Ok, after being a little bit skeptical about the game, especially the humor of the game (like seriously who plays a porn game in an aircraft?!), once you get used to it and know what to expect it is a really special and interesting story.
Is there a wiki somewhere that explains some of the lore and also characters like Merlin, Arthur etc.?
I get really confused with e.g. "god", powers".
Is a god a power? But there exist powers that arent gods?
Sometimes there is a lot informations and names drop, so it is really easy to get confused...
I also would like to know if the poker game could get a little 'quality of life' improvement in the next patch. It is really annoying that there are serveral mouse clicks and movements necessary to activate the companion abilities. One click on the companion icon should be enough to activate the ability. At the moment you have to click on the icon, confirm the ability and then skip the short text/dialogue (that gets repetitive and annoying really fast).
Maybe you could also add the complete scenes to the memory section of the menu. While the renders/pictures are really good, your writing makes them so much better.
With that being said, this is a really good game.