Droid Productions just couple more questions:
1. Regarding Book 2 Kingdom events, are "Warthog go brrrrrrpt" & "Barricade" events being implemented with Act 8? Finished all other Kingdom events and those ones left, but it says not implemented yet.
Oddly, in the Walkthrough with the Wikia, it is written as if Warthog go brrrrrpt event is available (the Kingdom event itself as well as the linked Book 2 Quest to it) when I can't access it in the game.
2. With the "In Alis vicimis" quest,
after going on the second demon fortress raid with Katie (after day 140+), is there more content? Same with Chloe's quest Neutral Grounds.
After seeing the news on TV which featured Olivia, I'm wondering if there is more content when I visit and work for Chloe (so far, just repeat of same stuff).
Both quest are still marked as active, without saying "To be continued" or "this is the end of this content for this update" in their quest notifications etc.
3. Finally did "A Little Favor" and
got the dragon egg and Draco was born.
Draco plays around in Teahouse, Onsen and Dojo, and one question regarding him is, we can't take him to battle just yet?
4. Trying to activate "The Mystery of the Missing Panties" after finishing A Little Favor, and for some reason, it's not starting in Kings Dragon (think I went through at least a week after Little Favor event, but still no luck).