I already said that I won't respond on the topic but I felt like I needed to respond because you missed my point in my last posts.
First there's a big difference between a game and a song. Second if I don't like a song I just ignore it and that's it. I don't go and comment "I don't like this and that about this song. You should have done this and said that." Musicians and the devs can't satisfy everyone with just one song or a game and there will always be someone that doesn't like the song or the game. Why go and hate on the project? And most of the songs take like 5 minutes from your life and that's it. The game is longer and takes much more work than a song.
Yes you can discuss the update. But this discussing and particularly the lack of updates from the dev is from the start of this project. Go on any of the last 300 pages and you'll see someone complaining about the updates. This discussion is pointless spam about something that the dev has answered already in multiple statements. So tell me whats the point in filling this thread with "When is the next update?" or "Last update is from xx.xx.xxxx" I don't have a problem with the discussing the updates as long as you don't spam that shit. So yes I think this question should be banned because of the infinite spam about it. When there's an update it will be released on patreon and hopefully someone will "leak" it here.
That's it. I hope you get my point about the particular question.
Wow you're really different here compared to your FR posts

I like that version more lol.
I used to be in the "If you're not a patron then you don't have a voice" camp for a very long time. To me, I guess it's now about how it's phrased and also the intention. Everyone has a voice but the message is much clearer if it's constructive and wanting the best for all parties involved. Of course that patrons' voices should be heard first but that also doesn't mean that's best for the dev and the VN. You definitely have a point that there's so many "When's the next update?" posts but that happens in many threads so it's not new.
This isn't just to you but to everyone that it's good to voice a constructive opinion but also take into account the priorities of the dev. They have to look after themselves first so that they can make the best game/VN possible and with Veq clearly stating that he's had some issues, please give him the space he needs first to get himself right. Yes it can be frustrating that one of your well liked VN's isn't updating but you need the dev to be back to normal for progress to start.
For those patrons who did give to Veq and were disappointed by the lack of progress, yes it's disappointing if you think about Patreon as a transaction type arrangement but to some patrons, they think about this as being a patron of the arts which is a completely different mentality. Of course it's up to you how you wish to think but I'm saying there's more than one way to look at pledging.