Mod Others Completed Love Potion Disaster Mod Edition [v3.2] [RedEye Samurai]

4.80 star(s) 11 Votes

What should I focus on first besides completing Stage 5?

  • Finish the Pregnancy Mod

    Votes: 34 44.2%
  • Add the ability to choose different skins for characters

    Votes: 9 11.7%
  • Add a new character

    Votes: 34 44.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Apr 25, 2020
This mods a shitshow, Creator has an insane ego, drove away frafro who was the only guy with any actual talent working on the mod. The new animations are noticeably worse than anything zeta's group did back in the day and god help your eyes if you check on the type of commission work redeye does.

Plus The discord group is one of the weirdest and most culty furry groups i've ever seen, Their lead mod Tiger is a tyrant. If you value your sanity stay away from the community around this game.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
This mods a shitshow, Creator has an insane ego, drove away frafro who was the only guy with any actual talent working on the mod. The new animations are noticeably worse than anything zeta's group did back in the day and god help your eyes if you check on the type of commission work redeye does.

Plus The discord group is one of the weirdest and most culty furry groups i've ever seen, Their lead mod Tiger is a tyrant. If you value your sanity stay away from the community around this game.
So literally nothing has changed since the Zeta days and fanatical 'fans' like yourself continue to engage in fruitless us-vs-them wars, all kind of ironically parodying the wider furry community as a whole.

Glad I'm not a part of it, I just like some 'furry' works from the perspective of fantasy/sci-fi non-human races because to me they're no different than a twi'lek or elf, but eh... interesting how some things just stay the same.


New Member
Oct 2, 2021
This mods a shitshow, Creator has an insane ego, drove away frafro who was the only guy with any actual talent working on the mod. The new animations are noticeably worse than anything zeta's group did back in the day and god help your eyes if you check on the type of commission work redeye does.

Plus The discord group is one of the weirdest and most culty furry groups i've ever seen, Their lead mod Tiger is a tyrant. If you value your sanity stay away from the community around this game.


Mar 1, 2018
So literally nothing has changed since the Zeta days and fanatical 'fans' like yourself continue to engage in fruitless us-vs-them wars, all kind of ironically parodying the wider furry community as a whole.

Glad I'm not a part of it, I just like some 'furry' works from the perspective of fantasy/sci-fi non-human races because to me they're no different than a twi'lek or elf, but eh... interesting how some things just stay the same.
Oh hey dont mind that guy. He probally got banned so hes one of those folks that trys to attack Redeye who has nothing to do with it.

RedEye Samurai

Active Member
Jul 14, 2022
This mods a shitshow, Creator has an insane ego, drove away frafro who was the only guy with any actual talent working on the mod. The new animations are noticeably worse than anything zeta's group did back in the day and god help your eyes if you check on the type of commission work redeye does.

Plus The discord group is one of the weirdest and most culty furry groups i've ever seen, Their lead mod Tiger is a tyrant. If you value your sanity stay away from the community around this game.
Well, all people have different opinions about this mod, some like it and some don't. But well, the last stage may be disappointing for some with the animations, because at this stage of the mod's creation, I was kind of given up and already wanted to finish it and move on to something else. Therefore, I'm not surprised that some people don't like them or think they were done in a hurry. As for frafro, well, he himself walked away from the mod or px community to do something else on his own. Also yes... my commission has a lot of things in it xd
You also said that my group on discord is the most culty group of furries, but this is about the Sonic game, where you have mostly furries


New Member
Jun 28, 2023
Well, all people have different opinions about this mod, some like it and some don't. But well, the last stage may be disappointing for some with the animations, because at this stage of the mod's creation, I was kind of given up and already wanted to finish it and move on to something else. Therefore, I'm not surprised that some people don't like them or think they were done in a hurry. As for frafro, well, he himself walked away from the mod or px community to do something else on his own. Also yes... my commission has a lot of things in it xd
You also said that my group on discord is the most culty group of furries, but this is about the Sonic game, where you have mostly furries
i do feel like it was rush but redeye samurai i do hope you next project go well i miss you work on game i just hope fans like Couldn.t care less he good at is animation he do got work but i love he still make new animation and make fill not sure work but who know if there more fan like him make animation i feel like your game keep living on with big fan of game <3


New Member
Jun 28, 2023
He has a twitter or something. Please ask him for that and look in there. Here its mainly about this mod. please respect that. I know he posted the twitter here... I am sure if ya ask him or find it here you will see good stuff.
oh i did not know that ty also i alwas respect him to be real wise more like him make animation then even when game done never die out i would srly pay big moeny keep it alive i will also try look for hes twitter thanks for tell me that mate <3
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2018

Yeah I kind of forgot how special the Sonic fandom is... it even spawned people like Chris Chan, I guess. I still love the IP to death though, Sonic and Megaman were my blue duo jam as a kid. Screw Mario (Link/Zelda and Samus are cool though).

Also yes... my commission has a lot of things in it xd
Hey, you finished the mod and are open about having just wanted it done. It wasn't even your project, and you still put something out without hardlocking behind Patreon pleading. You just beat 99.9999999% of western ero developers without trying. You definitely beat out Zeta Team. God that group was a melodramatic joke and the only thing I feel is pity that they of all people had the vision to make what was ultimately a more interesting project than it had any right to be, flawed as it still was.

As for your commissions... low hanging fruit. I don't know what they are/were, but I can only assume mostly horrors beyond human comprehension. Regardless of whether you enjoyed creating them, they have nothing to do with you directly, and very few people get all smiles and happy days while earning the bread on their table.

I know I come off like a drunkard typing with his schlong here a lot, but my actual job involves a metric shitton of writing so I often feel like the gourmet chef who comes home and goes full lazy mode when cooking for himself. Point is, since writing is one of my few developed skills, I decided to do ero commissions on the side a while back. They were earning me some serious cash (I charged per word and extra for fringe/extreme stuff), but man, I still have nightmares about some of the stuff I wrote.

One that still sticks to me hard is a Tom and Jerry hardcore inflation and vore story that was over 15k words long, and the prompt given to me was like an insanely detailed story bible.

He liked it so much he gave me a hefty tip on top of what was already a substantial amount, but I think that's when I started to decide it just wasn't for me, lol.


New Member
May 31, 2023
I liked Zetas work as well, it's mainly that.. People have different visions about the game. Especially since it got abandoned.

Sure, this maybe a mod. At least someone worked on it and finished it up.

Despite that, could Zeta ever go back to finish up the game as intended? Yes. Sadly, it's unlikely.

Somethings I may not like about the mod. However, I enjoyed the mod for what it was worth.
4.80 star(s) 11 Votes