Let's be clear, he only cut off one path so far.
The Mother/Daughter Happy one.
The Mother/Daughter one has a continuation if you off JD. Now, you drive out of town, but that doesn't mean it's the end for Tracy. She's made it clear she'll be waiting happily for you to call or visit. Same with Brooke. But the Dev also stated very clearly at the end of the Happy ending that the other paths in the game will be a lot darker and edgier, so the Happy Family version of your character wouldn't really fit in with the rest of the game.
To me, what seems to be the biggest cop out in this game is the split paths.
If you're with Jessy, no matter what you will go out of town.
I haven't played the Tracy only path, but I assume you will stay in town and Jessy will hit the road by herself. I get that feeling because he made a point of showing two new characters in this update you won't interact with on either of the M/D paths.
So it seems to go that you'll have one path if you're with only Tracy, one path if you're with both but you kill the scumbag, or one path if you're only with Jessy.