Hey MW,
I'm finally back home after spending way too long in the auld country meaning I could finally give v10 another playthrough and provide a more thorough bug report for you so here we are:
There's only one major bug I could find, all of the Atonia and Lydia content seemed to work just fine, and that is with the new gym events for Jen. Firstly both the love and lust events appear before the full sex level up event so you can penetrate Jen before the big moment and thus break continuity. The love event appears in the living room in the evening as well, not sure if this was intended but it's there, a bit like that old bug with the white sheer clothing.
That said this is the kind of event update for Jen that I've been whining about for ages and I didn't read the patch notes properly before my first playthrough so it was a very nice surprise. More of this in future please.
I've also a couple of personal quality of life points I'd like to make. Firstly if you have no Christine reward points when trying to spend them there is no way to back out of the screen except by using the top-left button to go backwards through the game history. Obviously this isn't a big deal at all but every other part of the game has some way to exit locations without having to resort to using the back button and honestly it just grinds on my OCD having to use it. Feels cheaty. Secondly just for consistency I was wondering if you might put a picture of Jen on the Head Home tab in town. Everyone else in the game has their face on their home so why not her? Neither of these things are necessary of course, just small things that I noticed as a stickler for uniformity.
Thanks I'll take a look at this buggy stuff you posted. Seems strange that the Jen gym stuff isn't locked behind a stage level that would have stopped you banging too early, so I'll have to take a good look at that. Just going on memory I thought that the christine reward thing should have the navbar at the bottom but I'll double check it.
Glad you liked to see the home events. I did a vote with a selection of options so I certainly want to fill it more. Like I probably said, I'll get to it eventually

Good chance I'll do a couple for the next release too.
I'll certainly do the Jen thing with the Nav. Once again thanks for taking the time to provide so much helpful feedback!
Loving the game
Just a bit of sugestions/questions:
- Car Dealer - more options? after buying the car there is no more options in this section (maybe better cars with some missions or bonus with the girls)
- "Jason" - why it exist? If i choose this option i loose the option to work in Office and the last girl Atonia and all the last missions? Or im mistaken and didnt play enough to open the Office option (but even if is possible it will make the last girl take much more time to do all the missions of his)
- Home - same opinion as others users said should have the Jen image
- Modeling Agency - great option but i think there should be an indication of how much important is (i didnt continue with the missions of the modelling agency and in the end took more 30 days or soo to do all the achivements because of that)
Basically great work and waiting for the next updates (the continuation of the missions of Atonia and Fiona i think this last one has a lot of options to be added ^^, and more options at office and strip club)
There are no more options in the dealership because I don't really have anything else to give in that regard. I'd find it hard to lock further content behind even increasing car costs. I can deliver content in far more interesting ways. It was just there to give the MC a bit of personal progression and unlock Jen's exhibition content. I thought I would use it a bit more in the writing but tended to write around it with some vagueness since I'm too lazy to write two different versions!
Regarding Jason, you can play through either path and unlock both. Originally I thought it'd be good to have a couple job options. Your method of defining the MC in a way that's independent of others. Later on I decided to expand the jobs into something that wasn't just a mindless text box to click through, which in turn necessitated both coming together so people weren't locked out of huge amounts of content. Just a mix of changing plans and evolving scope really.
Again it's somewhat the same with the modelling content. My plans got grander later on in development and obviously when I first started I figured it was just a bit of side content. Probably would have done it all a bit differently had I known. One thing I'd like to overhaul in general is the goal screen to better communicate what's available and how to get it.
Thank you for the suggestions and feedback. There's certainly more Atonia, Fiona and job stuff coming eventually.
Just to expand a little on what TrapmanCrothers said:
(Cars): Buying the car from the dealer is basically an undercurrent for Lydia's hiking love event and it unlocks a new dialogue with Jen during meals. That said I have unlocked the hiking event before buying the car so I don't think it's required to get that far, it's just referenced in the phone dialogue with Lydia that she needs you to drive to the hiking spot. It's basically a money sink because at that point in the game you should have so much money that it's a non-issue. While I do think that having a few more arbitrary things to sink money into might be an idea for future updates I think that it would be more user friendly if it were for things like energy boosts in the early game like a vending machine at work or a takeaway in town incase you miss a meal rather than for a fleet of cars. Another idea might be to add a tiny charge of $5 or something to go into town as if you were actually paying for the bus, that said I do approve of having free public transport in whatever part of America this game is supposed to take place in (I'm gonna guess Vermont simply because that is the state where Bernie Sanders is senator). A good lesson for the real world.
Also if I were to be super nitpicky I'd add a 0 onto the end of every monetary value in the game simply to add a bit more realism because while $30 a week for rent is an absolute deal that Jen got herself it's not very logical for the landlord or whomever she got her mortgage. That said I'm not 100% sure how much our contribution to the rent is so maybe it's only 10% or something?
(Jason): At the very beginning of the game you can either send a resume to the office or catch the bus into town and speak to Jason and become a drug dealer which eventually leads to the strip club. If you play through the prologue it very clearly states that you have a choice of which job to start with first, the other will open up later in the game. I've read people on here that think starting with the strip club makes the most sense, I believe that the office is the better start because its both harder to grind points at the office as you have one less helper until you finish the Atonia introduction and having evenings free gives more opportunities to add love and lust points. The strip club does allow you to work 7 days a week however, so you'll have more money early game.
(Picture): Cheers for the backup on the Jen picture btw. Continuity is always the best policy.
(Modelling): Again I agree with Trapman about it being optional and if you're running a purely love route you're only going to want to go so far with it because of the NTR factor, just like with the exhibition or prostitute content. That said I've always really enjoyed it, when woven with the main story it makes you feel like Jen is slowly dropping her inhibitions and that the effort you're putting in is slowly bearing fruit. An important factor in games like this.
I guess I forgot to check for the car in that Lydia event. Though technically it still works since the MC can drive and has a license at the start of the game, just not a car. Pretty sure it says Jen sold hers when you go to buy the MC once. Though forgetting to check things like this is becoming more common as the game gets larger, which makes sense I guess so I appreciate people pointing out them out.
Balancing the money faucets and sinks isn't the easiest thing for me to do. Once everything is complete I'll be better able perhaps. I think most outgrow the need for money fairly quickly (a safe balance), but with a sandbox there's obviously a lot of little differences that can occur in play style which could starve some players. One thing I am planning to do with this problem, is make sure there are some fairly big expenses at the end of the game. I could do some real evil things there with the balancing that might force you to turn to the girls for "help". Who knows!
I did avoid adding any sort of expenses to travel, same reason why there's no time change when you do. I've always hated stuff like this in other games I played. Usually it's janky, or just outright pointless. And of course there's the pretentious game dev answer of "why would I discourage you from moving around the world?"