
Engaged Member
Mar 2, 2018
Unity Player [version: Unity 5.6.4f1_ac7086b8d112]

Lucky Mark ALPHA 9.0.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module Lucky Mark ALPHA 9.0.exe at 0023:01ad0b2f.

Error occurred at 2018-10-02_230916.
E:\z-_-z\Lucky_Mark_ALPHA_90\Lucky Mark ALPHA 9.0.exe, run by pjbra.
81% memory in use.
0 MB physical memory [1461 MB free].
0 MB paging file [0 MB free].
0 MB user address space [48 MB free].
Read from location 00000010 caused an access violation.

EDI:    0x00000010  ESI: 0x00000000  EAX:   0x00000010
EBX:    0x02115584  ECX: 0x7ffffffe  EDX:   0x0a2d5273
EIP:    0x01ad0b2f  EBP: 0x0282f508  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00010202  ESP: 0x0282f27c  SegSs: 0x0000002b

Bytes at CS:EIP:
80 38 00 74 05 40 85 c9 75 f5 2b 85 e0 fd ff ff

0x0282f27c: 0282f548 0a2d51e0 00000008 00000178 H....Q-.....x...
0x0282f28c: 012307d0 00000000 00000007 0ef76768 ..#.........hg..
0x0282f29c: 069f8c58 02824ba7 01230000 fffffff8 X....K....#.....
0x0282f2ac: 043616c0 043617f0 069f8c50 00000001 ..6...6.P.......
0x0282f2bc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 02115584 .............U..
0x0282f2cc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0282f528 ............(...
0x0282f2dc: 778a492a 00000008 0000006f 00000010 *I.w....o.......
0x0282f2ec: 0282f598 ffffffff 738a22e3 00000000 .........".s....
0x0282f2fc: 4e926c70 00000002 00000000 0000016a pl.N........j...
0x0282f30c: 4e9263b8 4e79b578 00000064 00000015 .c.Nx.yNd.......
0x0282f31c: 4e926c70 00000000 778ca4dc 778ca4dc pl.N.......w...w
0x0282f32c: 74612d42 000003c0 0282f350 0282f35c B-at....P...\...
0x0282f33c: 00000008 0000000e ffffffff 00000005 ................
0x0282f34c: 74612d67 00000000 00000000 00000000 g-at............
0x0282f35c: 000022cd 00000000 00004000 00000000 .".......@......
0x0282f36c: 000022cd 00000000 00000001 00000000 ."..............
0x0282f37c: 3cd4c8b8 3cd4c8bc 0282f3ac 01ad3d30 ...<...<....0=..
0x0282f38c: 000003c0 00000000 02341960 00000140 ........`.4.@...
0x0282f39c: ffffffff 00000140 000022cd 0282f3b4 ....@...."......
0x0282f3ac: 01adb99b 04360914 0282f3f8 01ad3e55 ......6.....U>..
0x0282f3bc: 00000005 01ad3e4c d1d4065d 00000000 ....L>..].......
0x0282f3cc: 02254bf0 00000000 000022cd 00000000 .K%......"......
0x0282f3dc: 0282f3c0 0282f3c4 7788cc59 0282f6f8 ........Y..w....
0x0282f3ec: 01ace0d0 d175c4dd fffffffe 01ad3e4c ......u.....L>..
0x0282f3fc: 01ad33b1 00000005 00000000 0282f424 .3..........$...
0x0282f40c: 01adda19 0282f464 043616c0 043617f0 ....d.....6...6.
0x0282f41c: 0282f6ac 00000000 0282f6c0 01ad0524 ............$...
0x0282f42c: 0000000a 01ad0563 02254bf0 00000000 ....c....K%.....
0x0282f43c: 01ad0d71 4e926c70 00000000 00000000
0x0282f44c: 00000000 069f8c58 069f8c58 4e8d9390 ....X...X......N
0x0282f45c: fffffff8 fffffff8 043616c0 043617f0 ..........6...6.
0x0282f46c: 069f8c50 778b3501 00000000 00000000 P....5.w........
0x0282f47c: 00000000 02089095 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282f48c: 00000000 02254bf0 00000001 00000008 .....K%.........
0x0282f49c: 00000059 0282f6ac 0282f768 fffffff8 Y.......h.......
0x0282f4ac: 00360000 00001000 00000004 ffffffff ..6.............
0x0282f4bc: 0282f5c8 0282f690 778a765d 04360248 ........]v.wH.6.
0x0282f4cc: 778a7614 58dba444 01400026 04360000 .v.wD..X&.@...6.
0x0282f4dc: 0282f6e0 4e926c70 ffff8000 01230000
0x0282f4ec: 00000064 0000000b 37393032 30323531 d.......20971520
