
No walkthroughs. Veq is going to change the game so much that Barioz better just toss what he has into the garbage. Just suffer like a pleb and hope you dont miss anything. Gawd.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
The real question is this:

When Barioz is through with the walkthrough, will he walk us through the walkthrough or just toss it at us? Leaving us with this response to further requests for a walkthrough: Yes, Barioz threw the walkthrough at us when he was through with the walkthrough.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
I'll take "Impatient Player" for $200, Bob!
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2017
Well, I already sent early drafts to nice guys and got pretty good feedback, so you know the reason why you haven't seen it yet... :p


Thank you.9527
Oct 27, 2017
Well, I already sent early drafts to nice guys and got pretty good feedback, so you know the reason why you haven't seen it yet... :p
Nothing in my mailbox :FeelsBadMan:

I still want back to writing the walkthrough. :cryingface:
Hey thank you for your kindness btw 0.05 is branchless than 0.04 (My bet is 2 or 3 parallel line, dunno), and quick guide from Barioz will serve you well.:D

#Edit: Add Barioz's 0.05 QuickGuide link to the google document WT links. :heartcoveredeyes:
Last edited:

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Great update as always, but @veqvil can't you use labels for the map ?
The hospital is obvious, but the baron's house or MC's one, by example ; well, like they live next door once you find one, you also found the other, but you see what I mean...

And no need to alter the pictures for this, you can do it softly with something like :
init python:
    ttMap = Tooltip("")
    ttPos = (0,0)

screen ttMap():
        background Solid( "#00000075" )
        xpos ttPos[0]
        ypos ttPos[1]
        text ttMap.value
Obviously the background is just for the demonstration, you style it like you want.
Then the screen "n_map" become :
screen n_map:
    add "n_map.jpg"
    # add the hovered where you want a label
    imagebutton auto "n_map_hosp_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_hosp") hovered [ SetVariable( "ttPos", (1450, 250 ) ), ttMap.Action( "hospital" ) ]
    imagebutton auto "n_map_home_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_home") hovered [ SetVariable( "ttPos", ( 1750, 900 ) ), ttMap.Action( "home" ) ]
    imagebutton auto "n_map_baron_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_baron") hovered [ SetVariable( "ttPos", (1700, 700 ) ), ttMap.Action( "Baron's house"
    # and just let like it is when you don't want it
    imagebutton auto "n_map_ts_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_ts")
    imagebutton auto "n_map_pp_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_pp")
    imagebutton auto "n_map_cs_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_cs")
    imagebutton auto "n_map_beach_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_beach")
    imagebutton auto "n_map_park_%s.png" focus_mask True action Jump("map_park")
   # and here come the labels...
    use ttMap
Here again, the positions are just for the demonstration.

Like the ttMap is external to the screen, you can't reuse it easily. No need to add the whole display part on every screen which need it, just add the "use ttMap" at the end of these screens ; and obviously the related "hovered". And like the label are independent from the pictures (unlike the actual doors in the house), you can change the position and style whenever you want without real efforts ; you can even have a better rendering without efforts since it's Ren'py which will add the transparency, the color, choose the font, and so on.

Plus side, it let you use an if statement to choose if the labels must be shown or not, depending of the situation. Whatever you do it globally :
screen ttMap():
    if showLabels is True:
            background Solid( "#00000075" )
            xpos ttPos[0]
            ypos ttPos[1]
            text ttMap.value
screen by screen:
# True by default, can be False by default is you want
screen n_map( showLabel=True ):
    add "map.jpg"
    imagebutton :
        auto "n_map_hosp_%s.png"
        focus_mask True 
        action Jump("map_hosp") 
        if showLabel is True:
            hovered [ SetVariable( "ttPos", (1450, 250 ) ), ttMap.Action( "hospital" ) ]
that you display with :
    show screen n_map( False )  # don't show labels
    show screen n_map( True )  # show labels
    show screen n_map()  # show labels
    scene n_map # show labels
or individually :
    imagebutton :
        auto "n_map_hosp_%s.png"
        focus_mask True 
        action Jump("map_hosp") 
        if showHospital is True:
            hovered [ SetVariable( "ttPos", (1450, 250 ) ), ttMap.Action( "hospital" ) ]


Active Member
Nov 20, 2017
I hope so that it finally synonymous more sex to see because the sun is quite boring although the story is not bad but too much happens drum herrum without that really happened what happens when you sit at the table and endless amounts Persons come to Irgen and a dreary boring shit what unfortunately

happens constantly or as sinless things as in the hospital when I want in the sick room it says I do not wake mom so he is not purely WTF? why can not I go in? you can enter a room QUIET, yes, that really works without waking someone up and why mom? if it was at least about the sick person then you could still

somehow understand that but even then that makes no sin and why can not I look at her next when she sleeps? a little bit of peek can not do any harm to sleep, why do I have to sleep and can not go to their room at night? i hope jam al that sic hda finally what changes because the game looks fantastic and actually

makes fun I also like that I can say the bitch becky peer mail fuck you and you can continue to ignore (she should take the idiots out the dream / vision in the night) Well, in any case, I hope for the next update as it goes on and especially that it does not take quite as long until it comes but I always say that it is worth it to wait for good games if then the quality is right
4.30 star(s) 131 Votes