VN Unity Completed Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll [Complete] [SovietGames]

3.80 star(s) 4 Votes


Oct 8, 2018
Has there been any update from the developers?
Cyber-New Year

Posted by Dream Tale
Dec 30, 2020


Dear friends,

Let us wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year from the bottom of our hearts! 2020 - a very complicated year for all of us - is coming to its end. This year the entire world has faced an unprecedented challenge - the Coronavirus pandemic. We hope that in 2021 we will manage to bring this danger down with the efforts of our scientists and awareness of the people!

This year proved to be difficult for us, too - unfortunately, "Love, Money, Rock’n’Roll" won’t be released in 2020. At the stage of alpha testing, we have found multiple issues that previously hadn’t been discovered, such as the size of the game - it is significantly bigger than that of the demo version, which has led to numerous bugs. To put it simply, the code is not being executed properly. Since we put quality first, we cannot release a game in such a state!

Some people were comparing our game to Cyberpunk 2077. However, it seems to me that putting any visual novel, no matter its quality and scale, up against a AAA-title which had been anticipated by millions of people and in which millions of dollars had been invested, is not entirely correct. Still, there is something we can learn from Cyberpunk’s. For example, it is never favourable for a game to be delayed and eventually released with severe bugs. Therefore, a developer has a choice: either polish the game to completion, moving the release date, or follow the opinion of impatient players (and shareholders - not our case, thank God) and release an unfinished product.

Of course, we could be drawing such parallels for a while, but I’d like to highlight one more thing: PC players, of course, aren’t so concerned about the owners of old consoles, but the main issues the game and the developer had were due to them. We also have quite a lot of users with old Android devices whom we can’t ignore. Even if we wanted to, we can’t at this point. Perhaps it would be wiser to adopt the strategy of the developers of the new "Stalker", who announced right away that the game won’t run on old hardware.

In any case, we aren’t trying to look for excuses, but merely want to relay to you that the work is continuing, and we are doing our best to ensure you get a high-quality product!

Also, we decided to change some of the character’s faces - a few players were complaining about those. We got additional people to work on the code to finish the development as soon as possible.

In the end, a calendar month only symbolises one-twelfth of the Earth's orbit, and ignoring the social aspects, there isn’t much of a difference between December, January, and, say March. Either way, we are thankful for your patience and faith.

We have also added English subtitles for .

Today, we would rather encourage you to give us a word of support than make a preorder.

Thank you very much, and please enjoy the holidays.
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Mar 5, 2020
Thanks! I'm happy to see they're still working on it, and that they aren't rushing it. Also, that interview with English subs is pretty neat.


Oct 8, 2018
Light at the end of the tunnel

Posted by Dream Tale
February 22, 2021


Hello, dear readers!

It’s time for the first update of the new year - you’ve long been waiting for reassuring news, and we’ve got aplenty!

We’ve finished the vast majority of work pertaining to new background animations. Additionally, we’re working on an upgrade of the main characters’ sprites to better match them with the overall visual style of the game and have achieved significant progress in reworking and redesigning the animations of secondary characters.

Unfortunately, resolving the issues with the code will require more time than we initially planned. We realise that this issue didn’t appear out of the blue and was generally expected, but still, mistakes happen whether we want them or not. The main problem lies in the fact that most people played the demo only once or just a few times to get to both possible endings. Meanwhile, the full game is meant to be completed in at least four different ways, and, as a consequence, has more saves/loads and hours of reading than the demo (to provide some hard numbers, the demo includes five in-game days, while the full game has twenty-eight in-game days in each route). It is only logical that the increase in the number of interactions with the game led to a growing number of errors.

We understand that it might seem that nothing changes, that we are stuck and the project is in stasis, but that is not the case. We don’t have a dedicated SMM specialist, and we are very careful about delivering each of these updates to you. Evolutionary, humans aren’t well-adapted to the dense flow of information that exists in the 21st century. This fact is skilfully utilised by the governments and multi-billion corporations (like Kobayashi Corporation) all over the world with the use of scientific discoveries. We don’t want to be like them, so we are trying to provide reliable information only and not get ahead of ourselves (especially considering the previous mistakes made).

