Dislikes: Most characters are not present in the world unless at a scripted storyline moment so no repeatable events with them - takes you out of the game somewhat. Would love visiting them and them visiting you for random chats, excursions to Elsewhere initiated by companions, dates etc... Chloe's content is especially lacking and i was expecting more with her during the bar jobs.
There's more slice of life events planned; just a matter of spending the time to write them. Stuff like running into Emily at the bookstore, etc. There's a framework for it, but it got backburnered by content for elsewhere in the 2.5 update.
Chloe, and the Crowely specifically, is the focus of 3.5 (so once Act III is out, I'll do a 'world content' update, before starting Act IV). The Crowely's always been planned for upgrades, and as you upgrade the clientele changes. It's also how you unlock additional bonuses from Chloe. You're already collecting 'special ingredients' from Elsewhere, I just need to finish writing the upgrade stories (and the catgirl sex scenes).
Loot drops from Elsewhere seem very random and I'd never find a gem more powerful than level 3 even after beating a level 9 monster. Ingredients and money drops are too rare. I think I got 3 money drops totalling less than £100 even after going to Elsewhere every day possible.
Hmm.. I adjusted the payout up a little; I'll go back and check on that. There's right now 4 tables (two are specific to the fire elementals, and only give out firegems, two are generic for low and medium tier enemies. Vakyes are specified as a Random(1, max), so if it says 70 gold that's 1-70. The weight is the probability scale; in this case there's a 6/16 (37%) chance of dropping some gold. All of that is still very much subject to balance feedback; I'll look at bumping it up a little.
I couldn't see anyway of seeing how many ingredients I was carrying for Chloe nor could I hand them in to her after saying "actually i'll hang on to them for now" the first time you get back with ingredients (misclick).
Added to the bug tracker.
Being unable to read a book in your room or in the bar seems odd. Possibility of some interactivity with Chloe there.
It's more of a balance thing. I wanted the events that required you to spend gold to have a higher payout than ones that were free. And of course there's books that only make sense to read in the coffeestore...
Hates: Time Limit. Usually I avoid games that use a time limit mechanic like the plague. if i've paid for a game I believe I should be able to take my time and experience everything whilst playing rather than being forced to try again next time if I missed some bits. Buying the large fire gem is really hard to do unless you're sacrificing everything else to get it. I would suggest letting players choose when to trigger the ending sequence for each act when the prereqs are met. if people want to enjoy your world and combat system for a bit longer then let them. Abrupt end dates when you've got things left to do is just frustrating.
Yeah, I've heard that one before. But since most of the core story is locked to hard dates on the timeline (and that will keep flowing forward), I can't just leave it open. Right now they're in the mid-term, so most of it seems continuous, but there'll be exams and stuff like that. The cleanest solution is likely the groundhog Load+ system, which allows you to keep reliving a day and doing non-calender stuff, then rejoin the time-stream when a new update is out.
In short - more world content and side events for characters to build friendships and personalities, more Elsewhere and lastly give players a workaround for the time limit thing if you're dead set on using it so people can choose to go with the flow or slow down and enjoy the journey.
Will do!
Also: "grisly details" not "grizzly details."