
Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
Hopefully there's an IC patch at some point, for future playthroughs.

However it seems the easiest way to overcome this kinda thing, is to write it in such a way, that when you start a game, it asks you what the characters are to each other, and write the story for them in a way that makes sense, both with and without "certain relations". Default for example, would be friend, roomate or landlady unless otherwise named differently.

An example of this is 'Lewd Island' for example, amongst others. No patch needed, and no breaking pratreon rules, since they can't control what ppl would name them. It just requires a bit of thought on how to write the conversations taking place.

The ArcKnight

Nylon enthusiast, Harem enjoyer.
May 19, 2018
Is there any cheats? I haven't played the game in a few months and I know new game plus isnt a thing yet.


Aug 4, 2019
Wow...just because you dont understand something its okay to ban it for all...you are either a politician or you work for patreon...at least i hope so for you, otherweise you want get far in your life...except while blowing the bomb you carried around for your ideal world ^^

But hey, i have a new excuse to never use patreon...if they dont want incest content, they also dont want my money...or from my big sis ^^
never said it should be banned. just said that im fine with it being cut out. every game would be better without it in my opinion. but you are more than welcome to continue putting words in my mouth if you feel like.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
In this case, being Dickon's sister, and especially their parentage, made those "dark secrets" rather strong. I'm reminded of the basic premise of School, Love, & Friends (the Patreon-safe version of School, Love, & Cousins), suddenly had the MC sharing a bed with his "childhood friend," and once they started a relationship, they had to keep it secret because people would judge "childhood friends," being involved with each other. Those made more sense when they were cousins, but 18-year-old childhood friends, not so much. Sometimes the conversion to Pateron-safe can strain a game to the breaking point.

As far as why the prevalence of incest stories? Other than the basic taboo aspect, it might come from the current porn industry. I see these "step-sibling/step-cousin/step-parent" videos as a lazy shortcut. It allows them to film in one house without having to come up with a reason why these characters are living together.
I think another prevalence of incest stories is due to that it adds another layer to the intimacy with the relations. At least in my opinion it does. But then again I don't really have a problem with incest in real life any way. It has occurred throughout history and they are individuals with their own minds and values. I have no right to judge or force my opinions on them just as they don't have to force their values or opinions on others. If they love each other and are alright with it I say it is their lives leave them be.


Aug 4, 2019
Great, a judgemental tryhard.

I don't understand people who like ridiculously large breasts. Or GILFs. Or Scat. Because, you know, those are fetishes I don't share. But I don't go around telling people that. Because I have no business telling people their fetishes are "wrong". And neither do you.

Last but not least: Most people with an incest fetish don't want to fuck their relatives. They're mostly into taboos, of which there are almost none left in 2020.
never said your fetish is wrong. I said I don't understand it. and that I personally am fine with it not being in the game. as encouragement to the creator that there are people who are still happy with the game. even more happy in fact. but I guess I am just a tryhard. /sad


Active Member
Oct 21, 2017
never said your fetish is wrong. I said I don't understand it. and that I personally am fine with it not being in the game. as encouragement to the creator that there are people who are still happy with the game. even more happy in fact. but I guess I am just a tryhard. /sad
I don't mean to intrude, but it'd probably be best to just say "You enjoy yours, I'll enjoy mine".

You're replying to a thread about a VN where one of the most loved characters had been force-changed out of the author's hands by external [financial] forces. This character was blood-related. In the author's imagination, not real-life.

Imagine the same situation with a fetish you *do* care about. Would you like someone to keep popping up saying "Yeah, but look at me; *I* don't care about it!".

What does that add to the story? [Some] people (including me) *do* care. So let us care. In a thread about it.


Aug 4, 2019
I don't mean to intrude, but it'd probably be best to just say "You enjoy yours, I'll enjoy mine".

You're replying to a thread about a VN where one of the most loved characters had been force-changed out of the author's hands by external [financial] forces. This character was blood-related. In the author's imagination, not real-life.

Imagine the same situation with a fetish you *do* care about. Would you like someone to keep popping up saying "Yeah, but look at me, *I* don't care about it!".

