am only sorry I won't be able to play this game for the first time again. But I am now a fan of Belle and will be following their devs closely.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favourite game on the whole site. Belle really knows her stuff, from the animations in the game to the beauty of the models, everything is top notch. The replayability of the game is very high, I plan to play it a few more times. The story impressed me a lot, I wish the character stories were longer. Game mechanics, rpg elements were nice. I liked the spells very much, I wish Belle had added some more spells. The number of girls was satisfactory, one or two more bonus characters could have been added. I hope we will see a sequel or a completely new game soon. Thank you Belle for bringing us such a beautiful game.

    Long Live the Belle.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with really great characters! And a coherent believable storyline. No, it's not Tolkien but for what it is this is almost AAA levels of variability and choice/consequence. An incredible feat and worth every bit of praise.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have played. One of the few I have finished.
    It actually feels like a game rather than a story told, like most visual novels; which makes it different and kind of unique. The characters are great and you actually have to put effort to advance into the different relationships.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A game with a lot of potential for the future. A solid base game with a decent story and a lot to give. The issue with the game is improvements that could be done to improve the gameplay. An easy one would be making it so clues are used up instead of clogging the inventory. Another would be to make the game's choices to the story a bit more obvious to happen instead of accidentally stumbling onto something
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Long Live the Princess [v1.0.0] [Completed]


    PROS :
    - High replayability with great amount of content
    - Great storyline with multiple ending
    - Pretty good and never seen before (atleast in an adult game) game mechanics
    - Great renders and animations
    - (Minor Speculation) The addition of in-game achievement status gives a sense of real progression and makes the player to find out more about it.
    - Different modes actually helps a lot to experience the game in personal style.

    - Sometimes forces players to actually read what's really going on in order to chose the correct option.
    - Sometimes can feel stuck and have to look up walkthroughs.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool game. Overall I recommand everyone to check it out.

    - Content complete.
    - Intriguing story with good choices and branching.
    - Nice game mechanics, clue system similar to Ace Attorney or Danganronpa.
    - Pretty models, decent renders.

    - Sex scenes are pretty lacking. In fact I'd avoid this game if you are just in the mood for a fap.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I first played this when it was in its very early stages, and followed updates until mid 2020, at which point I decided to wait for the end before coming back to it as it seemed clear that many character paths would develop further. I was delighted to find it with a "completed" tag two weeks ago, when reviewing my games list.

    It was worth the wait, honestly, it was really good. I enjoyed myself tremendously. The story is great. The girls are interesting. The paths are mostly much more compelling than just choosing to be with a LI or choosing to be a good or bad guy. There are many possibilities, and playing with the time limit while thinking thoroughly what you must do in that time frame gives the whole experience a delightful sense of urgency. All of this while not depriving the player of anything, honestly any logical goal is easily achievable if one invests himself in the story.

    So, I really had a great time, and of course great laugh outbursts thanks to Belle the Pixie. And while some aspects could be perfected, I think that as far as free roaming (and its inherent defaults) goes, LLTP could hardly be bested.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good and damn funny game.

    Game is just too good that wouldn't want to stop playing it since there are always things to do and clock is ticking (if plays with time limit), graphics and animations are good and sexscenes are well made, both main character and others have many funny lines and rest of text is well written too.

    Game has replay value since some things are locked behind new game+ and if wants to hunt achievements game has.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This games gives you the illusion of choices and lets you do them, but unless you brainwash every girl u meet, seduce and fuck them to the point they will ask for the relationship you can't win the game. It will be always bad end where everyone dies. Yes, you even need to brainwash your sister into loving incest or everyone will die.

    In the beginning the game says about 50 days deadline and even lets you remove it. What it doesn't say is about 24 day deadline. You will have 7 days to safe 1 girl from the prison, if you let her stay in prison even for 1 day before saving her you won't be able to fuck her. And not fucking her again leads to bad end where everyone dies.

    Overall the story is bad, it feels like some wild fantasy of some teenager overflowing with hormones and ready to fuck absolutely everything that moves. Yes, you need to fuck crone too. Yes, it will be bad end if u won't fuck her.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent slow-burn game with a variety of models and an intriguing story. I highly recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a legitimate game instead of just a quick fap.

    I must confess that I did not finish the game myself because I have a very low tolerance for Fantasy as a genre, but I enjoyed this game far more, and for far longer, than pretty much any other Sword & Sorcery type game on this site.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Content: Roughly 7 - 10 hours of gameplay, depending if you want to get everything or not.

    Writing: Pretty good. A lot of comedy.

    Characters: Hot. Though tbh Belle looks a little creepy sometimes, as intended, I'm sure(?). Some characters' hair also looks a little unnatural, like Primrose's L'Oréal sponsorship or MC's sister looks like two hairstyles were pieced together.

    Animation: OK. Some are better than others, but they're a little mechanical for the most parts but not terrible.

    Most importantly you can impregnate most characters in the game which is amazing.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Guess I expected something more?

    Artwork is meh. Renders look old and dated which is no surprise since the game has aged since 2017. Animation is just the usual bare necessity 1 second loop™.

    Gameplay consists of acting like an independent attorney, collecting gossip and calling people out on their bullshit. It was the first time I saw this mechanic in a game and it was pretty cool until I took a few days break and forgot whatever drama was going on. A guide would've made this game more enjoyable but the dev seems very reticent about walkthroughs for some reason. Maybe he wants players to use this thread for advice to generate traffic.

    Story is ok, there were some twists and predictable reveals here and there, but it wasn't that engaging and neither were the characters. MC was especially annoying, as if a highschool kid was teleported in that world. Also, there was too much useless dialog with Belle and him. I know it was supposed to be comedic but it was just lame, as if the dev was using that pixie to add his "witty" input.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    very fun game with multiple endings and you can chose your path that you want to pursue, like if you want to go for a harem route or doing a no lover run which made it fun to chose which route i wanted to go and follow
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game very well. Solid 5/5 stars for me.

    Characters 5/5 star : I like the characters specially Belle best wingman/wingpixie, best friend with benefits and her dialogue and rebuttals were the one always keep me laugh and entertain.

    Graphics 5/5 star : Descent enough deserving a solid 5

    Sex 5/5 star : Animation on sex is good enough. Even though I'm not that critical on sex about rating because for me as long as narrative is good it is good enough for me.

    Models 5/5 star: Female models looks good and beautiful perfect enough for me.

    Story 5/5 star: I like the story and also it was fun finding clues and solving mystery for each characters.