0x0282f4fc: 00007fff 0123250c d1d400ad 0282f548 .....%#.....H...
0x0282f50c: 01acc3eb 0282f528 02115518 00000000 ....(....U......
0x0282f51c: 0282f590 0a2d51e0 00008000 0a2d524f .....Q-.....OR-.
0x0282f52c: 00007f91 0a2d51e0 00000042 00000000 .....Q-.B.......
0x0282f53c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0282f564 ............d...
0x0282f54c: 01acc42c 0a2d51e0 00008000 02115518 ,....Q-......U..
0x0282f55c: 00000000 0282f590 0282f57c 019384f8 ........|.......
0x0282f56c: 0a2d51e0 00008000 02115518 0282f590 .Q-......U......
0x0282f57c: 0282f7b0 0192aee9 0a2d51e0 00008000 .........Q-.....
0x0282f58c: 02115518 01400000 00000010 020c58a8 .U....@......X..
0x0282f59c: 00000000 021155ac 01400000 00000010 .....U....@.....
0x0282f5ac: 00000000 00000000 01232570 000004e7 ........p%#.....
0x0282f5bc: 0ef909e8 0282f5dc 0140a048 00000000 ........H.@.....
0x0282f5cc: 00000000 10112129 05900000 00000000 ....)!..........
0x0282f5dc: 4e8d9390 00000000 00000001 4e8d9390 ...N...........N
0x0282f5ec: e1d3dec0 0efb38c0 c0000017 0282f638 .....8......8...
0x0282f5fc: 05d799e6 057de1c0 00000001 00000001 ......}.........
0x0282f60c: 1005df2e 0282f638 05a08f18 1021f600 ....8.........!.
0x0282f61c: e1d2d520 04360000 05d79420 01d3dec0  .....6. .......
0x0282f62c: 0282f648 1010f773 1021f600 0edfe3e8 H...s.....!.....
0x0282f63c: 0efb38c0 00000002 0282f67c 01adb95f .8......|..._...
0x0282f64c: 01adb967 d1d403d9 02341960 02341960 g.......`.4.`.4.
0x0282f65c: 00000140 00000005 0282f650 00280006 @.......P.....(.
0x0282f66c: 0282f678 01adb99b 04360914 0282f6b8 x.........6.....
0x0282f67c: 01ad48ff 00000005 01ad48f5 d1d4031d .H.......H......
0x0282f68c: 00000059 02254bf0 00000000 fffffffe Y....K%.........
0x0282f69c: 00000059 0282f688 00000000 0282f710 Y...............
0x0282f6ac: 01ace0d0 d175c41d fffffffe 02089040 ......u.....@...
0x0282f6bc: 00000000 00000000 04367f60 00000059 ........`.6.Y...
0x0282f6cc: 0282f6d8 01ad4f74 022f08c0 0282f6e4 ....tO..../.....
0x0282f6dc: 01ac624b 00000011 0282f720 01ac8ab0 Kb...... .......
0x0282f6ec: 02254bf0 01ac8aa7 d1d40285 02089040 .K%.........@...
0x0282f6fc: 0282f760 00000000 00000000 0282f6f4 `...............
0x0282f70c: 01ac8f69 0282fce4 01ace0d0 d175d88d i.............u.
0x0282f71c: fffffffe 01ac8aa7 01648add 02254bf0 ..........d..K%.
0x0282f72c: 02254bf0 02089040 0282f760 00000000 .K%.@...`.......
0x0282f73c: 022da7f0 0282f754 00000000 022da7f0 ..-.T.........-.
0x0282f74c: 00000000 0282f760 0282f7a0 0282f7a0 ....`...........
0x0282f75c: 01825d47 022da828 0131b0a0 022da7f0 G]..(.-...1...-.
0x0282f76c: 022da850 01400000 022da850 00000280 P.-...@.P.-.....
0x0282f77c: 0282f7a4 0282f7a4 1005d8e4 0ef17838 ............8x..
0x0282f78c: e1d3b6f0 00000000 00000005 e1d3b6f0 ................
0x0282f79c: 01400013 0282f7bc 0131b1a8 01400000 ..@.......1...@.
0x0282f7ac: 00000010 0282f7f4 0192b3dd 01400000 ..............@.
0x0282f7bc: 00000010 00000008 00000000 021155ac .............U..
0x0282f7cc: 0282f898 01400000 00100000 00000280 ......@.........
0x0282f7dc: 00000000 01825d47 0ef17830 0282f814 ....G]..0x......
0x0282f7ec: 01799d7b ffee6cac 0282f818 0192b677 {.y..l......w...
0x0282f7fc: 01400000 00000010 00000008 00000000 ..@.............
0x0282f80c: 021155ac 00000000 00000000 0282f83c .U..........<...
0x0282f81c: 0179d809 01400000 049d7e98 0282f898 ..y...@..~......
0x0282f82c: 00100000 0282f898 ffee6980 0282f898 .........i......
0x0282f83c: 0282f864 0179e3dc 00100000 00100000 d.....y.........
