Hi, since you are active here, I write it here. Noticed same bug, but also, the "shield" from Merlin is listed, but then you can never start it, it says it is not implemented (though that is not really a bug), a pity, as you basically have the resources and the time to create it, but cannot use them. I think it would be nice to have it, to protect the troops.
Also, I may have found another bug - when I finished the game, in the last explorations/fights, I had risen to level 36, with an indication of 940hp. But when I tried to start again the game, and load the latest save (the one made automatically by the game and the end), and tried to continue and go in another fight, it was giving me only 660 as hp. If instead I load from the day (using day 150, the one before the last), then I get the right value for the HP.
Small note about the interface, if it is not going to be very complex in terms of programming, maybe something you can add up: during the poker, you can use keyboard shortcuts to activate the allies, but some of them, may have multiple choices after (I got Bella with 4), it would be nice if it was possible to use again shortcuts to select the options.
By the way, not sure if you plan/think to put them (could be very complex), but would be nice if there could be an active role also in some battle ;-).