Pinup LOP Gold Calendar [2019-10-04] [LOP GOLD]


Sep 29, 2017
lots of problems with this release,doesn't look good for LOP if it continues this way
I know absolutely fuck-all about game development. But could it be that their anti-piracy measures are to blame for all the technical problems they've been having? They seemed to start around the time they ramped up their security.

Technical problems aside, their games have become really bland... personally, I blame lackluster writing for the decline. I have zero excitement for their announced releases except the LwS expansion... and I have a bad feeling that Daman is in charge of writing it... which means it'll be a no-go for me.


Aug 9, 2016
Nah, their fanbase is going to continue loyal despite all the technical problems. It is only two days. I think it's very unlikely that the issues will continue on the third day. It actually is pretty common since their early days with LwB and Hank Moody. They always have some technical issues on the day they launch a game. There is nothing new with Serbian Casino.

I was a loyal player until their last games. I'm not a fan of Daman's writing and he is their only writer for the last games. Another game written by Daman is a big no for me.

With that said, I'm very disappointed with their future. I'm not a fan of Eleanor and I only enjoyed the second LwT (I hated the first). They seem to be focused on those two games on the near future and also LwS that I'm not a fan either. I guess won't spend money with them this year.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
i'll keep my subscription,seems like majority don't have positive opionon about them but i still respect their efforts and work they are putting into their games,especially because they are on their own. But i must say that leonizer needs to do something,their games can not compete with patreon based games for some time now,including Serbian casino. They made their name with dating sims,but i think it's time to either move from that format to visual novels or to seriously shake things up...
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Sep 29, 2017
i'll keep my subscription,seems like majority don't have positive opionon about them but i still respect their efforts and work they are putting into their games,especially because they are on their own. But i must say that leonizer needs to do something,their games can not compete with patreon based games for some time now,including Serbian casino. They made their name with dating sims,but i think it's time to either move from that format to visual novels or to seriously shake things up...
The main reason I am turned off by their games is the writing... that includes storylines, themes, plot, characters and dialogue. Their last good game for me was LwS. I've never had a problem with their gameplay format as they try to put some variation into it. I know they mainly do stat-building dating sims, which I am a fan of if they are well-balanced (like LwT1 and LwS), but loathe when made tedious and overly complicated (like Eleanor 2, Dignity One, Johnny Bullet, CoL).

They have some games that break the format, like LwT2 and CVR... both games that I dislike, but not because of the gameplay. I am in favour of variety and don't mind that they switch up their format ever so often to try something new or different. But if LOP was to do strictly visual novels, I'd probably quit them forever. I like playing games and visual novels are usually boring to me (no gameplay and few choices, often with near-insignificant repercussions save a few "big" choices)... if done right they can be great. Good Girl Gone Bad is a great example of a VN done to perfection. Despite having a female MC (I don't really enjoy playing as a woman) it's my favorite VN. But I don't think LOP have the writing skills to pull off something like that.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
The main reason I am turned off by their games is the writing... that includes storylines, themes, plot, characters and dialogue. Their last good game for me was LwS. I've never had a problem with their gameplay format as they try to put some variation into it. I know they mainly do stat-building dating sims, which I am a fan of if they are well-balanced (like LwT1 and LwS), but loathe when made tedious and overly complicated (like Eleanor 2, Dignity One, Johnny Bullet, CoL).

They have some games that break the format, like LwT2 and CVR... both games that I dislike, but not because of the gameplay. I am in favour of variety and don't mind that they switch up their format ever so often to try something new or different. But if LOP was to do strictly visual novels, I'd probably quit them forever. I like playing games and visual novels are usually boring to me (no gameplay and few choices, often with near-insignificant repercussions save a few "big" choices)... if done right they can be great. Good Girl Gone Bad is a great example of a VN done to perfection. Despite having a female MC (I don't really enjoy playing as a woman) it's my favorite VN. But I don't think LOP have the writing skills to pull off something like that.
i agree with you regarding the writing,it's difficult write a good story and they are falling short in that area. Daman seems to be working on all their recent stuff and it is kinda worrying if they don't have anyone else besides Iksanabot,the LWT writer. Not that i dislike Daman and his stuff,i appreciate him taking on multiple different projects but he lacks writing experience and it shows,i hope he gets better as the time goes.
Reason why i mentioned them trying to make visual novel style game is because i think this game format hinders story telling and character development. Dating sim worked best with first LWT or Eleanor,or older titles which were fairly simple with story,but when they started to make bigger and more complicated games it became problematic. You say they might now have writing skill to pull it off but it would sure help them when you see the stories they try to tell. LWT2 is good example where in period of one year girls changed so much that the girl who was so hot for you have no problem blowing multiple guys in glory hole or your wife who cheat and divorce you in a heartbeat. You have to explain thoroughly such drastic character changes. I noticed similair stuff in Serbian casino and Call girl Denise too for example...
All of visual novels are coming out in episodes,or udpates,LOP would benefit for sure if they take similair approach