0x0282f84c: 049d7e98 0282f898 00000000 0282f868 .~..........h...
0x0282f85c: 000005a2 00000000 0282f87c 0179ee8b ........|.....y.
0x0282f86c: 049d7e98 00100000 00040001 049d7e98 .~...........~..
0x0282f87c: 0282f8e8 0179f4fb 049d7e98 00100000 ......y..~......
0x0282f88c: 049d7de0 049d7e98 001a5228 00000010 .}...~..(R......
0x0282f89c: 00000000 00000101 fffffffe 00000000 ................
0x0282f8ac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ................
0x0282f8bc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282f8cc: ffee6a40 00000020 00000000 00000006 @j.. ...........
0x0282f8dc: 00000010 00000000 004c7ed0 0282f92c .........~L.,...
0x0282f8ec: 0179fe7a 00000001 00000000 049d7e4c z.y.........L~..
0x0282f8fc: 049d7de0 001a5228 001a5228 00000000 .}..(R..(R......
0x0282f90c: ffee6980 fe000000 001a5228 001a5228 .i......(R..(R..
0x0282f91c: 00000000 ffee6980 fe000000 049d7e64 .....i......d~..
0x0282f92c: 0282f97c 017a0ce8 0dc593f0 0000000c |.....z.........
0x0282f93c: 044c7ed0 0005be69 00000000 001a5228 .~L.i.......(R..
0x0282f94c: 00000000 ffee65f4 0282fa90 0282fa84 .....e..........
0x0282f95c: 0000000c 044c7ed0 0005be69 00000000 .....~L.i.......
0x0282f96c: 044c7ed0 b1767040 b1767040 049d7e64 .~L.@pv.@pv.d~..
0x0282f97c: 0282f9a4 013c30b9 001a5228 ffee68c0 .....0<.(R...h..
0x0282f98c: ffee65f0 00000000 ffee64d0 0005be69 .e.......d..i...
0x0282f99c: 00000000 013c3e3c 0282f9c0 013c3e59 ....<><.....Y><.
0x0282f9ac: 001a5228 ffee6560 0dc593f0 0282fa84 (R..`e..........
0x0282f9bc: 00000008 0282f9dc 013c4703 ffee6610 .........G<..f..
0x0282f9cc: 00000000 fbaa57c8 0dc593f0 ffee6560 .....W......`e..
0x0282f9dc: 0282fac8 01945ccb 0282fa84 049d7de0 .....\.......}..
0x0282f9ec: 00103b4e 0000b2fc ffee6560 00000000 N;......`e......
0x0282f9fc: 049d7de0 00103b4e 0282fa70 0179df2e .}..N;..p.....y.
0x0282fa0c: 0223b480 00103b4e 0000005c 00000001 ..#.N;..\.......
0x0282fa1c: 049d7de0 049d7e98 00103b4e 049d7de0 .}...~..N;...}..
0x0282fa2c: 049d7e98 00103b4e 0282fab8 00000000 .~..N;..........
0x0282fa3c: 00000101 049d7de0 ffffffff 049d7e64 .....}......d~..
0x0282fa4c: 00000000 0282fab0 049d7e98 00103b4e .........~..N;..
0x0282fa5c: 0282fa84 0179a88f 0282fa7c 0282fab0 ......y.|.......
0x0282fa6c: ffffffff 049d7de0 049d7e98 00103b4e .....}...~..N;..
0x0282fa7c: fe0804dc 0006703b 00800101 00000000 ....;p..........
0x0282fa8c: 0000005c 0dcb7130 0dcb6030 0dcb716f \...0q..0`..oq..
0x0282fa9c: 0dc594a0 0000074e 00001c00 00cc98c0 ....N...........
0x0282faac: 00cc993f 00103b00 00000000 00000000 ?....;..........
0x0282fabc: 00000000 0dc593f0 00800101 0282fb80 ................
0x0282facc: 017a211b 0000b2fc 0dcb7c50 00000001 .!z.....P|......
0x0282fadc: 00000000 0282fb40 0282fb8b 00cc98c0 ....@...........
0x0282faec: 049d7de0 f19c5390 00000000 049d7e98 .}...S.......~..
0x0282fafc: fe031b48 fe274040 049d7de0 049d7de0 H...@@'..}...}..
0x0282fb0c: 049d7de0 00000006 049d7de0 044cf850 .}.......}..P.L.
0x0282fb1c: 00000000 0000000c 017a2423 0000b2fc ........#$z.....
0x0282fb2c: 00000000 00000000 00103b4c 049d7e4c ........L;..L~..
0x0282fb3c: 47498500 00000000 ffee6560 00000000 ..IG....`e......
0x0282fb4c: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fb5c: 00000001 00000000 00000000 0dc593f0 ................
0x0282fb6c: 000738c9 00000000 0000b2fb 0000000c .8..............
0x0282fb7c: 04566400 0282fc48 0178ce37 009c543c .dV.H...7.x.<T..
0x0282fb8c: 5097c040 50f2c040 000738c9 00000001 @..P@..P.8......
0x0282fb9c: 0282fbcc 741af760 f19c5390 044db110 ....`..t.S....M.
