Here's my initial bug/design feedback, it's a bit stream of consciousness, so please forgive the disorganization.
The XP screen should be faster, it can take over 12 seconds of staring at a bar which is honestly ridiculous. My suggestion is if the exp amount is under 250, scale the rate of xp bar filling to take 1-1.5 seconds, 251-600 1.5-2 seconds, 601+ 3 seconds. Those times might be off as well, but they're far closer to where they should be.
My message history has been hopelessly broken since extremely early on
Going to elsewhere in the morning on the day you
date [Emily] in Elsewhere breaks things when you return
Slight avatar movement/tweening is a very appreciated touch that elevates the game above some others.
Cards sometimes ghost on discard// maybe related to an enemy forcing you to discard? I didn't click and it discarded at the turn change and still let me have my turn, ghosting present, this might have been on a board clear, unsure there
Percentage damage resist from [Bella] can heal you [above your max hp as well] if you have shield
Turnaround is fair play ->
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[Emily] Study Scene oct 8
Follower powers do not feel balanced compared to each other, this may be intentional but it's weird for sure.
I do not understand elemental damage, why did "Do 3 fire damage" make the enemy take 28 damage? That wasn't even 3+fire debuff stacks or something like that as far as I could tell.
As a fox-girl aficionado, I have to say the kitsune's tail design in her avatar is a bit cursed.
Edit: This seems like a negative post, but I assure you it is not.