Collection Video Lord Aardvark collection [2024-11-19] [LordAardvark]

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New Member
Jul 27, 2021
Thx bro btw how much futa does He make?
Its really good
This one
Jill and claire
There was implied futa in one of his Elizabeth videos, and he's done several futa shorts and images.
But Overbreed is the biggest futa project Aardvark has done by far. And this is only the first episode (of I think 6, though at this rate, that'll probably be done by 2031).


Dec 24, 2023
you guys are hopelessly impatient
(see original post of claralover for the link)
Thanks a lot claralover

This video reminds me of the PS5's two modes:
1)Performance mode prioritizes frame rate over visual quality, crucial for fast-paced action games.
2)Quality mode enhances visual quality at the expense of frame rate, ideal for single-player games.
Do you think this video is in quality or performance mode?
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Jun 28, 2024
Thanks a lot claralover

This video reminds me of the PS5's two modes:
1)Performance mode prioritizes frame rate over visual quality, crucial for fast-paced action games.
2)Quality mode enhances visual quality at the expense of frame rate, ideal for single-player games.
Do you think this video is in quality or performance mode?
It feels like it's neither.

The movements are jank, not fluid at all. But at the same time, there's no detail. Compare this work to other prolific SFM artists like ScavengerSFM. The difference is night and day.
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Apr 14, 2021
ScavengerSFM's videos are 15 seconds, on average. Also, Lordaardvark uses Source Filmmaker, not Blender. This is probably the biggest reason why 'the movements are jank, not fluid at all'. But it's what LordAardvark is used to using, and probably also what he's known for.
This video is 15 minutes.
So... you're saying.. Scavenger SFM (Source Film Maker) isn't using SFM? Despite it a) being his name, and b) being what he actually uses.... So, swing and a miss there...
And also somehow implying that SFM is the reason for the janky/shit movement... again, despite Scavenger using SFM as well and a myriad of other artists who also use it without it being "jank"..... So, second swing and miss.
THEN using duration as the excuse for it being.... well... kinda shit... I'd suggest looking at artists like 26RegionSFM (yes, another SFM animator) whose animations are neither jank or shit... and fairly frequently makes animations much longer than 15 minutes. His newest one coming out (Perfect Weapon) is said to be 57 mins or so, then you have Full Moon 2 at 54 mins, Unknown Planet X at 43 mins, Helena Alien Carrier 38 mins.. etc etc.. So... 3 swings and 3 misses at making excuses for Aardvark.

I fully appreciate all the work Aardvark's done in the community over the years, but he was never really an animator (though a few of his earlier pieces like Phazon were really good, especially for the time) - most of his work has been on providing models and things. It doesn't help that he has the attention span of a particularly energetic squirrel who forgot to take his ADHD meds and bounces over 10 different project ideas a week.


New Member
Jul 27, 2021
Yeah, I was half asleep when I wrote that, sorry. Don't know why my brain wasn't registering the SFM thing.

The rest of that though, I gotta disagree with. Saying 'he's not a real animator' just because he doesn't match your standards is really not valid. Obviously, he's a 'real animator' - he's made some of the most notable long-form animations of the last decade. There's a reason people know the name "LordAardvark".

And if you really looked at Full Moon 2 critically, you'd see just as many glaring errors. Animation's still 'janky as fuck' if you're leveling that critique at Aardvark. It helps somewhat that he leans into camera shake, but it still doesn't erase that problem. Detail is also not high in Full Moon 2.

And Full Moon 2 took 26RegionSFM over three years to make.

So just be fair. Yes, Aardvark splits his time between making models and producing animations (and other projects). Yes, he'd have better animations if he spent less time on storytelling and more time on polish and panache.

But no, he doesn't deserve to be stripped of the title of 'animator' because he doesn't animate as well as some creators. There are a lot of animators who do what he does better, but most aren't as good at telling narratives, using dialogue, scene composition, etc.


Apr 14, 2021
I wasn't stripping him of anything due to "standards". I was acknowledging that he spends most of his time on other aspects. Like; if a guy sucks dick 95% of the time and eats pussy 5% of the time - it's pretty fair to say he's not really a pussy eater. Same thing for Aardvark; his focus isn't animating - he does modelling and rigging and shit that supports the animation community -- ie he's not an animator, he's a modeller/rigger/support/whatever you wanna call him. The acknowledgement that he's not an animator isn't a disparagement on him in any way - it just sets a more reasonable bar for what kind of quality to expect.

And yes, Full Moon 2 is full of errors - some of it inherent to SFM (which is why we've been nagging him to learn blender, which he's learning) and some of it just reflected his skill with it. That was 26's work like 4 years ago though and it's still many times better than Aardvark's current works, but then 26R is an animator and doesn't do all the other things Aardvark does.

Edit: The best way I can put it is.... Imagine some 6 year old kid did a drawing at school... someone shows you it.... Now... Objectively, it's absolutely fucking garbage.. but then they say "my 6 year old drew it" and you go "ohh, he's got some talent." Now the piece is still garbage, but in the context of a 6 year old it might be pretty good. In the context of Aardvark not really being an animator, you can forgive it not being great -- but it doesn't make the piece any better, it just softens how you see it.
Last edited:
Jun 28, 2024
But no, he doesn't deserve to be stripped of the title of 'animator' because he doesn't animate as well as some creators.
We strip him of that title because he constantly cancels projects halfway through and when he DOES release something it's half-assed.

Look, we all know what he's capable of. Go watch some of his animations from 2022. They're more fluid than this, more detailed, the lip sync is better, the lighting is better, heck even the SOUND is better. Now the question is, why did he release an animation of this quality in this state, now? The answer to that is, to say that he's finished SOMETHING in the year 2024. And perhaps we need to give him credit for that. But if we are, then we're setting a really low bar. Again, compare all that he's accomplished this year, to all he's accomplished in 2022.

Imagine what he'd be capable of if he DIDN'T spend months and months on a project and then just decide to cancel it on a whim.
Jun 28, 2024
ie he's not an animator, he's a modeller/rigger/support/whatever you wanna call him.
He's not an animator?? Why does he have an entire tab on his website called "Films"?

If he's not an animator why is the main selling point of his Patreon to fund his "3D Erotic Films, Shorts, & Web Series"??



Dec 24, 2023
I love lord-aardvark's work, even if it can range from excellent to average.
Can't wait for primondium 2 !


Apr 14, 2021
He's not an animator?? Why does he have an entire tab on his website called "Films"?
Because he's done some animations and needed a page to put them.. That seems simple enough to answer
If he's not an animator why is the main selling point of his Patreon to fund his "3D Erotic Films, Shorts, & Web Series"??
This one is tougher to answer but he's not lying - Aardvark does do all that stuff; just mostly not HIS animations. He works with others doing the supporting stuff - modelling, rigging, environments, storyboarding, producing, whatever else he does. People also don't fund "modellers" - we'd rather give money to someone providing us the end product, oblivious to the fact that without people like Aardvark doing the supporting work that allows animators to provide their product. I'm glad people still support Aardvark, we need people like him else we don't get our big bouncey tiddies :)


Nov 18, 2019
Anyone have the 2160p version?
It's $15 to get his 4k versions. Kind of a bank breaking amount. I supported him for 3 months at that level thinking "this is the month he'll finfish the animation..." only for him to delay again. Aggravating really, that when i drop he finally finishes it.
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