0x0282fbac: 00000000 d1d40e00 020d6bd0 0282fc1c .........k......
0x0282fbbc: 049d7de0 00000000 00000042 f19c53cc .}......B....S..
0x0282fbcc: f19c53cc 3f666666 48e9ea40 47498500 .S..fff?@..H..IG
0x0282fbdc: 0dc595f0 00000025 00000001 00000001 ....%...........
0x0282fbec: 000562de 00000001 00000000 00000000 .b..............
0x0282fbfc: 50f2c040 00000001 00000000 000738c9 @..P.........8..
0x0282fc0c: 5e0ba040 00000001 000738c9 000738c9 @..^.....8...8..
0x0282fc1c: 5097c040 00000001 000738c9 000738c9 @..P.....8...8..
0x0282fc2c: 00000000 00000025 00000000 00000000 ....%...........
0x0282fc3c: f19c5390 00073d6f a9aa1720 0282fc74 .S..o=.. ...t...
0x0282fc4c: 0178c4a3 01825600 044db110 044db110 ..x..V....M...M.
0x0282fc5c: f4444c89 0000020e 00000000 057bfc80 .LD...........{.
0x0282fc6c: 020d5a00 00000000 0282fc7c 0178c80b .Z......|.....x.
0x0282fc7c: 0282fc98 01825636 044db110 00000614 ....6V....M.....
0x0282fc8c: 020d5b60 01825600 01825600 0282fcac `[...V...V......
0x0282fc9c: 74158484 044db110 74158460 d7e3d380 ...t..M.`..t....
0x0282fcac: 0282fcf4 778c305a 044db110 58dbae20 ....Z0.w..M. ..X
0x0282fcbc: 00000000 00000000 044db110 c0000005 ..........M.....
0x0282fccc: 00000000 0282ec0c 746a5e50 58dbae20 ........P^jt ..X
0x0282fcdc: 0282fcb8 0282ec0c 0282fcfc 778d2580 .............%.w
0x0282fcec: 2dccaf44 00000000 0282fd04 778c302a D..-........*0.w
0x0282fcfc: ffffffff 778dec85 00000000 00000000 .......w........
0x0282fd0c: 01825600 044db110 00000000 00000000 .V....M.........
0x0282fd1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd3c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd4c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd6c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd7c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fd9c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fdac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fdbc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fdcc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fddc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fdec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fdfc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe3c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe4c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe6c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe7c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fe9c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282feac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282febc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fecc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fedc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282feec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fefc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff3c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff4c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff6c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff7c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ff9c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ffac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ffbc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ffcc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ffdc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282ffec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0282fffc: 00000000                            ....

