
Active Member
Jan 22, 2021
2) It's Emily 2's fault MC is even IN universe 2 and not with his wife and daughter!!!
She knows that, but the MC is "don't worry, I'm dtf either of you, I love you. Oh, and btw, if you don't love me back, I might overflow with rage and put Hitler to shame. But no pressure, take your time, no pressure at all :HideThePain:"

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
This game is up there with TLS in the "came for the 'plot', stayed for the plot" pantheon. What's the word for catching up with an ongoing series and having to wait for the next update after binging?
It's in motion; I'm so far only on day 2 of Act XIV (I took a detour to add a replayable foursome with the Chosen, and redo some art). I'll get back to it soon... right now I'm spending some healing time doing R&D, if you check out the :)


Apr 21, 2020
2) It's Emily 2's fault MC is even IN universe 2 and not with his wife and daughter!!!
A lot created that mess. That Owyn was too busy banging Jenny in an ally, instead of analizing Molly in DNG1 to make her chosen, so she wasn't able to send Emily to save him at the glade... also, Old Horney apparently never took control. Then it was sorcery and Chloe, and the whole criptic message as to what Emily 2.0 was to bring back... and Owyn said he went willingly, so I can't blame the girl. Seems like everything went wrong for her.
Oct 21, 2022
Hey guys, any helpful tips with Unity that would make the experience better? Missing not being able to scroll back through dialogue as easily.



Jan 23, 2019
is it possibil to put all 3 books in One, this game is very good but to play the books as stoandalone are a bit annoying :D


Mar 31, 2018
is it possibil to put all 3 books in One, this game is very good but to play the books as stoandalone are a bit annoying :D
I think part of the reason they're split is that the combined game would be huge in filesize. Each book is already very large as is.


May 21, 2022
Sry if this is already reported/fixed but I found a weird dialogue option placement, considering the conversation. I'm using this thread's release.
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Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Sry if this is already reported/fixed but I found a weird dialogue option placement, considering the conversation. I'm using this thread's release.
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Yeah, it's basically just 4 threads that you can follow in any order; I often do that, in cases where there's optional dialog, the bottom-most answer will always be the "no, get me out of this conversation". Sometimes it looks a little clumsy, like there... I'll see if it bugs me enough to change :)


May 30, 2019
having trouble with android version of book 2. copied the act6.sav to the game dir, it detects the save but does not load anything from there, no stats no money

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
having trouble with android version of book 2. copied the act6.sav to the game dir, it detects the save but does not load anything from there, no stats no money
The process should be to Start game in book 2, then chose the "I have an existing Book 1 save", then it continues from there.
  • Hey there
Reactions: Warscared


May 30, 2019
I did exactly that and well it even uses <EMILY> and <CHLOE> for names. I enabled debug and found an error there

"Error loading android/data/com.droidproductions.loveofmagic2/files/act6.sav"

I copied the file from Book 1 to book 2. Also Android 13 this has become difficult since you directly do not have access to data dir in Android anymore. I used adb to transfer the file.


