I agree with
Avaron1974, I'd love to see more aciton with the changer guard, for me specifically that would be Kath. I'd also love to see something with Jannice too, perhaps as some sort of flashback to that month she and Chloe spent with the MC's father as I don't tihnk incest would fit with the rest of the narrative.
I also think the franchise potential of this world is pretty big, and I hope that may be explored after completion. Probably heard this several times already!
The lore already lends to several prequels, the creation of the firstborn for instance. Game called Pantheon where you send your children off to colonise parts of the world.
The whole Merlin/Arthur Saga. Maybe playing as Lancelot.
Chloe's adventures.
Though unsure how the game will officially end, even just a sequel focusing more on the kingdom and diplomacy in the afternmath of what I assume will be victory. Dealing with different kinds of threats, and exploring the Elsewhere over the continent.
A Netflix series - storywise I think it could easily challenge other fantasy-drama types, though obviously the sex scenes wouldn't be quite as they are now with many cut. And probably a big leap to get there, but we can dream!