What does that add to the story? [Some] people (including me) *do* care. So let us care. In a thread about it.
so your right to care supercedes my right to tell the developer that I am happy with the direction of the change? people crap all over fetishes I enjoy all the time, including one of the guys who tried to tell me I shouldn't tell people what to like. last I checked this thread was not specifically about the changes made. it was about the game itself. I commented on the game and how I enjoy the change. I never said that it has to be taken out. I never said that anyone has to like it. I said I like the change. am i not allowed to like something you dont like? I would rather show my support to the developer and encourage the game to continue than sit by silently because someone might be offended by my preference. if it was a thread specifically dedicated to how much some people hate the removal of incest from the game, I would not be here commenting.
and at this point, I cant believe how many responses my message to the developer to keep up the good work have generated. with a total of one response I would consider positive. so how about we both take your advice?

one last time, before I have to stop watching this thread, keep up the good work, dev.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2017
so your right to care supercedes my right to tell the developer that I am happy with the direction of the change? people crap all over fetishes I enjoy all the time, including one of the guys who tried to tell me I shouldn't tell people what to like. last I checked this thread was not specifically about the changes made. it was about the game itself. I commented on the game and how I enjoy the change. I never said that it has to be taken out. I never said that anyone has to like it. I said I like the change. am i not allowed to like something you dont like? I would rather show my support to the developer and encourage the game to continue than sit by silently because someone might be offended by my preference. if it was a thread specifically dedicated to how much some people hate the removal of incest from the game, I would not be here commenting.
and at this point, I cant believe how many responses my message to the developer to keep up the good work have generated. with a total of one response I would consider positive. so how about we both take your advice?

one last time, before I have to stop watching this thread, keep up the good work, dev.
If the developer *wanted* it to be the 'new' way, they'd have written it this way originally. They seem to know what they're doing. They may be happy with the the changes, but that's in relation to how badly it could've gone, not because they wanted to make the changes. In fact they may have hinted to trying to keep the original version in some way, somewhere else. Though I may have badly misunderstood that, in which case it's on me.

The problem wasn't you expressing your views and moving on, it was expressing it over and over and over to the point I joined in. We all know your opinion, honestly, it's repeated probably 5 - 10 times over the last page or two. You got your point across, I promise you.

We all wish the developer luck. You're not unique in that.


Aug 4, 2019
If the developer *wanted* it to be the 'new' way, they'd have written it this way originally. They seem to know what they're doing. They may be happy with the the changes, but that's in relation to how badly it could've gone, not because they wanted to make the changes. In fact they may have hinted to trying to keep the original version in some way, somewhere else. Though I may have badly misunderstood that, in which case it's on me.

The problem wasn't you expressing your views and moving on, it was expressing it over and over and over to the point I joined in. We all know your opinion, honestly, it's repeated probably 5 - 10 times over the last page or two. You got your point across, I promise you.

We all wish the developer luck. You're not unique in that.
every post was replying to someone who assumed that I was an advocate of banning incest or shaming someone for what they enjoyed. and me explaining that I was not, I was just happier to have the game in its current state from my point of view. other than the first of course. since you would rather try to paint me as some kind of anti incest monster, and I would rather not continue this pointless conversation, how about we just end this now, huh? I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. and bid you good day, sir.


Aug 4, 2019
Maybe if you had stuck to the game itself and not on the people around it, you wouldn't have gotten the responses you did.
fair point. not that I targeted anyone specifically, or even insinuated that it was wrong, just that I don't understand its prevalence. to each their own, unless you disagree with the masses, then all of a sudden you are a monster..... good day, sir.


Nov 9, 2018
hasn't the princess arrive yet? MC's uncle told her grace will arrive in 30 days back in sept. 2017
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Jul 17, 2020
Is the perverse 6 (when you can do stuff while they are sleeping) out yet or do we still have to wait for that? Also in the game, when you sneak in on Nell and the other one, why can't you do anything with them when they are sleeping other then cupping breasts?

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Any medieval tale from any continent will have the bang whoever you bag trope.
Nothing to stop the power wielders from going hooky in their own family.
Just rewatch Alexander with collin farrel+angelina jolie, then go back to gladiator ...
Family debaucherie did not stop those movies from getting made.
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