Module 1
Image Base: 0x00400000  Image Size: 0x00016000
File Size:  81768       File Time:  2007-04-04_185342
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Common Controller API
   FileVer:    9.18.944.0
   ProdVer:    9.18.944.0

Module 2
E:\z-_-z\Lucky_Mark_ALPHA_90\Lucky Mark ALPHA 9.0.exe
Image Base: 0x01240000  Image Size: 0x01226000
File Size:  18186752    File Time:  2018-10-01_230326

Module 3
E:\z-_-z\Lucky_Mark_ALPHA_90\Lucky Mark ALPHA 9.0_Data\Mono\mono.dll
Image Base: 0x10000000  Image Size: 0x00231000
File Size:  2117056     File Time:  2017-09-25_194156
   Company:    Unity Technologies
   Product:    libmono
   FileDesc:   Unity Technologies fork of mono runtime

Module 4
Image Base: 0x5d010000  Image Size: 0x000c3000
File Size:  785408      File Time:  2018-04-11_193456
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   WMI Custom Marshaller
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 5
Image Base: 0x5e4b0000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  18944       File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft MIDI Mapper
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 6
Image Base: 0x5e4c0000  Image Size: 0x0003b000
File Size:  219648      File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Winmm  audio system driver
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 7
Image Base: 0x5e500000  Image Size: 0x0003e000
File Size:  237568      File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM)
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 8
Image Base: 0x61a70000  Image Size: 0x0000a000
File Size:  24576       File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Sound Mapper
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 9
Image Base: 0x6a4c0000  Image Size: 0x012bc000
File Size:  20047264    File Time:  2017-09-05_190630
   Company:    Intel Corporation
   Product:    Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows(R)
   FileDesc:   Intel Graphics Shader Compiler for Intel(R) Graphics Accelerator

Module 10
Image Base: 0x6baf0000  Image Size: 0x00007000
File Size:  20728       File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   User CSA Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 11
Image Base: 0x6bb30000  Image Size: 0x0006b000
File Size:  410624      File Time:  2018-04-11_193456
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   WMI
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 12
Image Base: 0x6bba0000  Image Size: 0x0000a000
File Size:  25600       File Time:  2018-04-11_193454
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Hid User Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 13
Image Base: 0x6c270000  Image Size: 0x00019000
File Size:  94080       File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft ACM Audio Filter
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 14
Image Base: 0x6c530000  Image Size: 0x00029000
File Size:  154016      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT MARTA provider
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 15
Image Base: 0x6c580000  Image Size: 0x005f3000
File Size:  6365144     File Time:  2017-09-05_190632
   Company:    Intel Corporation
   Product:    Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows(R)
   FileDesc:   User Mode Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Technology

Module 16
Image Base: 0x6f6a0000  Image Size: 0x0004f000
File Size:  303616      File Time:  2018-04-11_193448
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   FWP/IPsec User-Mode API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 17
Image Base: 0x6f6f0000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  12800       File Time:  2018-04-11_193500
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Remote Access AutoDial Helper
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 18
Image Base: 0x6f700000  Image Size: 0x0008e000
File Size:  573904      File Time:  2018-07-06_031416
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DNS Client API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.165
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.165

Module 19
Image Base: 0x6f790000  Image Size: 0x00056000
File Size:  341920      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 20
Image Base: 0x6f7f0000  Image Size: 0x00010000
File Size:  48640       File Time:  2018-04-11_193456
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   WMI
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 21
Image Base: 0x6fa70000  Image Size: 0x0005c000
File Size:  360104      File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   MMDevice API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 22
Image Base: 0x6fad0000  Image Size: 0x000fb000
File Size:  1011968     File Time:  2018-06-15_010348
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Audio Session
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.137
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.137

Module 23
Image Base: 0x6fbd0000  Image Size: 0x00056000
File Size:  334336      File Time:  2018-04-11_193500
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Active Accessibility Core Component
   FileVer:    7.2.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 24
Image Base: 0x70340000  Image Size: 0x00252000
File Size:  2417840     File Time:  2018-06-08_063728
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Direct3D 11 Runtime
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 25
Image Base: 0x70690000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  27416       File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Multimedia Realtime Runtime
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 26
Image Base: 0x707a0000  Image Size: 0x00204000
File Size:  2099184     File Time:  2018-08-31_025128
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   User Experience Controls Library
   FileVer:    6.10.17134.285
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.285