Guys, we are almost at the finish line! We can see the light in the end of the tunnel, and there is really not much left. We can promise you that.

You can still - and get some valuable bonuses, future DLCs, as well as have your name in the credits.
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Oct 8, 2018

Posted by SovietGames
August 22, 2021


Dear friends,

The hottest summer in the history of meteorological observations is coming to its end. Weather forecasters tell as that such heatwaves will only become more frequent. And while global warming walks the planet in a sure step, we, the small people, go about our business — we give you the monthly report.

Today we'd like to address some factual data. The work we've got left is:
Finish/remake emotions for some secondary characters
Finish a certain amount of animations
Add the missing sounds/ambiances (WIP)
Finish the in-game script (add the display of sprites, backgrounds, CGs, music/sounds, and game logic to the text)
Finish up the code.

I'll address the two later points specifically. The overall script is ready, but due to the fact that the sprites were often adjusted or even remade, and the code that handles their display was rewritten, they still need to be added to the script. Don't worry, it doesn't take nearly as much time as writing the text itself.

As for the code, the game is playable! However, as with any IT product, there is no limit to perfection and small bugs usually get fixed all the way to (and sometimes after) release.

There is still about two weeks of summer left, and we wish you to enjoy them to the fullest! In the Autumn, expect us to give you a release date! And please enjoy this new in-game CG.

You can still by making a preorder and receiving valuable bonuses as well as future DLCs and seeing your name in the credits.
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Oct 8, 2018
Big Floppa

Posted by SovietGames
September 30, 2021


Dear friends!

The last day of September bids us farewell with its crimson rays of sunlight, which means the time has come for yet another progress update.
Every game comes a long way from its conception to release. And even in the latest stages of development, different beta versions may be quite different from each other. Even the very term “playable” doesn’t make the product ready to be shown to a wider audience.

What we want to say is that our game is already playable, but we still need some time to polish and get it to shape. Objectively, there are some areas that can be left as-is, and others that can’t. Believe us when we say we’re not nitpicking or trying to fix what’s not broken!

What still needs work: background ambiences, small heroine sprite adjustments, direction, translation, some residual code issues. We promised to bring you good news this Autumn, and we’ll absolutely do just that! After all, the season has only just begun.

For now, you can still and see your name in the credits, receive valuable bonuses, and all future DLCs.


Oct 8, 2018
Don't Cry

Posted by SovietGames
February 28, 2022


Good day, dear friends! With the current events unfolding in our country and the world, today we’d like to limit ourselves to listing everything we’ve done in the past month and our plans for the nearest future.

1. A lot of work has been done on script direction, including scene transitions and custom positions for sprites. I’d like to clarify that this is additional work tied to improving the experience — the main part is long finished.
2. Added new sprite emotions for particular situations.
3. Added new sprite animations (nods, steps, etc.) for particular situations.
4. New functionality added for playing animations at particular points as the text appears on the screen, which allows us to make the sprites react more dynamically to what’s happening instead of being limited to a single standard change of emotion.
5. Optimisation done for small screen resolutions, antialiasing implemented without any loss of performance.
6. The sprite display system has been improved to ensure a lower chance of bugs in the future.
7. Early bets-testing has been started, first feedback received from people outside of the actual game developers. Opening beta-testing to the people who have preordered the game (meaning the “Beta tester” tier) is planned a bit later, after the first testers catch the critical bugs — if any.
8. Two new backgrounds added, animations added to several more.
9. Three new animated CGs added.
10. Easter eggs added. You’ll have to find them yourselves!
11. Translation system has been completed (English translation is ready).
12. An enormous amount of small optimisations, additions, and bug fixes have been made, impossible to list all of them here.

The release date is still set to 2nd of June — no changes here. Initially, we were planning to bring you some good and even unexpected news today, but it so happens that we’ll have to postpone them to Match. We really hope that by then the situation stabilizes.