May 30, 2019
Adding log
~ $ adb ls /sdcard/android/data/com.droidproductions.loveofmagic2/files/
000045f8 00000d7c 63b733bb .
000045f8 00000d7c 63b7b666 ..
000045e8 00000d7c 63b7215a Unity
000081b0 00000b44 63b7b67e system.sav
000081a4 0013680f 63b73373 act6.sav
000081b0 00003f25 63b7b677 start_conversation.sav2
000081b0 000057c7 63b725ea battle.sav2
~ $ adb ls /sdcard/android/data/com.droidproductions.loveofmagic/files/
000045f8 00002000 63b5f676 .
000045f8 00000d7c 63b732c4 ..
000081b0 0000d3ba 63b732fe system.sav
000081b0 0010620d 63b5f4d2 start_conversation.sav
000081b0 00106260 63b5e613 battle.sav
000081b0 0000ccb0 63387210 chloe1.mem
000081b0 000366bd 63387299 save_01.sav
000081b0 0000d32c 63384a85 day1.sav
000081b0 0000d20a 63387287 day2.sav
000081b0 0003b0c3 633872fc save_02.sav
000081b0 00013925 63387762 day3.sav
000081b0 0001807a 63387ae7 day4.sav
000081b0 0001879a 63387c8f day5.sav
000081b0 0001cdda 63387ed6 day6.sav
000081b0 00021299 633882cf day7.sav
000081b0 00021461 6338833b day8.sav
000081b0 00023d2f 6338846d day9.sav
000081b0 0004c8b2 63388480 save_03.sav
000081b0 00026a96 633d8d6c day10.sav
000081b0 00027af6 633d8d96 homework1.mem
000081b0 0002bfe4 633d8e9e day11.sav
000081b0 0002bc17 633d8f1b day12.sav
000081b0 0002b895 633d9079 day13.sav
000081b0 0002ff53 633d92ee day14.sav
000081b0 00031403 633d93d2 day15.sav
000081b0 00031671 633d9405 day16.sav
000081b0 000339f1 633d9585 day17.sav
000081b0 000606e1 633d96c2 save_04.sav
000081b0 00035338 633e5481 homework2.mem
000081b0 00037ec1 633e54aa day18.sav
000081b0 0003809d 633e5553 day19.sav
000081b0 00039272 633e55ea day20.sav
000081b0 00049120 633e57e7 act1.sav
000081b0 0003c9de 633e57ff day21.sav
000081b0 0003eaa0 633e5936 day22.sav
000081b0 00040140 633e5a91 day23.sav
000081b0 00042227 633e5bc0 day24.sav
000081b0 00042177 633e5bc9 olivia_dgn1.mem
000081b0 0007220a 633e5d9d save_05.sav
000081b0 00046a54 633e6cbd day25.sav
000081b0 00049903 633e6d9f snowdrop_drunk.mem
000081b0 00047369 633e6d32 day26.sav
000081b0 00048a11 633e6d86 blackrose1.mem
000081b0 000489a5 633e6d6a day27.sav
000081b0 0004a25a 633e6db3 day28.sav
000081b0 0004a20a 633e72ce day29.sav
000081b0 0004a055 633e738c day30.sav
000081b0 0004d9f7 633eb895 day31.sav
000081b0 0004d8f5 633eb9a7 homework4.mem
000081b0 0006d182 633e6d2d save_06.sav
000081b0 0006c61b 633e6e6e save_07.sav
000081b0 0007c297 633e744c save_08.sav
000081b0 0009d285 633f8ea6 save_09.sav
000081b0 00050df8 633ebb08 day32.sav
000081b0 00050d60 633ebb08 molly_sorcery.mem
000081b0 00095cef 633f1d79 save_10.sav
000081b0 000536a1 633ebde7 day33.sav
000081b0 0005572c 633ec045 molly_chosen.mem
000081b0 0005818c 633ec1ce day34.sav
000081b0 0006557b 633ec466 act2.sav
000081b0 00058970 633ec48f day35.sav
000081b0 000581e1 633ec70a day36.sav
000081b0 000591fa 633ec8a9 snowdrop_shower.mem
000081b0 000591fa 633ec8a9 snowdrop1.mem
000081b0 0005a0ce 633ec902 day37.sav
000081b0 000601a3 633ecbe8 day38.sav
000081b0 000623c2 633ecf35 molly_spanking.mem
000081b0 00064214 633ecfcf day39.sav
000081b0 000639a0 633ed0c4 blackrose2.mem
000081b0 00064116 633ed0e4 day40.sav
000081b0 00066aed 633efef2 day41.sav
000081b0 000654c1 633f0310 day42.sav
000081b0 00065321 633f0807 day43.sav
000081b0 00067819 633f09d8 date5.mem
000081b0 0006b603 633f0bbf day44.sav
000081b0 0006f37b 633f0da9 day45.sav
000081b0 000702d1 633f109d day46.sav
000081b0 0007387e 633f15eb day47.sav
000081b0 0007570e 633f17c9 catgirl_shower.mem
000081b0 00075d2e 633f1809 day48.sav
000081b0 000745d2 633f1de0 day49.sav
000081b0 00075b6b 633f2054 date6.mem
000081b0 0007ae5f 633f206a day50.sav
