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Oct 23, 2017
We can all get addicted to things in several ways. And pain is one of them. Just like an adrenalin addiction, the feeling of pain and what it unleashes into the body can be consciously or (more commonly) unconsciously longed after. Sometimes its just for the "simple" feeling of "feeling alive" in a monotone existence. If a person is feeling guilty, that pain might help dealing with those feeling as the have need of being punished by those who they have wronged or someone completely unrelated, they may have even been forgiven but have yet to come to terms with what they did, and then the pain is much sweeter than dealing with who you are, its that catholic feeling of that your sin are attached to you and you need to atone *coughbeckycough*. If that guilt is worse, or they are dealing with other forms of pain that wont stop, the inflicted pain becomes a way to escape the former pain. For some people who have been though abuse, that might be something they (once again not necessarily consciously) want to experience to understand them self or because in some twisted way they miss it (or feel they deserve it ect). If that abuse/pain was connected to pleasure/love, then those experiences might be so close linked that pleasure or love is something they experience or only feels real though pain and abuse. And of course masochists love pain even though that tend to be positive and not addictive, it is something that can spinn out of control in a quest to get their fix of that high, needing a new extreme. It dosnt just have to physical, all of these thing can be mental/emotional/degradation as well. Thats how you can see people living lifestyles, getting into situations or being with people they know/hope will hurt them, even if its subconsciously or they are walking willingly into it. They are drawn to it, if they see it as a solution to their problem, the damnation they deserve or just are chasing abuse like it was a drug. And of course you have the completely broken, that dont care, if you dont feel anything, then pain is better than nothing, everything is better than nothing. And... wait a minute, Im doing one of my twisted late night rables again arent I. Well to my defence, the psychology of us are interesting, we like to think of us as normal, but deep down we are all twisted and weird. But thats what make us so cool.

You say crawling into someones bed out of fear like its a bad thing. Well I guess you could say for Amy it is a bad thing, but she has yet to understand why:evilsmile:.

Without starting to ramble again (there are many enough things about those actions that people enjoy), one of the ways a sadist could enjoy pissing on someone is pressingly the fact that they would not like that. And therefore know how the other person must hate it/feel humiliated by it. And thats why they love it. Not the action in its self, but more about the relationship and what it puts the other one though.
And I am glad to see you understand the importance in relationships, and that exploring them. To many games (and all porn) think its just about the sex or showing the kink. But without the relationship, dynamic and seeing the characters over time, that just becomes bland.
The way you sort of explained that makes sense, but what's with guro? Well maybe I just can't imagine anything awesome about that as I'm some sort of pussy (yes I hate horror movies as I can't sleep for a week after that and didn't manage to watch walking dead XD).

Yes, IMO the relationship part is essential for me and really boosts the sensation once you are able to get your hands on a character :D.

i feel like #teamPervert is more of a big-tent kinda team XD if you told us you wanted to do the apple pie or peanut butter jar thing, i'd probably be like sure. been done, but why not. throw it on in there.
Absolutely. Want to cum in Carol and Amy's oatmeal before breakfast? Do it! Want to jack off on their faces at night while they sleep? Do it! Want to blow a load in their face cream/soap/shampoo? Do it!

Pretty much anything you could do and make people say "Dude, that's so fucked up..." belongs in the realm of #TeamPervert. :)
Ok, now I have a rough idea about Team Pervert XD

Damn team pervert went from 0 to 100 fast lol. Just make the content you want right now or do some polls on things you'd be ok in adding at the moment so you don't get too distracted.
Don't worry, it's too early for me to start with the crazy stuff (looking at TeamPervert and TTDS), all I do is leave potential gaps open that are flexible but not too boring, so once I do implement stuff, it's not all too sudden. But thank you for this true and smart advice :D

Some of the posts here by people
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Yes! Quick make friends with them so they don't harm you, I'm safe for now, right... guys?:pokerFace:

Any link with the new Felicity Ending ?
You posted to the wrong thread or I'm too dumb again to get it (very likely) XD
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Jun 1, 2017
It depends. If you are molesting, which lead to further actions and finally domination (like in RapeLay) it make sense. If you are molesting someone who don't understand what happening, it's like abusing child or retarded person, which can't have really any follow up because reciving side don't know what going on.
Well the goal of molestation does not necessarily need to be further corruption of the victim. One could also just molest because they enjoy it, as simple as that. I do agree molesting somebody who is unconscious is not much fun, in too many games you have to do in when the girls are sleeping. You might as well molest a corpse if you ask me :perservingface:

