Just to make sure, for the 4th emerald, you went to the graveyard, jumped over the gravestone to the right of the building into the background, beat up the door to go into the secret area, defeated the enemies to get the key pieces, and then when you got to the door with the golden lock on it, it didn't open up when you went up and touched the door?
Also, previous versions of this mod did have the stamina-from-normals mechanic, but it was by and large too easy for most players; maybe a middle ground mechanic, like having them drop a stamina pickup after a certain number of hits would be a better suggestion
Yes yes I did in fact I made sure to hit every grave stone and jump over them I even hit the door for the building and it still wouldn't open up usually what would happen is that you would have to defeat all of the enemies there in the grave yard then walk back then the door would be open and after that you'd have to keep walking back until you get to the secret stage to get the key
And the game is already hard if I had to make a list on all of the zones from hardest to easiest it would look something like this
Atlantis Ruins - hardest due to no enemy knockback when the special move is used and they can also dodge it the squids make it ten times harder with the ink and how fast they move mermaids also make it hard because they're more likely to dodge the attacks when they get to you
And if you didn't gain energy back after hitting an enemy it would be hell and Red thank you for nerfing Venus' speed
Lost World- Second hardest Mainly due to all the Raptors and riders also Zenna drains a bunch of health for no reason and has a bunch and she has the audacity to teleport after a combo which wouldn't be so bad if she couldn't teleport behind you and still get you
Pumpkin Kingdom-Mainly the Incubus and the Succubus thank God for the ghost nerf
Egg Argronot- Well just the bosses and tentacles
Leaf Forest- is surprisingly the easiest everyone is fairly balanced and nothing really bad to say here
I don't mean to sound Harsh or anything these are just some problems with the game that we either encounter or not I understand that there's a lot of things going on and there are going to be some balance differences here and there game making takes a really long time I know but I just wanted to point these out to maybe help out with problems and fixes
But that's just my opinion