Module 27
Image Base: 0x709d0000  Image Size: 0x0002d000
File Size:  178256      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft ASN.1 API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 28
Image Base: 0x70a20000  Image Size: 0x0001f000
File Size:  118872      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NCrypt Router
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 29
Image Base: 0x70a70000  Image Size: 0x000d6000
File Size:  880152      File Time:  2018-06-08_051034
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Base Types DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 30
Image Base: 0x70b50000  Image Size: 0x0008b000
File Size:  568568      File Time:  2018-08-30_232822
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.285
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.285

Module 31
Image Base: 0x70be0000  Image Size: 0x0000d000
File Size:  37376       File Time:  2018-04-11_193456
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   WMI
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 32
Image Base: 0x70cc0000  Image Size: 0x00014000
File Size:  62976       File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DHCP Client Service
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 33
Image Base: 0x70ce0000  Image Size: 0x00013000
File Size:  57856       File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DHCPv6 Client
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 34
Image Base: 0x70d00000  Image Size: 0x000b0000
File Size:  719552      File Time:  2018-06-15_010416
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows HTTP Services
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.137
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.137

Module 35
Image Base: 0x70db0000  Image Size: 0x0002f000
File Size:  183992      File Time:  2018-08-09_003022
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.254
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.254

Module 36
Image Base: 0x70de0000  Image Size: 0x00013000
File Size:  68264       File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Cryptographic Service Provider API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 37
Image Base: 0x70e40000  Image Size: 0x0025d000
File Size:  2486992     File Time:  2018-06-08_050942
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Core UI Components Dll
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 38
Image Base: 0x710a0000  Image Size: 0x0007d000
File Size:  506728      File Time:  2018-07-14_001606
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   "TextInputFramework.DYNLINK"
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.191
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.191

Module 39
Image Base: 0x71880000  Image Size: 0x0003f000
File Size:  245760      File Time:  2018-04-11_193458
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   OpenGL Utility Library DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 40
Image Base: 0x718c0000  Image Size: 0x0007c000
File Size:  485888      File Time:  2018-04-11_193502
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft UxTheme Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 41
Image Base: 0x71940000  Image Size: 0x000d9000
File Size:  757248      File Time:  2018-04-11_193458
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   OpenGL Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 42
Image Base: 0x72df0000  Image Size: 0x00022000
File Size:  133824      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Device Information Set DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 43
Image Base: 0x72e20000  Image Size: 0x00030000
File Size:  190136      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   IP Helper API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 44
Image Base: 0x72e50000  Image Size: 0x00180000
File Size:  1584128     File Time:  2018-06-08_050958
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Windows® Search
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Property System
   FileVer:    7.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    7.0.17134.112

Module 45
Image Base: 0x72fd0000  Image Size: 0x00019000
File Size:  97176       File Time:  2018-06-08_051040
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 46
Image Base: 0x73000000  Image Size: 0x00098000
File Size:  613144      File Time:  2018-06-08_063554
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   DirectX Graphics Infrastructure
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 47
Image Base: 0x730a0000  Image Size: 0x00023000
File Size:  131776      File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Base Multimedia Extension API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 48
Image Base: 0x730d0000  Image Size: 0x0000c000
File Size:  35328       File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Color Adapter Client
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 49
Image Base: 0x73840000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  27424       File Time:  2018-04-11_193502
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 50
Image Base: 0x73c40000  Image Size: 0x00023000
File Size:  124824      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 51
Image Base: 0x73d80000  Image Size: 0x00024000
File Size:  134920      File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   MCI API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 52
Image Base: 0x73db0000  Image Size: 0x0008e000
File Size:  566272      File Time:  2018-04-11_193446
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Color Matching System DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 53
Image Base: 0x73ed0000  Image Size: 0x00021000
File Size:  128672      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Userenv
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 54
Image Base: 0x74110000  Image Size: 0x0000a000
File Size:  31592       File Time:  2018-04-11_193502
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Base cryptographic API DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 55
Image Base: 0x74120000  Image Size: 0x00020000
File Size:  123520      File Time:  2018-04-11_193502
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Security Support Provider Interface
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 56
Image Base: 0x74140000  Image Size: 0x000e0000
File Size:  607840      File Time:  2018-04-11_193502
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 57
Image Base: 0x74220000  Image Size: 0x00096000
File Size:  606448      File Time:  2018-04-28_001256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   OLEAUT32.DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.48
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.48