Picking the horror movie, unfortunately, is not the ideal decision for a @n0b0dy, as it just makes Amy crawl into someones bed out of fear, can't say more! XD
Wait, so being a sadist and making Amy purposely feel shitty by making her watch a movie you know she will deeply despise is not the right choice if you want to do a sadistic run? Man, that is pretty cruel of you veq to mislead us like that, do you want a membership-card of TTDS? ;)

Just as a note (not something you implied etc): There won't be guro, scat, piss and similar in LaS (I simply don't like it). I honestly wonder what element people enjoy out of those genres (this is not meant to sound sarcastic or judgemental just a real question out of curiosity, which of course is sort of ignorant since I can't really explain any of my genres as well).
I think liking or loving something is something you do with your heart not your brain, therefore it is always hard to explain it since that means you have to rationalize something that is not rational. I would say for me humiliation/inflicting suffering plays a part with the urine thing for me and the suffering is also obviously a big part of the guro. Also for me grossness is awesome in fiction for some reason, I don't know why but I feel that way but I just do and usually the more gross the better :biggrin:

we like to think of us as normal, but deep down we are all twisted and weird. But thats what make us so cool.
Well said! For what it is worth I enjoy your 'ramblings' as they offer a interesting perspective of the human mind and they are fun to read.


Nov 17, 2017
we don't need the totally twisted content
Hah, casuals:cool:. Jokes aside though, I think all of us, if we search within our self would fit in team pervert.

The way you sort of explained that makes sense, but what's with guro? Well maybe I just can't imagine anything awesome about that as I'm some sort of pussy (yes I hate horror movies as I can't sleep for a week after that and didn't manage to watch walking dead XD).

Yes, IMO the relationship part is essential for me and really boosts the sensation once you are able to get your hands on a character :D.

Don't worry, it's too early for me to start with the crazy stuff (looking at TeamPervert and TTDS), all I do is leave potential gaps open that are flexible but not too boring, so once I do implement stuff, it's not all too sudden. But thank you for this true and smart advice :D

Yes! Quick make friends with them so they don't harm you, I'm safe for now, right... guys?:pokerFace:
Well, as I said there are many different ways of enjoying these things (both from the people doing it and those being done to), when it comes to guro, I suspect that @n0b0dy descriptions of the beauty of suffering and ugliness would fit here. Its hard to understand what can be enjoyable with such a thing. Then again, remove the sex and its considered normal entertainment and mainstream. I know you said that horror movies arent your thing, but watching people getting tortured and gruesomely murdered is something a lot of people would call a good time. And if compared to a lot of the peverted things (Im not even thinking about the kinky stuff here), watching horror movies is normal but perverted thing are for "weird people". (I dont agree with that assessment). The fairy tails we have told our children for centuries are bloody and brutal. Add on top of that our cultures fascination with serial killers, horrible crimes and a history where we watched gladiators kill each other for sport, when you think of that, guro make a lot more sense. Didnt think I would be able to make an argumentet for guro (its not my thing), but I guess I did.

Good things come for those who wait. Ass, titts and kinky things can be found anywhere. Its the relationships you form with the character and the actions you do that makes it interesting. There is a reason we want to play these longer games with these day to day interactions and choises insted of playing one of these flash clicker games where you just click in rhythm or whatever and there is sex in the background.
What, dont I seem like a friendly person?:evilsmile:

Well the goal of molestation does not necessarily need to be further corruption of the victim. One could also just molest because they enjoy it, as simple as that. I do agree molesting somebody who is unconscious is not much fun, in too many games you have to do in when the girls are sleeping. You might as well molest a corpse if you ask me :perservingface:

Wait, so being a sadist and making Amy purposely feel shitty by making her watch a movie you know she will deeply despise is not the right choice if you want to do a sadistic run? Man, that is pretty cruel of you veq to mislead us like that, do you want a membership-card of TTDS? ;)

I think liking or loving something is something you do with your heart not your brain, therefore it is always hard to explain it since that means you have to rationalize something that is not rational. I would say for me humiliation/inflicting suffering plays a part with the urine thing for me and the suffering is also obviously a big part of the guro. Also for me grossness is awesome in fiction for some reason, I don't know why but I feel that way but I just do and usually the more gross the better :biggrin:

Well said! For what it is worth I enjoy your 'ramblings' as they offer a interesting perspective of the human mind and they are fun to read.
Yeah, I get the fantasy about doing the thing you though of but never dared to do as someone hot where sleeping. But the peak/touch once but dont go further cause then they will notice you and that will mean game over. If there is molestation they should notice, and insted of ending things it should have consequences. Its kind of like most domination/corruption work with some kind of mind control pill/device that you use without anyone else noticing, removing all character development, relationship and consequence. I get the fantasy, but you lose so much of what would make it interesting. They want to play with it but not have the consequence of what they are doing, I guess that might help their conscience?

I guess @veqvil accidentally spoiled us with some of his twisted sides. Im looking forward to see more of that cruelness.

Given that my wall of text ramblings isnt for everybody, I thought that maybe @n0b0dy likes them. And now I can see thats the case.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2017
Hah, casuals:cool:. Jokes aside though, I think all of us, if we search within our self would fit in team pervert.

Well, as I said there are many different ways of enjoying these things (both from the people doing it and those being done to), when it comes to guro, I suspect that @n0b0dy descriptions of the beauty of suffering and ugliness would fit here. Its hard to understand what can be enjoyable with such a thing. Then again, remove the sex and its considered normal entertainment and mainstream. I know you said that horror movies arent your thing, but watching people getting tortured and gruesomely murdered is something a lot of people would call a good time. And if compared to a lot of the peverted things (Im not even thinking about the kinky stuff here), watching horror movies is normal but perverted thing are for "weird people". (I dont agree with that assessment). The fairy tails we have told our children for centuries are bloody and brutal. Add on top of that our cultures fascination with serial killers, horrible crimes and a history where we watched gladiators kill each other for sport, when you think of that, guro make a lot more sense. Didnt think I would be able to make an argumentet for guro (its not my thing), but I guess I did.

Good things come for those who wait. Ass, titts and kinky things can be found anywhere. Its the relationships you form with the character and the actions you do that makes it interesting. There is a reason we want to play these longer games with these day to day interactions and choises insted of playing one of these flash clicker games where you just click in rhythm or whatever and there is sex in the background.
What, dont I seem like a friendly person?:evilsmile:

Yeah, I get the fantasy about doing the thing you though of but never dared to do as someone hot where sleeping. But the peak/touch once but dont go further cause then they will notice you and that will mean game over. If there is molestation they should notice, and insted of ending things it should have consequences. Its kind of like most domination/corruption work with some kind of mind control pill/device that you use without anyone else noticing, removing all character development, relationship and consequence. I get the fantasy, but you lose so much of what would make it interesting. They want to play with it but not have the consequence of what they are doing, I guess that might help their conscience?

I guess @veqvil accidentally spoiled us with some of his twisted sides. Im looking forward to see more of that cruelness.

Given that my wall of text ramblings isnt for everybody, I thought that maybe @n0b0dy likes them. And now I can see thats the case.
Yeah, @n0b0dy really wants to read those walls xD. I do too! Just currently busy trying to prework for the 2-3 days so that they are less "wasted". That's just a thing with me, I can't let my computer do nothing, I mean I love my PC but it's still a machine xD.

Also, I agree on the game-over thing: Imagine you are molesting Amy while you think she is asleep, but in fact is awake and confronts you about it, DAYUM I'm shaking to just think about the consequences and integrating interesting dialogues with different outcomes. What will you do? Find a perfect excuse/lie? Admit your desires? Force her to keep it for herself? Beg for forgiveness? To me, THIS is the fun part. (Sorry for getting crazy here, but I just don't get people who go with a game-over there, as they really miss out on the most fun part and that is building a relationship of any kind IMO)It can turn into submitting as the MC to Amy, make Amy submit or whatever, I love that part about creating and writing for the project :D

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Damn, i have nothing else to say
Little spidey needs love too xDDDDDD
Also going with vote based renders actually will always end up in a Carol render right? :D

Shes hands down top 5 mommys on any wegs.
I take it as a compliment! Ha! Thank you :)


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2017
Well the goal of molestation does not necessarily need to be further corruption of the victim. One could also just molest because they enjoy it, as simple as that. I do agree molesting somebody who is unconscious is not much fun, in too many games you have to do in when the girls are sleeping. You might as well molest a corpse if you ask me :perservingface:

Wait, so being a sadist and making Amy purposely feel shitty by making her watch a movie you know she will deeply despise is not the right choice if you want to do a sadistic run? Man, that is pretty cruel of you veq to mislead us like that, do you want a membership-card of TTDS? ;)

I think liking or loving something is something you do with your heart not your brain, therefore it is always hard to explain it since that means you have to rationalize something that is not rational. I would say for me humiliation/inflicting suffering plays a part with the urine thing for me and the suffering is also obviously a big part of the guro. Also for me grossness is awesome in fiction for some reason, I don't know why but I feel that way but I just do and usually the more gross the better :biggrin:

Well said! For what it is worth I enjoy your 'ramblings' as they offer a interesting perspective of the human mind and they are fun to read.
Guess I was spot on saying that my question was ignorant :D Anyways I see that it's connected with a more deeper emotion that just the superficial/visual one :D
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Nov 17, 2017
Also, I agree on the game-over thing: Imagine you are molesting Amy while you think she is asleep, but in fact is awake and confronts you about it, DAYUM I'm shaking to just think about the consequences and integrating interesting dialogues with different outcomes. What will you do? Find a perfect excuse/lie? Admit your desires? Force her to keep it for herself? Beg for forgiveness? To me, THIS is the fun part. (Sorry for getting crazy here, but I just don't get people who go with a game-over there, as they really miss out on the most fun part and that is building a relationship of any kind IMO)It can turn into submitting as the MC to Amy, make Amy submit or whatever, I love that part about creating and writing for the project :D
Dont worry about the craziness, this is the best kind of crazy. Its the crazy that drive you to make this game the way well all enjoy. And I think (hope at least) that we love to see you gush over this as we really see the fun in playing though that kind of content in that way. Interesting characters with relationship who develop based on the difference actions you choose, what more can you want (TTDS graded content of cause, was that even a question?)?
Oh, and for the Amy situation, grab her pussy and confront her with why she is so wet, the best defence is a good offence. Checkmate Amy.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2017
Where's The Christmas Spirit :D
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I watched this whole thing, what a masterpiece! xD

Dont worry about the craziness, this is the best kind of crazy. Its the crazy that drive you to make this game the way well all enjoy. And I think (hope at least) that we love to see you gush over this as we really see the fun in playing though that kind of content in that way. Interesting characters with relationship who develop based on the difference actions you choose, what more can you want (TTDS graded content of cause, was that even a question?)?
Oh, and for the Amy situation, grab her pussy and confront her with why she is so wet, the best defence is a good offence. Checkmate Amy.
Of course, she is wet, with all those dirty dreams she had about the MC :FeelsGoodMan:. A bold but flawless move! :D


Jun 1, 2017
the suffering is also obviously a big part of the guro. Also for me grossness is awesome in fiction for some reason, I don't know why but I feel that way but I just do and usually the more gross the better :biggrin:
I did some thinking about what I like about guro so I would like to expand on it a bit. I think humans are animals, advanced ones but still animals. We still have a huge connection with nature and the way we used to live many thousands of years ago, it is implanted in our brain and dna. Now if you look at nature you will find it is pretty cruel in it's own way. All kinds of life are in a constant struggle to survive/reproduce and they have to fight each other for the limited resources that are available. The winner lives to see another day and for the loser the curtain falls. I think there are few things more beautiful than this fight to stay alive, to be a little bit better and stronger than the 'others' so you (not literally but I empathize with animals when I watch a documentary) can be the one that haves it all. How can one not enjoy the view of a lion chasing a gazelle, knowing they both fight for their lives. If the lion come out on top he will kill the gazelle, if the gazelle outruns the lion the lion might starve. So this situation where a organism is struggling for their lives does not appear much today in human (western) society. It does however in guro. With guro you see an organism who is wounded and struggling with life in a very raw and real way. Not only winning the battle of life is beautiful thing but losing it and receiving the penalty of a long slow (painful) transformation to nothingness is beautiful also. So guro can connect us with a part of nature we have lost and be almost like a spiritual thing. Also a sexy girl does not suddenly become not sexy just because somebody has cut of a few of her limbs and eaten her eyeballs.

