Edit: Okay, did a bit of a push, the documents are all now cross-linked. Thank god for auto-generated documentation, I spent less time doing the 100+ items that could be auto-generated from code than I did with the 15 elements I had to tinker with by handI just realized something, and that is that I have no idea how XP works in this game.
After you start going to Elsewhere to grind, you get to fight different tiers of enemies.
For example, Minotaur "level 3" Minotaur Knight "level 7" and Minotaur Lord "Level 9"
Sometimes I would fight a "level 3" and get 1000 XP, but then I would fight a "Level 9" and get 300 XP...
Which was a bit frustrating when I went out of my way to form a party to deal damage, get shielded and healed to face a "Level 9"
I thought that the point of those levels is the possibility of getting higher tiers of gems, but I got some of my best gems from Level 6s or Level 3s
If you check out the "Elsewhere Events tab", you'll see each monster comes with a Loot Table entry
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For example:
CombatIceElementalGrunt (4% probability)
3 of diamonds (Player Level 0 to 100)
Enemy: Ice Elemental Grunt (enemy base class is IceElemental)
XP override : 400
Gives 1200XP (1 xpscale over base)
Loot table IceElemental1
Uses weapon : IceElemental1
LootTable is IceElemental1 (I should work out how to anchor sub-URLs in Markup)
You must be registered to see the links
Cash (36%) 20 to 200 cash
Gem (22%) Ice1
Gem (18%) Ice2
Gem (11%) Ice3
Gem (8%) Ice4
Gem (4%) Ice5
Gem (4%) Ice6
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