Well, I've finally worked my way up to and through Book 3's available content and I've got to say, I'm impressed. The game's excellent, although it does have a somewhat steep learning curve at the very beginning.
I have run into an issue in Book 3 though. Everything more or less follows the walkthrough on the wiki up to day 217 perfectly. Then there are 2 days of "free time". On the morning of 219 the Unseelie Court visit happens properly, followed by 8 periods of "free time" again. On the morning of 222 Akane does the King's Dragon restored thing and I get my mini tour again. Then, following the walkthrough I go visit the Poet at the Unseelie Court.
After that though, everything "minor" just sort of stops. There's no party waiting for me at the King's Dragon and there's no freaky rope bondage training in the dojo. The next morning (day 223) there's no Emily in the main hall, although the date in the evening does work properly and "Dressed in White" does start the next morning. If I visit the room in the Crowley I can purchase the lingerie properly, however the option remains with a ! on DXP for the rest of the act after doing so. Clicking it again gives a "I can't believe..." dialogue but the only option after that is "Maybe Later" since I've already purchased it. Visiting the dojo after that does nothing, there's nobody there, no Draco, no Chosen, and I can't call Jenny at night, she doesn't answer. I can pick up the lingerie from Chloe the next morning.
The next "event" is the visit from Val on the morning of 226, none of the other stuff before that happens. After that the morning of 227 Molly informs the MC about Bella's birthday and I can buy the necklace no problem, but nothing else is available or triggers until the morning of 228 with the dinner invite. I can also go pick up the necklace no problem. The next event is the morning of 230 where Bella informs me there's shit going down and it turns out Fiadh got captured and released by Samael so the plan to go say "hi" starts. Evening of 231 where the Samael visit happens works without issue. After that the next event is the dinner with Mab and Aoife followed by seeing Matthew and the end of the act. None of the "minor" events occur or are available, so no rope practice, no dancing, no Jenny stuff, no shoe fetish crap etc.
I'm assuming there's some variable somewhere that isn't triggering properly, but I'm not sure what it is. I've read the rope bondage book. I bought and picked up the ropes. I visited the dragon on the map. I reunited Dylan with his mom and hooked back up with Katie. So as far as I can tell everything that should have been required has actually happened. I'm at a loss here.