This is on version 1.0.1.
"Long Live the Princess" is a very...average game. It has a moderately high level of production quality to it, which lends itself well to appearances, but the details and mechanics are lacking.
Let me start by saying this is a porn game second, and a narrative first.
The problem there is that the narrative is not particularly compelling, and the eyes you experience it through - those being the protagonist's - appear to have a certain trouble acting as a human being.
I'll start with that latter point first. The protagonist is...perpetually horny - despite the game not being all that sex heavy - and perhaps it's due to that lack of bloodflow, but stupid to boot. That's a big problem, because this is presented primarily as a mystery game - a mystery game where the player will always piece conclusions together far quicker than the protagonist, making that element more frustrating than engaging.
So what about the rest of the narrative? I want you to look at that sixth image preview on the front page, the one that says "I believe the Fairy Queen needs to expand her sexual horizons. How about teaching her the art of lesbian sex?", because that is very indicative of the quality of the game's dialogue. It's bad. And with it is delivered a purposefully convoluted plot that aims to make very little sense. The player is supposed to be confused, it's a "mystery element"...but it doesn't deliver, because the only one confused is the protagonist. The player is fully capable of dismissing many of the details that don't matter and gaining a relatively full understanding of the plot.
It's worth noting too that the story is delivered through a faux sandbox used for investigations, but the story and character interactions themselves are almost entirely linear - I say "almost", because there are a handful of story-impacting decisions to be made...if you can call them that. Generally speaking, these choices given to the player are binarily "bad end" or "good end", but not presented as such. Effectively, you make a choice, and if that was a choice the game didn't like, you're locked into a bad ending - a bad ending which you will have to play the rest of the game to get, only to realize you're in for a restart.
So what about the actual porn, then? "Limited" is the best way to put it. There are a variety of girls in the game - none of which you actually interact with to a substantial degree outside the developer's self-insert - but their scenes are all fairly low in number and none particularly interesting. In fact, this game has a pretty bad habit of the scenes being so utterly vanilla that you can't see any details. One thing I do appreciate is that the game goes to lengths to keep the protagonist's face hidden, something I wish more games would do - I'm not here for the dude and I'd rather not have my mental image of my character shattered by what is typically a low-detail model with a startlingly bad haircut.
By and large your interactions with the cast of women in the game revolve around finding their deep dark secrets and blackmailing negotiating with them, which gives you control over them. It's effectively and a bit nonsensically "mind control". They are to a large extent plot devices with sex scenes, and while I have been known to be guilty of agalmatophilia from time to time, it does not make them effective at supporting a detailed narrative.
I will throw out there that despite how I've described the content of the scenes as "vanilla", which I stand by, the game does include some mandatory nightcreeping as well as mostly optional NTR elements. It's a weird combination that manages to capture neither the standard nor the perverse.
To be completely blunt, "Long Live the Princess" was to me a disappointing experience barely carried by its production value. I'm not going to strictly say it's "not worth playing", the characters are attractive...but as someone who places a large emphasis on cohesion and interaction, I didn't feel it was worth my time.