Oh, and for the Amy situation, grab her pussy and confront her with why she is so wet, the best defence is a good offence. Checkmate Amy.
That seems like a good move yes. I would say the strongest move however is to threaten to murder her pet dog snuggles if she does 'anything stupid' :happyblush
Is it really too late to give her a dog? It also would open up the possibility for bestiality and I feel like this fits well within the holiday spirit. Christmas is about love and connecting with others after all so to lovingly connect with other species like that and sharing the love is very 'chrismas-like' :relievedface::p


I did some thinking about what I like about guro so I would like to expand on it a bit. I think humans are animals, advanced ones but still animals. We still have a huge connection with nature and the way we used to live many thousands of years ago, it is implanted in our brain and dna. Now if you look at nature you will find it is pretty cruel in it's own way. All kinds of life are in a constant struggle to survive/reproduce and they have to fight each other for the limited resources that are available. The winner lives to see another day and for the loser the curtain falls. I think there are few things more beautiful than this fight to stay alive, to be a little bit better and stronger than the 'others' so you (not literally but I empathize with animals when I watch a documentary) can be the one that haves it all. How can one not enjoy the view of a lion chasing a gazelle, knowing they both fight for their lives. If the lion come out on top he will kill the gazelle, if the gazelle outruns the lion the lion might starve. So this situation where a organism is struggling for their lives does not appear much today in human (western) society. It does however in guro. With guro you see an organism who is wounded and struggling with life in a very raw and real way. Not only winning the battle of life is beautiful thing but losing it and receiving the penalty of a long slow (painful) transformation to nothingness is beautiful also. So guro can connect us with a part of nature we have lost and be almost like a spiritual thing. Also a sexy girl does not suddenly become not sexy just because somebody has cut of a few of her limbs and eaten her eyeballs.
Are you a serial killer yet? Or have you not quite hit that 3 victim threshold yet? That is some intense sadism there, fuck.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2017
I did some thinking about what I like about guro so I would like to expand on it a bit. I think humans are animals, advanced ones but still animals. We still have a huge connection with nature and the way we used to live many thousands of years ago, it is implanted in our brain and dna. Now if you look at nature you will find it is pretty cruel in it's own way. All kinds of life are in a constant struggle to survive/reproduce and they have to fight each other for the limited resources that are available. The winner lives to see another day and for the loser the curtain falls. I think there are few things more beautiful than this fight to stay alive, to be a little bit better and stronger than the 'others' so you (not literally but I empathize with animals when I watch a documentary) can be the one that haves it all. How can one not enjoy the view of a lion chasing a gazelle, knowing they both fight for their lives. If the lion come out on top he will kill the gazelle, if the gazelle outruns the lion the lion might starve. So this situation where a organism is struggling for their lives does not appear much today in human (western) society. It does however in guro. With guro you see an organism who is wounded and struggling with life in a very raw and real way. Not only winning the battle of life is beautiful thing but losing it and receiving the penalty of a long slow (painful) transformation to nothingness is beautiful also. So guro can connect us with a part of nature we have lost and be almost like a spiritual thing. Also a sexy girl does not suddenly become not sexy just because somebody has cut of a few of her limbs and eaten her eyeballs.

That seems like a good move yes. I would say the strongest move however is to threaten to murder her pet dog snuggles if she does 'anything stupid' :happyblush
Is it really too late to give her a dog? It also would open up the possibility for bestiality and I feel like this fits well within the holiday spirit. Christmas is about love and connecting with others after all so to lovingly connect with other species like that and sharing the love is very 'chrismas-like' :relievedface::p
Talking on an animalistic level, maybe you find it fascinating to also see other beings becoming weaker or fall in front of your eyes, sort of as a demonstration or prove to be the stronger one? I'm personally really scared of guro, I can get nightmares from seeing images like that and can't sleep for a few days, I might be an opposite extreme as I couldn't even watch The walking dead, since I was too scared (I sort of "itching" to see it, but my experience is that I will always regret this decision once I can't sleep and since it's a long ass series I don't want to that xD).

Well, I won't start another vote including Carol next time. I want to practice some other character :D.

Are you a serial killer yet? Or have you not quite hit that 3 victim threshold yet? That is some intense sadism there, fuck.
@n0b0dy actually is a nice guy! He didn't kill me yet so yeah I got proof :D

Get away from my virtual mother, disembodied penis!

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Are you implying that you want animations? :D I'm really happy to see you play around with those renders! :D
Also, I have prepared a small present for Xmas :)
4.30 star(s) 131 Votes