VN Ren'Py Love and Temptation [Ep.5 S2] [GruBoop]

3.20 star(s) 55 Votes


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
GruBoop I think the OP should always clarify when incest patch is made officially (by the developer) or just by a random dude replacing text with the obvious result of changing the author's plot and resulting in weird dialogues.
Jul 5, 2020
I know the dev isn't gonna see this but my honest opinion about this game is it has potential to be one of the best V-Novels,Not only are the models one of the best ive seen but the animations are pretty good from what ive seen so far,Only problems that holds this game back from greatness is:
1.The Dialogue is pretty bad or not engaging enough,What i mean by that is most of the time it feels like the mc(main character) is a spectator in his own life,he would be in a conversation with one of the girls they would be pouring out there heart out to him or just having a normal convo and he would just stand there not saying anything or just awkward silence,where he is supposed to talk,also the dialogue feels rushed in some scenes plus it has a good bit of noticeable grammar errors.

2.The Episodes are really really short,and when i mean short literally one episode is like a day or literally half a day which takes around 5-10 minutes to read depending on if you are a fast reader or someone who appreciates the render and immerses themselves.Now this wouldnt be a problem but it is,there are tons of games out there with chapters or episodes that each take around 20-40 minutes to read,plus those games have good dialogue and pacing.instead of naming it episodes the dev should put day 1,day 2 etc etc,the game has been out for awhile and it has 4 episodes which are really short,it literally doesnt take more than 30 minutes to finish reading the entire game,max 50 minutes if you are a really slow reader.

3.The main character design,now this is a problem with alot of games and why i cant get into them,you would think the devs would have a brain and decide to make a decent looking mc or at least not show his face if you dont have the ability to make good men models,but no they make the most bland copy and paste main characters to ever been seen,worse the mc not only looks like a little kid,he acts like one,just makes reading this even weirder,plus he has a babyface,idk what is with devs and making the mc look childish as possible,you guys make really good female models so why cant u make a really cute or handsome mc,its not that hard to ask for,that goes for all the games using bland main character models.

The point is this game has potential to be on par with the greats like cardibris and drpinkcake,but these 3 points i made after playing through the game are severely holding it back.If anyone has more points they can add to it it would be greatly appreciated.I love giving summaries on these games,since i once helped my friend made a game in this genre but we cancelled the development because he had some irl issues going on and i wasn't the best at what his role was in our game so i moved on.Hope everyone who reads this have a nice day.

Bro the game has like an update every month. Ofcours you won't get 1 hour long gameplay every month. LOL


May 18, 2023
Bro the game has like an update every month. Ofcours you won't get 1 hour long gameplay every month. LOL
ok and whats your point?this game is still hella short,did you even read anything i said?
There are games on here who updates 2weeks or monthly and they release way more content,Plus like i said the chapters are really short,the game isnt bad in any means its just the lack of content per update which is a downside.If a developer knows they cant handle giving enough content at there expected release date then push it back,Why do you think for the best games on here each new chapter/episode takes like 3-6 months to come out and when we get it,it is a good amount in order to keep us engaged for the next hour or so.I have hopes this game will become really good in the future but the current practices are holding it down.Please READ next time before commenting.


☠︎︎ The real world is where the monsters are ☠︎︎
Aug 19, 2022


Apr 3, 2022
I definitely like the renders and character design for this. Dialogue flow and grammar could use a bit of work, but nothing that wouldn't likely be solved by a grammar suggestions section in a discord for the game.

That said, the forced scenes are pretty off-putting for me. Why even have dialogue options and the heart / affection system if all the scenes are seemingly forced? Is it like a planned thing? I'm really not into harem games (which this isn't tagged as) that have forced relationships, so I was kinda hoping I could just romance a single person... but if forced harem is planned, then maybe tag that?

Edit: Ok, so it looks like the affection system does lock you out of some scenes. I'd still allow the option to skip the earlier scenes if desired.
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Active Member
Jun 29, 2021
I don't understand people that complain about that the updates are too short. They rather would have a long update in 3-6 months instead. But do as me so it's solved, I play every second update. Then it's longer and you don't have to complain here. ;) (y)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2022
Any progress news? Saw this on his page, but no progress stats or whatsoever.

3.20 star(s) 55 Votes