Yeah, I just played through both versions and it is painfully obvious that .1 is way better and dare I say it, something that the author much prefers. There's a lot of interesting stuff in .1 that is just way more concrete than in the other one. So even though I LIKE CORRUPTION (the game and the tag) I really think that it'd be a real disservice and bad business move if he continues on the new path. I love the sophie path in the original and it's a far better darker story than I hate everyone, give them 5 pills to progress, lewd scene, grind repeat.
Yes the first part is a super text dump. I think truthfully the author could get around that by having the prologue end after the Anna is the first subject remark. Like she tells you that and then you go to sleep. Then have the discussion with Laura and Fred when you navigate to school at that time. Then have it be obvious that you will go talk to them in the restaurant. Then next scene occurs. That's how you make the prologue more digestible. There's a lot of hard work there that if it was spread out, put in chunks instead of one massive text dump, you'd have people supporting you a lot more. Though maybe you should cut some stuff out like your first interaction with Anna as it feels weird in this game. She talks like she's a bitch but then quickly becomes a more classic onii-sama character when you enter the school. And yeah she sort of reverts when you get handsy, but that's understandable for such a character. Most childhood friend characters would say "No, not unless we date, how could you ruin this beautiful friendship." Also for the love of god, make the first bullies masturbation scene also viewable? Maybe have the blowjob occur afterward when you get horny because the single screen way of showing it after the beautiful animation feels like she just took a picture that she shows you after blowing you. Show her humiliation!
Truthfully though, because you seem to be willing to tear it down and build it back up, maybe you should just have a more traditional set-up than maid urges you to seduce women (dub-con), mixed with Sophie blackmailing and controlling women (noncon), mixed with Jasmine wanting to jump your bones (con). Like choose one that maybe has elements of each at different levels, but one is obviously the main thrust of the game, so it feels like a single experience. As I played it where I just went with each route individually, it felt like mom/maid sort of stopped being a thing as I went through Jasmine, and then Sophie's corruption route. If I were to pitch what I would do, I'd have the mom/maid character somehow be connected with Sophie and when you run into a wall that dub-con can't fix, she sends you to Sophie as a fixer. A person who can do the dirty work of blackmailing, drugging etc. And looking far down the line, you could make a Sophie dialogue option be how you ultimately corrupt the mom/maid. The "I'm so proud of you, now take me Goshujin-sama" moment. Because if you really want this story to have the proper ending, taking her as the final piece of your harem is obvious: the student becomes the master (pun intended).
I know it can seem like you're getting 50 different opinions at this point, but I really would hate to see this abandoned or for you to continue in your current direction because I feel like that would be a huge waste.
Yes the first part is a super text dump. I think truthfully the author could get around that by having the prologue end after the Anna is the first subject remark. Like she tells you that and then you go to sleep. Then have the discussion with Laura and Fred when you navigate to school at that time. Then have it be obvious that you will go talk to them in the restaurant. Then next scene occurs. That's how you make the prologue more digestible. There's a lot of hard work there that if it was spread out, put in chunks instead of one massive text dump, you'd have people supporting you a lot more. Though maybe you should cut some stuff out like your first interaction with Anna as it feels weird in this game. She talks like she's a bitch but then quickly becomes a more classic onii-sama character when you enter the school. And yeah she sort of reverts when you get handsy, but that's understandable for such a character. Most childhood friend characters would say "No, not unless we date, how could you ruin this beautiful friendship." Also for the love of god, make the first bullies masturbation scene also viewable? Maybe have the blowjob occur afterward when you get horny because the single screen way of showing it after the beautiful animation feels like she just took a picture that she shows you after blowing you. Show her humiliation!
Truthfully though, because you seem to be willing to tear it down and build it back up, maybe you should just have a more traditional set-up than maid urges you to seduce women (dub-con), mixed with Sophie blackmailing and controlling women (noncon), mixed with Jasmine wanting to jump your bones (con). Like choose one that maybe has elements of each at different levels, but one is obviously the main thrust of the game, so it feels like a single experience. As I played it where I just went with each route individually, it felt like mom/maid sort of stopped being a thing as I went through Jasmine, and then Sophie's corruption route. If I were to pitch what I would do, I'd have the mom/maid character somehow be connected with Sophie and when you run into a wall that dub-con can't fix, she sends you to Sophie as a fixer. A person who can do the dirty work of blackmailing, drugging etc. And looking far down the line, you could make a Sophie dialogue option be how you ultimately corrupt the mom/maid. The "I'm so proud of you, now take me Goshujin-sama" moment. Because if you really want this story to have the proper ending, taking her as the final piece of your harem is obvious: the student becomes the master (pun intended).
I know it can seem like you're getting 50 different opinions at this point, but I really would hate to see this abandoned or for you to continue in your current direction because I feel like that would be a huge waste.