We understand that computer games aren’t a priority at the moment, but we’re still doing our best to deliver a truly quality product for all of you! You can still , see your name in the credits, and receive all future DLCs.

Be kind to yourselves and other people of planet Earth, don’t make Catherine cry!
Spring Drops

Posted by SovietGames
March 31, 2022


Dear friends! Today we'd like to present to you a report on the work done in the past month:

1. Finished 85% of additional script direction (up to 50% since the last blog post).
2. Optimized the amount of RAM the game uses doing fast-forward.
3. Added a minor variation for one of the backgrounds. You'll have to see which one in-game!
4. Finished two more animated CGs.
5. Slightly adjusted in terms of appearance, as well as optimized technically, the main interface (textboxes).
6. Significantly reduced game size on Android.
7. Remade the footnote system — it should now be much more convenient and easy to use, with a clear indication as to which word(s) a footnote is for.
8. Added and placed new sounds — about 100 effects such as wind noise, shutting doors, buzzes, gunshots, strums of guitar strings, etc.
9. Made a gallery for replaying the songs heard in-game, viewing seen backgrounds and CGs. Also added an interface for viewing their variations (such as CGs with various emotions). Creating the gallery took more time than we anticipated.
10. Added more character animations for specific situations, improved some models' technical capabilities for animation.

We also made even more small adjustments, bug fixes, changes than last month, and it would be impossible to mention all of them here.

Speaking about what we have left to do in terms of the game's main functionality, that would be: keeping track of seen text (for skipping only it and not all text) and auto-forward. We also have a weighty backlog of tasks that mostly consists of bugs and small features. Most of them aren't that significant — we doubt most players will even notice them — but some are more apparent, such as a better outline for character names.

Despite the difficult situation in the country and the world, at the moment the release date remains the same: 2nd of June 2022.

You can still support us, see your name in the credits, as well as receive valuable bonuses and DLCs.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
The Dev is claiming to deliver a full game later in 2022:

However, the demo was published over 1.5 years ago.

Marked as Abandoned, per site rules.


Oct 8, 2018
1 Game 2 Cups

Posted by SovietGames
July 4, 2022


Dear friends! Today is the day when exactly a month remains until the release of our new game, "Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll"! We have come a long way, one that would've been impossible without you and your support!

Since the last blog post we:

1. Implemented the backer list with the ability to search by name.
2. Put a lot of work into preparing the game for launch on Google Play and App Store.
3. Solved a number of problems not directly connected to the game itself that had been mentioned in the May blog post.
4. Fixed a great number of small bugs that had been found by our community (thank you guys very much!) and showed up when creating especially exotic and difficult situations for the game.
5. Implemented new outlines for narrator names, now they look much better than before.
6. Improved sprite texture quality on mobile devices.
7. Added two more backgrounds.
8. Finishing up the addition of backer names to the credits — gotta have the final list for that!
9. Finishing up the system for giving out preorders on mobile platforms.

As we'd mentioned before, after today we will not be accepting any more names for the credits, but you will still be able to make a preorder and receive all future DLCs (and a digital artbook).

We'd also like to remind you that you can buy a key to the game right now .

And one more thing: the image in today's post isn't random. What it means, however, for now, you'll have to guess.
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Active Member
Jan 5, 2020
I think it's been 6 years since its announcement, a few more hours and this shit it's going to probably be at last released.


Nov 28, 2018
Well it has finally been released, played for some time on android, you'll have to buy the full game after a certain point though, will wait a few days to see if any alternative sources pops up lol, from what I saw though the game looks good and interesting, at least from my opinion.
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New Member
Jun 29, 2022
Just imagine how a girl comes to you at 5 A.M. and prepares food for you, to which you answer that the food is terrible and, in general, that you came to my house.
And if without jokes, an extremely mediocre protagonist who does not develop in any way and still behaves like an asshole, other heroes are extremely mediocre in combination, but from the pluses, even so, this is music and art. However, this is definitely not what 7 years (!) of development did
3.80 star(s) 4 Votes