000081b0 0007bc8b 633f21b9 day51.sav
000081b0 0007c683 633f22ab day52.sav
000081b0 0007c167 633f8a99 day53.sav
000081b0 0007c181 633f8aab swimming.mem
000081b0 0007dc2a 633f8bf5 day54.sav
000081b0 00090e11 633f8f4e act3.sav
000081b0 00083642 633f8f50 day55.sav
000081b0 000b1eaa 6341ab01 save_11.sav
000081b0 0011ca34 634b9ae8 save_12.sav
000081b0 0008797e 6341ac0f day56.sav
000081b0 00087de2 6341b154 day57.sav
000081b0 0008b567 6341b3e9 day58.sav
000081b0 0008a1bd 6341b5af day59.sav
000081b0 0008caf8 634a15f6 day60.sav
000081b0 0008d212 634a17c7 day61.sav
000081b0 00090533 634a1971 day62.sav
000081b0 000943e8 634a1b53 day63.sav
000081b0 00097958 634a1e9e day64.sav
000081b0 00098269 634a20ae day65.sav
000081b0 00097f96 634a247b day66.sav
000081b0 0009aeb6 634a263e catwoman_shower.mem
000081b0 0009b907 634a266f day67.sav
000081b0 0009dae3 634a275c day68.sav
000081b0 0009f0fd 634a28db day69.sav
000081b0 000a2c86 634a2d22 day70.sav
000081b0 000a30ca 634aa382 day71.sav
000081b0 000a67b1 634aa55d day72.sav
000081b0 000dc1f2 634ab175 save_13.sav
000081b0 000a7a50 634aa6ac day73.sav
000081b0 000a5740 634aaa91 day74.sav
000081b0 000a61e1 634aab0e day75.sav
000081b0 000aca26 634aad86 day76.sav
000081b0 000bd9ef 634ab070 act4.sav
000081b0 000b01c6 634ab074 day77.sav
000081b0 000b658b 634ab3ca day78.sav
000081b0 000b597b 634ab833 day79.sav
000081b0 000b5a6c 634abb89 day80.sav
000081b0 000b6cd9 634abc54 day81.sav
000081b0 000b6895 634abf1c day82.sav
000081b0 000bb17a 634ac0d8 day83.sav
000081b0 000b92d3 634ac5e2 day84.sav
000081b0 000be846 634ac9d3 day85.sav
000081b0 000be79a 634aceda day86.sav
000081b0 000c0d99 634ad427 day87.sav
000081b0 000c21d5 634ad85a day88.sav
000081b0 000c4213 634ad903 day89.sav
000081b0 000c59a6 634ada42 day90.sav
000081b0 000ca61e 634ade87 day91.sav
000081b0 000c7a74 634ae5b9 day92.sav
000081b0 000cfad4 634ae93f day93.sav
000081b0 000d2c5f 634aebba day94.sav
000081b0 000cf805 634af128 day95.sav
000081b0 000cffa1 634af504 day96.sav
000081b0 000d64e7 634af77e day97.sav
000081b0 000e82ed 634afb10 act5.sav
000081b0 000e0075 634afe11 day98.sav
000081b0 000e3c75 634b0204 day99.sav
000081b0 000e558b 634b04a2 day100.sav
000081b0 000e9038 634b8e68 day101.sav
000081b0 000e93ca 634b92b3 day102.sav
000081b0 000e8062 634b9488 day103.sav
000081b0 000e855a 634b9587 day104.sav
000081b0 000f11c0 634b9adf day105.sav
000081b0 001282a5 63796057 save_14.sav
000081b0 000f1979 63b5d04e day106.sav
000081b0 000f6acf 63b5d3bc day107.sav
000081b0 000f9657 63b5d4b4 day108.sav
000081b0 000fe005 63b5d762 day109.sav
000081b0 0010065a 63b5d821 day110.sav
000081b0 000ff8df 63b5dad5 day111.sav
000081b0 001051b4 63b5df10 day112.sav
000081b0 001050cb 63b5e1f1 day113.sav
000081b0 00106f6c 63b5e710 day114.sav
000081b0 0012d88e 63b5e750 save_15.sav
000081b0 00105fd0 63b5f2be day115.sav
000081b0 0013680f 63b732fe act6.sav

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
I did exactly that and well it even uses <EMILY> and <CHLOE> for names. I enabled debug and found an error there

"Error loading android/data/com.droidproductions.loveofmagic2/files/act6.sav"

I copied the file from Book 1 to book 2. Also Android 13 this has become difficult since you directly do not have access to data dir in Android anymore. I used adb to transfer the file.
There's a system to upload from Book 1 and then download from Book 2 (it writes a single save file to a server, under whatever key you give it, so there's no privacy issues). Under the save/load screen.


Sep 14, 2018
Does this game have branching paths at all? Like, if I wanted to be with Molly instead of Emily or Katie?
4.60 star(s) 275 Votes