Unity Abandoned Lost Case: Monster Girl Takeover [v1.4 + LCMGT Test Level 2] [Zolvatory]

4.40 star(s) 8 Votes


Jan 23, 2019
Really like this one. Dialogue is cute and the game over animations are nice. Obviously still needs more content but I'm willing to keep my eye out for it.
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Dec 5, 2019
PSA: you can reflect enemy projectiles by blocking just before they connect with you, and it gives you a dash that makes you invincible too.

Heyo! Avan from Zolvatory here. Thanks for the numerous feedback on lots of different topics. We're really happy to find quite a few people are interested in the game.

Yes, it's a guy! Thank you for putting up the game on here by the way. We're still rather new to it all so it was quite the surprise to find it here, haha. (Also when you put in the name of developers you wrote "Zalvatory" when it's "Zolvatory". It's correct in the title though! Thank you very much again for showing it here.

As for gameplay and movement, things are definitely subject to change and already have been adjusted for future versions. We're going to tweak certain aspects until us and people that play are satisfied! It's still a very early version of the game so we expect it to change a lot.

There is no gallery implemented just yet, but we do plan on it for down the line. Expect it to take a while though, since there are other gameplay features we want to implement first!

Crisis Point: Extinction is actually currently in a bundle of action game demos with us! We've been in contact with quite a few other devs in the scene and all of them have been incredibly nice and helpful in a lot of ways.

So yeah thank you all for your interest in the game and feedback on it. As mentioned some of it has already been fixed but all of it has been taken notice of! I'll make sure to be around every now and then in case anyone has questions or comments at all.
Oh hey gamedev, really liked what you've got here, the game is quite beautiful, music fits right in with the setting and is comfy in general, and combat wise there's good groundwork here for an H-Metroidvania. I do have a feel things I'd like to see to improve the game though:
Movement wise I don't have much to criticize besides that jumping from wall to wall felt a little wonky; first you have to press jump and then quickly press what direct you want to move in, and if you don't then you character just enters a free fall, and if you press both at the same time it will sometimes result in you character not jumping at all. I think this could be fixed by making so just pressing a movement key will automatically make you character jump in that direction, reducing the odds of the playing screwing things up.
Another thing that should be added are sounds that let the player know their doing something right, like a sfx for when the player hits an enemy or pressing keys to escape a struggle snuggle.
And most importantly, a quasi tutorial would be nice, a small text box in the opening that lets the player know how to do things would be great; as a few people pointed out in the thread the player isn't given much in the way of directions on how to play the game ATM, heck I didn't know you could reflect attacks until I read the Read Me text document (and lets be real here, not many people are going to read those).
Really looking forwards to what comes next out of this (especially since I already found a secret area :cool:), I honestly think this could be the next FotBS.


New Member
Oct 13, 2020
For a first release Demo it looks very good.

The music is really good too.

I'll try again later.

Sopmeone know if this game has controller suport? Played on keyboard and even changing the controls some times the game looked kinda "buggy"

Like when you use your block and the protag starts walking left. (unlessI hold Right that way he moves to the right).

Wonder if him can block without moving.


Sep 27, 2018
From my experience with the game, this is what I can note:
1- Artstyle is real nice
2- Moving feels very slow, could use a run feature or a dash
3- Short Range on attacks, which amplifies the slowness
4- The timing counter is cool. Excited to see what that will evolve into
5- Enemies could have more than 1 type of attack, maybe have something for when you get close to it
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New Member
Jul 9, 2020
This seems promising :D
>the pixel art is well done and will hopefully retain its quality throughout the game
>Jumping height is... well a little bit too much I guess thou this is still beta so I guess you made it higher than needed just incase
>As the guy above me said, please a dash mechanic or sprint
>Enemy attacks feel way too slow although it might be because I am used to other types of games
Also, the lady's eyes from the banner remind me of Tanya's. I'll be waiting for her appearance <3


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2018
Love how many femdom games are popping up :D also, how far along is this part of the game?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2018
Very early release, just the one level right now.
Ah ok :D this game is really showing promise, cannot wait to see what else is added :D
I also love that even the normal enemies have game overs, so I hope we see that in the future as well :D
and the art is just... damn!


Jul 12, 2019
ver 1.0b is available here:

No new content released though, from zolvatory.itch.io/:

A new update with bug fixes and quality of life changes. Please make sure to read the ReadMe and don't force the game to fullscreen resolution.

Bug Fixes
- Key bindings should now be definitely overwritten when changed. Disabled all old control themes and made a small custom UI navigation system that only listens to my own Input Manager. There is no blacklist for buttons yet, be careful which button you assign!

Controls were still possible during scene, which caused problems.
Controls are now completely disabled during all transitions (Menus, doors, etc.)

- Player Character not sliding on the floor anymore after escaping the fairy.
- Climax animation should now loop properly
- Player air attack was lingering, now made shorter
- Not able to load a room multiple times by using movements during transition
- Player now takes damage when i-frames run out when inside the fairy.
- Fixed dialogue tree bug, it was looking for node when there is none.
- Fairy should now be able to count...although she will probably still get it wrong. Maths isn't her strong suit.

Quality of Life
New check point system. Save rooms only!
- Down + Jump is now the way to go through semi-solid platforms instead of double tapping down.
- There is now a short animation of the fairy actually getting a certain something out of the main characters pants before starting.
- Gravity increased. This affects (wall-)jumping. Feedback is appreciated!
- Mashing when on the floor is now dual button (either left&right or attack&block). Can be swapped between in the controls menu.
- New dev tricks (press these in the main menu for certain effects):
F1 to reset enemy encounter.
F2 to reset player position to the beginning.
F3 to reset all keybinds.
F4 to reset everything (including your save file)
- When clinging to a wall, the camera now pans away from the wall giving you more sight! (When on a wall on the left, camera pans to the right and vice versa)
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Aug 17, 2020
The art is super nice.
Gotta try it.
What is that spoiler?
S̷͓͛ē̷̹x̶͚̐u̶̹̿a̷̫͘l̷̳̄l̸̹̀y̴̪͠ ̴̯̑f̵͍́ȑ̷̢ṳ̶̉s̶͇̉t̴̔͜r̷͈̊a̴̹̅t̶̩̚ë̶ͅd̸͈̂ ̶̤̌h̵̑ͅe̸̼̒a̷̜͘d̶̨͊p̵̦̌ȧ̸͔ẗ̶̮ ̶̞͘s̵̭͗l̵̖͒u̴͙͌t̶̙̑.̶͎͊
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Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
What is that spoiler?
S̷͓͛ē̷̹x̶͚̐u̶̹̿a̷̫͘l̷̳̄l̸̹̀y̴̪͠ ̴̯̑f̵͍́ȑ̷̢ṳ̶̉s̶͇̉t̴̔͜r̷͈̊a̴̹̅t̶̩̚ë̶ͅd̸͈̂ ̶̤̌h̵̑ͅe̸̼̒a̷̜͘d̶̨͊p̵̦̌ȧ̸͔ẗ̶̮ ̶̞͘s̵̭͗l̵̖͒u̴͙͌t̶̙̑.̶͎͊
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It is what it is.
4.40 star(s) 8 Votes