Module 58
Image Base: 0x74480000  Image Size: 0x00088000
File Size:  553248      File Time:  2018-06-08_050956
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   SHCORE
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 59
Image Base: 0x74510000  Image Size: 0x001e4000
File Size:  1981896     File Time:  2018-07-06_031430
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.165
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.165

Module 60
Image Base: 0x74870000  Image Size: 0x00018000
File Size:  89440       File Time:  2018-04-11_193504
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   User Profile Basic API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 61
Image Base: 0x74890000  Image Size: 0x00022000
File Size:  134936      File Time:  2018-08-30_232844
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   GDI Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.285
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.285

Module 62
Image Base: 0x749a0000  Image Size: 0x00058000
File Size:  356960      File Time:  2018-06-15_010340
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.137
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.137

Module 63
Image Base: 0x74a60000  Image Size: 0x00017000
File Size:  86840       File Time:  2018-04-11_193450
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Win32u
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 64
Image Base: 0x74a80000  Image Size: 0x0025c000
File Size:  2479272     File Time:  2018-06-08_051036
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft COM for Windows
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 65
Image Base: 0x74ce0000  Image Size: 0x00008000
File Size:  27936       File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Filter Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 66
Image Base: 0x74d00000  Image Size: 0x000c0000
File Size:  786176      File Time:  2018-06-08_051214
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Remote Procedure Call Runtime
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 67
Image Base: 0x74e10000  Image Size: 0x00044000
File Size:  269200      File Time:  2018-04-11_193504
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 68
Image Base: 0x74e60000  Image Size: 0x0011e000
File Size:  1174552     File Time:  2018-08-09_002938
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft® C Runtime Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.254
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.254

Module 69
Image Base: 0x74f80000  Image Size: 0x00026000
File Size:  147288      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 70
Image Base: 0x75010000  Image Size: 0x00078000
File Size:  481976      File Time:  2018-04-11_193502
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Advanced Windows 32 Base API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 71
Image Base: 0x750a0000  Image Size: 0x00067000
File Size:  412792      File Time:  2018-04-11_193504
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 72
Image Base: 0x75110000  Image Size: 0x00006000
File Size:  17104       File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Process Status Helper
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 73
Image Base: 0x75120000  Image Size: 0x0042b000
File Size:  4403720     File Time:  2018-04-11_193500
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Setup API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 74
Image Base: 0x75550000  Image Size: 0x00039000
File Size:  228864      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Configuration Manager DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 75
Image Base: 0x75590000  Image Size: 0x0007d000
File Size:  504168      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft® C Runtime Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 76
Image Base: 0x75610000  Image Size: 0x00083000
File Size:  526848      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   COM+ Configuration Catalog
   FileVer:    2001.12.10941.16384
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 77
Image Base: 0x756a0000  Image Size: 0x000bf000
File Size:  774288      File Time:  2018-04-11_193502
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows NT CRT DLL
   FileVer:    7.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 78
Image Base: 0x757f0000  Image Size: 0x00045000
File Size:  278960      File Time:  2018-04-11_193500
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Shell Light-weight Utility Library
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 79
Image Base: 0x75840000  Image Size: 0x00164000
File Size:  1455960     File Time:  2018-08-31_025506
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   GDI Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.285
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.285

Module 80
Image Base: 0x75a10000  Image Size: 0x0134a000
File Size:  20383720    File Time:  2018-08-03_034336
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Windows Shell Common Dll
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.228
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.228

Module 81
Image Base: 0x76d60000  Image Size: 0x000fc000
File Size:  1026896     File Time:  2018-06-15_112256
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft OLE for Windows
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.137
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.137

Module 82
Image Base: 0x76e60000  Image Size: 0x0000f000
File Size:  50208       File Time:  2018-06-08_050942
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   AppModel API Host
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.112
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.112

Module 83
Image Base: 0x76e70000  Image Size: 0x00045000
File Size:  274352      File Time:  2018-04-11_193452
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Power Profile Helper DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 84
Image Base: 0x76ec0000  Image Size: 0x00007000
File Size:  20216       File Time:  2018-04-11_193424
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   NSI User-mode interface DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 85
Image Base: 0x76ed0000  Image Size: 0x0018d000
File Size:  1626536     File Time:  2018-04-11_193450
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.1
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.1

