Pinup LOP Gold Calendar [2019-10-04] [LOP GOLD]


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
As for LwT expansion, Leonizer said in a comment on one of his posts that it probably wouldn't come out on 2019.
where did you get this from?he said that it won't come out in last year,not 2019


Aug 9, 2016
Oh, I just did a quick search on their blog and you're probably right. I must have messed up the years.


Sep 29, 2017
Don't put words on my mouth. I never stated that I was talking in place of the fans. I always just gave my opinion and nothing else. The statement about people probably only liking because of the possibility of cheating was because some players on the blog told me to cheat if I wasn't enjoying the gameplay.

I don't like stats building. I don't like the first LwT. I never stated that other people don't like it.
You make statements full of conjecture. And yes, you do talk in place of the fans when you state that they probably like it because there is an option to cheat (which is a roundabout way of saying that if they couldn't circumvent the stats, they'd probably wouldn't like the game... even though gameplay only presents a fraction of the full game which includes visuals, plot, dialogue, music, etc.). ...Some people told you to use a editor to circumvent the stats so that you might get enjoyment out of the game and you conclude that they don't enjoy the statbuilding... I edit the stats on occasion when I play LWT, but 9 times out of 10, I play the game as is and thoroughly enjoy it. Anectodal evidence, I know, but that's how little is needed to puncture that assumption.

I have no trouble with you not agreeing with my opinion. I won't ever stop to criticize what I don't like, be it here, on their blog or on Lagoon. I give them money when they make a game that I'm interested in and I should have a voice with them, as should all of their customers.
Never claimed you had any trouble with me disagreeing. And I am absolutely in favour of everyone being allowed to say their piece, praise and critique, likes and dislikes. Nothing wrong with that. But you can only say "I don't like stat-builders" so many times before sounding like a broken record. Saying the exact same thing over and over becomes redundant unless something new or nuanced is added. Now, having more than one person chime in with the same opinion can help gauge the size of a certain demographic, which can be useful in a number of ways. But having the same person say the same four words in nearly every post on every forum becomes tiresome to the point of dismissal because the critique was understood the first 3 times it was uttered.

And what exactly is your problem with "those cheating wives" that I "love so much"? What do you have against me? Don't worry, I'm a minority and I won't affect your beloved game. I never disrespected you and you come full of irony against me?
No problem but the point of redundancy mentioned above. I don't know whether you're in the minority, I haven't seen statistics... for all I know you could be in the vast majority, so I'll claim ignorance on that one. And I did not use irony at all, my previous comment was sincere.

"Verbal irony is a statement in which the meaning that a speaker employs is sharply different from the meaning that is ostensibly expressed. An ironic statement usually involves the explicit expression of one attitude or evaluation, but with indications in the overall speech-situation that the speaker intends a very different, and often opposite, attitude or evaluation."
- Abrams, M. H., & Harpham, G. G., A glossary of literary terms, 9th Ed., Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009

Your last comment, ironically (a case of situational irony), seems to be full of irony (the verbal kind):

If you love the games that I dislike, good for you. I don't like the same games as you do, so I guess it is bad for me.
...unless it was meant as a victim-card. In which case: get over it.
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Aug 9, 2016
I sincerely looked over where I said that fans liked it because of the possibility of cheating, but I didn't find it. Could please show me where I said it?

I don't doubt I said that, because I sincerely think that there is no way you can reach all the different endings and replay the games to reach your favorite scene for fap purposes without cheating. So I'll maintain the part about enjoying them because of the possibility of cheating.

I'm aware that I was complaining a lot about stats-building games. I even acknowledged it on their blog and said that I wouldn't complain directly to them anymore. You're free to doubt me, but if you want to and if you have the time, you can search their blog for my last comments to see the last time I complained about it. I might be mistaken, but before the last couple of posts I made on this thread, the last time I pointed out how boring I find this kind of gameplay was when LwT 2 was released, which was over 2 years ago.

I'll admit to you that I, in fact, ended up enjoying only one game with this gameplay, which was LwN and I praised Daman and Leonized on this.

I don't know what you're talking about "redundancy" and "statements full of conjecture", since English isn't my first language. If you'd like to explain them to me, I'd be grateful. Since I didn't really understand what you were saying to me, I thought you were coming at me full of irony.

In fact, my first answer to you came out a lot harsher. I ended up editing it because I wasn't really sure if you were being disrespectful and ironic or not.

And the last comment that you quoted: no, it wasn't a victim-card and neither an irony. It was to sound like "to each their own".

This is getting very personal. If you want to continue to discuss it, feel free to message me.


Feb 3, 2019
where did you get this from?he said that it won't come out in last year,not 2019
True... At the very beginning of 2018 Leo said that LwT 2 exp won't come in this year (2018). That was a big dissatisfaction like - Hey! Are you insane? We have first days of January and you're saying something like this?!


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
True... At the very beginning of 2018 Leo said that LwT 2 exp won't come in this year (2018). That was a big dissatisfaction like - Hey! Are you insane? We have first days of January and you're saying something like this?!
they need more people for coding,i have impression that leonizer does it all by himself. LWT expansion will come out almost three years after it's release,quite depressing realization
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Jul 1, 2017
they need more people for coding,i have impression that leonizer does it all by himself. LWT expansion will come out almost three years after it's release,quite depressing realization
But I don't think that's Leo's fault only. It took a lot of time to Inksanabot to write the expansion and YamYoda is the only person that creates those renders (and they made him waste time in that 3D expansion game)