Unity Love Cumedy [v0.7.1 Full] [Tiny Tweak Devs]

1.50 star(s) 23 Votes
Aug 5, 2019
Very nice! But missed some best parts (dragging and locking limbs) :D


  • Space Bar: Toggle Action / Locomotion mode
------ Action Mode

  • Click LMB: Poke body parts
  • Hold LMB: Drag limbs:
    • Move mouse for X / Y axis change
    • Use Mouse Wheel for Z axis change
  • Click RMB: Point where to go (In Normal Pose)
  • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel: Zoom camera
  • C: Toggle camera
  • F: Shoot Cum
------ Locomotion Mode

  • W / A / S / D: Move
  • Q / E: Rise or Descend
  • F: Shoot Cum
Gonna leave this here so people know
Will this have Vr Support


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
You paid to a company that had x ammount of developers under contract who were paid a monthly wage.
Yeah, that company paid developers because they expected a return on their investment. Instead, Patreon developers expect me to pay them a monthly wage, and in return, not only do I not get any kind of investment return or profit sharing like a video game company would, I also don't get an actual game, like I would by giving a video game company money.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
i liked the way this game was headed for the first dozen updates.
but the paywalls are becoming a bit too... frequent.

My suggestion:
Paywall new releases.
Then put those same releases out for Free 3 months after.

If people want to play the update Today, they pay.
If not, they can wait 3 months until its free.

Like so many people here have mentioned... Asking for a monthly wage for a game that will take more than a decade to finish is unacceptable for majority of the audience. It's not sensible.
In other words, the investment to return ratio is skewed in the developers favor.
Mar 17, 2019
yes a paywall is fair if there is bonus content behind it and not the main game.
what we get here is a free demo but we have to pay for the main content, so it's pay to play.
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Apr 28, 2018
Reading some of the comments above the developer kinda sounds like a dick for putting most of the stuff behind a paywall but yet again I haven't downloaded it to see why the comments above this are upset but I think I'll pass.


May 17, 2017
Who would even pay for a demo content sorry alpha build? Where we don't even know if ever gonna get a full version? Paying for 5 minutes content like 10-30 dollar(depends) is just robbing...
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May 1, 2017
they'd get a lot more support if they would not have 17 tiers for the same god damn game. there are way better looking unity games that give you everything for like $5 a month, and they have a lot more supporters because of that.
1.50 star(s) 23 Votes