Module 86
Image Base: 0x77060000  Image Size: 0x005ba000
File Size:  6043680     File Time:  2018-08-30_232846
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   Microsoft WinRT Storage API
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.285
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.285

Module 87
Image Base: 0x77620000  Image Size: 0x00144000
File Size:  1327504     File Time:  2018-08-31_025328
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   MSCTF Server DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.285
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.285

Module 88
Image Base: 0x77860000  Image Size: 0x00190000
File Size:  1620880     File Time:  2018-08-09_002952
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
   FileDesc:   NT Layer DLL
   FileVer:    10.0.17134.254
   ProdVer:    10.0.17134.254

== [end of error.log] ==


Aug 11, 2016
Seems like to get anywhere in this game you need to be kind of rapey to the point of actually rape (anal scene).

Shame really. Should change the title from "Lucky Mark" to "Rapey Mark".


Oct 20, 2017
Works fine for me. All i use is Adblock+
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i use adb+ too, thats not the issue i just dont ever get the file download/save dialog from any filecdn dl page. where do you click to start downloading?

edit: seems like it may be caused by filecdn's incompatibility with popup blockers or something, i tried to disable blocking then i finally got the file save dialog, once or twice, after many clicks and page refreshes. though i still couldnt find reliable way to reproduce it and make it work again.
Dec 28, 2017
For those of you who wish to spend as little time as possible on the grind. This save contains modified stats with Cheat Engine. For the curious ones out there. Download CE 6.7 and all you gotta do is search each value once or twice. This game has no protection when it comes to CE so i am thankful. The grind would have taken me days to get to where i can properly make Ellen pay for her attitude. Finally got it done, and now i move on. Have fun!
Dec 28, 2017
Seems like to get anywhere in this game you need to be kind of rapey to the point of actually rape (anal scene).

Shame really. Should change the title from "Lucky Mark" to "Rapey Mark".
That's one way to look at it. Another way would be, she got exactly what she deserved. And this is totally the right place for morals.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2018
sometimes i hate having the macbook
DITTO! For like so many games it sucks. I cant run windows emulator. Can't someone port something over or something to make it run? lmao...I dunno it sounded good in my head


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
For those of you who wish to spend as little time as possible on the grind. This save contains modified stats with Cheat Engine. For the curious ones out there. Download CE 6.7 and all you gotta do is search each value once or twice. This game has no protection when it comes to CE so i am thankful. The grind would have taken me days to get to where i can properly make Ellen pay for her attitude. Finally got it done, and now i move on. Have fun!
don't you just need notepad and to know where the save file is? It's the simplest value system I've ever seen.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2018
I guess maybe ask in the General Troubleshooting forum. I have no idea what it would take to do it.
Not sure what people are complaining about "using porn movies" in using actual Uporn movies? I'd like to try it but I was hoping someone could just port a version altering it to work on MAC...I wish it were that easy *sigh* I will be vastly out of my depth in another forum about "Troubleshooting". I figured someone must be capable...Stand and be counted.


Jul 2, 2018
This update was quite short and disappointing...I imagine it was short because he had to fix everything that was broke in the hot mess called v8. Really though...enough with the imagination stuff:noexpression: Love the game but after 9 releases and the mc only gets 2 hj and one anal scene.....all out sex will probably be in v 1.05 at this point lol
ya i dropped this 1 long ago so boring and buggy
Dec 28, 2017
don't you just need notepad and to know where the save file is? It's the simplest value system I've ever seen.
Well i suppose that's possible. But it literally took me 10 seconds to edit each value while game was running. So i didn't bother with anything else tbh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
Normally I can figure out the new scenes through the event clues, but on this one I'm just stuck. Finished Christine, found a hint in the chat to talk to Elena at 13 on Thursday which updated Marks main quest, with the last hint being to drink with Bill to gain his trust. I feel like after checking the obvious one of drunk kitchen scene, which Elena blocks, I checked every possible other time with him alone or with Elena. Even checked breakfast in the morning since that's the pic. I have no clue how to progress.


May 4, 2017
Is there a cg rip for version 9 yet? The art is fantastic but the drudgery of getting through the game kills it.
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