Sep 29, 2017
i agree with you regarding the writing,it's difficult write a good story and they are falling short in that area. Daman seems to be working on all their recent stuff and it is kinda worrying if they don't have anyone else besides Iksanabot,the LWT writer. Not that i dislike Daman and his stuff,i appreciate him taking on multiple different projects but he lacks writing experience and it shows,i hope he gets better as the time goes.
Reason why i mentioned them trying to make visual novel style game is because i think this game format hinders story telling and character development. Dating sim worked best with first LWT or Eleanor,or older titles which were fairly simple with story,but when they started to make bigger and more complicated games it became problematic. You say they might now have writing skill to pull it off but it would sure help them when you see the stories they try to tell. LWT2 is good example where in period of one year girls changed so much that the girl who was so hot for you have no problem blowing multiple guys in glory hole or your wife who cheat and divorce you in a heartbeat. You have to explain thoroughly such drastic character changes. I noticed similair stuff in Serbian casino and Call girl Denise too for example...
All of visual novels are coming out in episodes,or udpates,LOP would benefit for sure if they take similair approach
I can't say I agree with the notion that the gameplay format obstructs storytelling and character development. LwT1 had both of that in spades and I personally don't think gameplay had any part in making it good or bad. Characters growing and the story progressing at a comfortable pace had nothing to do with gameplay and everything to do with good and thorough writing. Just like LwT2 being horribly contradictory and lacking any sort of character development (or characters being completely different to who and what they were in the first game) isn't due to a certain gameplay format or mechanic... it was due to headless, directionless writing that seemed to have been rushed.

Storywise their games haven't grown more complicated. LWT2 and Eleanor 2 are no more complicated than their predecessors, all of them having storylines that are fairly simplistic. Callgirl Denise, CVR and Living with a Nympho have similarly simple premises. Storywise they're simple and they have a similar amount of paths/endings to older titles. It's completely fair that you prefer one gameplay format over another, but I see no evidence of a VN format being more appropriate than a stat-builder. One aspect of LOP that I have always been appreciative of is that they make a full game and not episodic stuff. I understand why patreon developers make episodes or updates. It's because patreon is basically built to fit such a model and it's a way to maximize profit (which is perfectly fine, developers gotta eat too). But I will always prefer getting a full experience to an episodic release. Releasing a game in episodes might lead to longer stories... but that doesn't automatically mean they'll be better stories. It's all about the narrative you want to tell. Fx, the X-files work better as a series than a movie while something like... I don't know... Iron Man works better as a movie than it would as a TV-series. There is no definitive on what's better. It's about what fits the story.

It's the characterization and character interaction that make or break these games for me and the gameplay format have little to no bearing on that. Encounters in a statbuilder are just as easy to set up as in a VN. I am not opposed to seeing them make visual novels, but if they move to that exclusively then I definitively out. It's too simple, not enough challenge and I doubt LOP can bring the level of complexity that fx GGGB can.

About Daman growing as a writer: He's made enough games for me to tell that he's not going to improve to a level that I'll find enjoyable. All his characters are the same and a completely interchangeable. They have the same voice with the same speaking patterns, same mannerisms, same sexual proclivities, etc. There is no variation in his cast and you can take any character, from any of the scenes in any of his games and insert them in any other scene in any other of his games and give them the same lines as the characters they are replacing and there would be no noticable difference. He has a terrible habit of spouting tired cliches and dated pop-culture references. He has one mindset when it comes to certain types of characters. Fx, all black girls who have appeared in his games have been a dominatrix (CVR, Living with a Nympho and Call-Girl Denise... and by the look of the preview pics, also in Eleanor).. The black guys are always the big, bad bull (tired of this racist stereotype) and all his girls are bisexual nympho supersluts who cheat on their significant other. Add to that his inability to write beyond his own interests (that's his right, but we don't share the same preferences, so... turn off) and that leaves me checked out. He also has a weird idea of making an MCU-like shared universe where everyone knows everyone (Serena shows up in Jacob's Rebound, Jacob is mentioned in Call-Girl Denise and CVR, etc.), often leaving him to "hijack" the characters other writers have created and built up. I actually enjoyed a lot of aspects of CVR, but it's clear to me he's a one-trick pony.

I gotta say though; I think you present your case well and I respect your tastes and opinions, even if they differ from mine. I am actually glad that some people feel like they are getting something out of their LOP subscription and keep a positive attitude on their future.


Aug 9, 2016
I'm a big fan of visual novels. It's no surprise that my favorite game from LOP is Trip to Paradise, which they categorize as a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of game.

I do hate stats building kind of games. I hated LwT 1, Eleanor 1, CoL, LwS, etc., games that are generally well received by the fandom. But I have to wonder if it isn't because they were easier to cheat on the stats, which I do believe takes all the fun from playing.

