The problem is not that I can't or don't want to fight around. I like fighting battels in RPG, especially if the story actually tighed down on battles like here. All I am saying is that this pocker mombo-jumbo is a major turn off for me, and I can guess for many who is not a fun. BTW, unlike other characters, leveling and progressing through story hardly make MC any more powerful then at the start, aside from STR rising HP.
For example. After Emily got her paws on a certain artefact, she became a real deal (decimating any non-event foes to the ashes) and you can actually say that she IS the Power, while our MC... keeps tossing around card with next to zero efficiency (yes, because I have now idea about pocker rules and cards matchings/settings as well as how it all works).
This "pocker problem" brings after itself another one. Gems becomes almost useless, since they tied down to cards formations which I have no idea about, those, I can't utilize that mechanic (likely, as any other players who are not pocker players). The most I managed to do is pair and two pairs, since is kinda obvious but the rest...
I understand that the developers, most likely, like pocker allot, since they even explained why MC play it in battles. But I ask you to consider people who really liked your game but not funs of a card games. It would be really nice if they (me included) could get an option to enjoy it fully (battels included and without cheating), without tossing cards around in hopes that something unknown would match and you can shield yourself or toss out nice damage.
Even more to the point. The problem above makes sorceress companions much... less effective, especially Akane (she dos something with rows and lines but what???). And I liked that eastern beauty allot...
I understand that making an optional battle system is allot of work, but you already announced that you would implement "swordplay" in the game (after all, we did grinded that characteristic), so, perhaps, you could make brunch there? For example, let players decide if they want MC fighting with the sword (possibly with some additional mechanics like enchanting the strikes or something like that) or with cards.