I didn't wrote that it's good idea or cure. It just helps. Especially if you live in Northern Europe or other place like that, where in winter you don't see sun 15 h per day, and even when sun shine is behind the clouds.Alcohol does not 'cure' loneliness, stress or sadness. It may suppress those things for a short amount of time but when sober they will come back stronger than before. Using alcohol as self-medication for mental issues of any kind is understandable but generally speaking a very bad idea, no matter if you are rich or poor.
When you didn't slept for 36 hours and still can't sleep it gets very fuckin' dark. Like, suicidal dark. Lack of sleep means not only phiscal exhaustion but most improtantly psychological one. Eventually you will start to torture yourself, worst moments of your life will come back for some reason.
Restart will feel always like a blessing, no matter it's booze induced one. Alcoholism is very bad, but it's not easy to become alcoholic. I know few addicts and they really work hard to get to that point.