The only game I enjoyed that was stats builder related was Living with a Nympho. In fact, I believe it was the only game written by Daman that I liked.

I wouldn't mind they focusing on visual novel (or CYOA as they call it) kind of games. It would definetely pick my interest again.

Their graphics are still top notch. Only stoper can compete with them with his game in this regard, imo.
Apr 24, 2018
I'm a big fan of visual novels. It's no surprise that my favorite game from LOP is Trip to Paradise, which they categorize as a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of game.

I do hate stats building kind of games. I hated LwT 1, Eleanor 1, CoL, LwS, etc., games that are generally well received by the fandom. But I have to wonder if it isn't because they were easier to cheat on the stats, which I do believe takes all the fun from playing.

The only game I enjoyed that was stats builder related was Living with a Nympho. In fact, I believe it was the only game written by Daman that I liked.

I wouldn't mind they focusing on visual novel (or CYOA as they call it) kind of games. It would definetely pick my interest again.

Their graphics are still top notch. Only stoper can compete with them with his game in this regard, imo.
This is a random question, but are you vkalvkal from the LOP blog?


Jul 4, 2017
LOP has a formula and they follow it. They have a good game engine that allows them to make near realistic character models and a good chunk of a fanbase that simply wants to jerk off allowing them to not care about their storytelling. Daman is trash and Ink is getting there. LwT 2 was a full 180 for the Tracy character that didn't make sense. Eleanor 1 was decent and 2 is basically the same thing. We get it, she's a slut who has the option to be a good wife but who really wants that?

The new unity engine games are really dodgy. I have a gaming computer and yet the LOP Unity games play like a bad port. I get that a lot of what they do is for security from people that hack and crack the games, but you clearly have enough of a fanbase paying your crappy monthly subscription model to sustain you. Keep the old engine, let it get cracked, your loyals will keep you afloat. Regardless, most of the games get cracked anyways, I can usually just wait and test out other stuff in the meantime. Most times I don't even realize an LOP game has been cracked.

I also agree with the many that said that LOP is doing too much. They have a few good bangers, but instead of expanding on them and making them bigger and better, we get a shitty Harvey Weinstein rapey parody game. If I ran LOP, I'd take a few of the big bads like Eleanor, LwT, LwS, Romancing the Throne, & CVR and just expand them. Make them episodic but with the same quality as they have been. Or just focus on telling a good quality story that really fleshes out the characters instead of making them so cookie cutter 90s porno characters.
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Jul 1, 2017
I don't know what problem you have with them talking about LOP genres and games when in the other LOP Calendar thread we did the same thing.
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Jul 1, 2017
3 months for Eleanor?so we're looking at may?gotta say that i expected that game to come out no longer than march. also means no LWT expansion until summer probably
3 months to code a porn game seems a lot so the game is probably big, he'll code other games in the meantime or he'll wait 3 months on purpose.
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Aug 9, 2016
I doubt about it being big. I actually think they take a lot of time coding their games because of their boring status-building gameplay.

As for LwT expansion, Leonizer said in a comment on one of his posts that it probably wouldn't come out on 2019.


Sep 29, 2017
I doubt about it being big. I actually think they take a lot of time coding their games because of their boring status-building gameplay.

As for LwT expansion, Leonizer said in a comment on one of his posts that it probably wouldn't come out on 2019.

"People probably only liked LWT because it was easy to cheat on the stats", "they're probably taking a long time to develop it because of the stat building"... Conjecture. Development could be time-consuming for a number of reasons.

We get it, you don't like stat-builders... and that's fine. You're not alone... plenty of people don't like 'em. But your insecure insistence that stat-builders are inherently bad, that nobody likes them and that they're to blame for everything wrong with LOP's business-model is getting old (here, on the LOP blog and the Lagoon). Just rest easy knowing that your opinion is your opinion and that should be enough.

I am sure LOP will develop plenty of other games with a VN approach (and filled with those cheating wives that you love so much) and that you'll be able to enjoy those products for a long time to come. I am sure that the LWT2 expansion will be everything you're hoping for.
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Aug 9, 2016
Don't put words on my mouth. I never stated that I was talking in place of the fans. I always just gave my opinion and nothing else. The statement about people probably only liking because of the possibility of cheating was because some players on the blog told me to cheat if I wasn't enjoying the gameplay.

I don't like stats building. I don't like the first LwT. I never stated that other people don't like it.

I have no trouble with you not agreeing with my opinion. I won't ever stop to criticize what I don't like, be it here, on their blog or on Lagoon. I give them money when they make a game that I'm interested in and I should have a voice with them, as should all of their customers.

And what exactly is your problem with "those cheating wives" that I "love so much"? What do you have against me? Don't worry, I'm a minority and I won't affect your beloved game. I never disrespected you and you come full of irony against me? If you love the games that I dislike, good for you. I don't like the same games as you do, so I guess it is bad for me.