The first episode was not as so bad, except for some details mentioned in my post under the first episode thread. This "second" is (for me) significantly worse. That blurry "photo" graphic is not the worst thing in it. It is gameplay itself.
During literally seconds, the game becomes to routine clicking on locations, where are usually nothing/nobody, and it is necessary to "wait", which would not matter so much if there were not only about 5 or 6 "clicks" per day, with virtually nothing happen in the morning and evening parts of the day... And there are only (early) morning (mostly nothing to do), forenoon, "noon", afternoon, and evening (offices/shops are closed again, so locations/actions/possibilities are reduced to less than half), and night (but there is practically nothing to do again). So for most things you have 2-3 attempts a day, and then you must jump over to the next day. And again and again... You can do maybe one or hopefully two usefull things a day.
And what is even worse, many of "tasks" (I welcome tasks at all, its probably a very good idea) are about to pay/give money, wich you can earn by "work" for $50 once a day, but anyone ask you for $200-$500/"task". Rest of tasks are about to spend few words with someone, and than "report" back to who asked you for... So you spend so much time just making money to move a game story a bit, or waiting for some specific person presence...
And as a 2D static game with still same locations, and still same static "poses" of the characters it is boring for me at all... For me this "sequel" is like many steps back... In gameplay, options, graphic, storyline, game mechanics, and even from "3D" to classic 2D static pictures with text... And thas "sex" "option" in any interaction menu is worst of all... It destroy any storyline at all...
I am so sorry for my negativism, but I do not like LTN2 at all, except some favorite and familiar characters from the first LTN game... There are some few positives and steps forward, primarily tasks are a good idea, and.... hmmm, its maybe only one... If first LTN game in state wich it is in, may have about 5-6/10 rating (and have potential to have much more, probably 10/10 with some improvements, and if it will be finished). this one, for me, have 2/10, and I will not play it, except it will be significantly improved... So bad that the first part remained unfinished...
To be its author, I will focus on completing (maybe a bit improve too) the first LTN game, instead of this wannabe successor... I really want to follow that storyline of innocent and a bit "naive" Kathy, somewhat annoying but otherwise quite nice and sexy Jessie, possibly naughty Alice, and all those other slightly crazy characters...
Rather than hate, I think this post as a constructive criticism and suggestion to think ... I do not like to criticize anything, because I know how difficult it is to create anything, and how easy it is to hate... But especially in the light of the first LTN game, that shows that the author is able to create a much better game, I come to compare the first and second part, and mention what is worse in the second one than in the first ... Not to criticize someone's work, but to (perhaps even to author) point out the mistakes and bads made in the second part in comparison with the first one ...