Thanks for the saves, but, I have a question for you, if you don't mind? How go you get Chris to stop seeing Cheng and to go to your room at night? Thanks in advance CulayTLMy saves for 0.16
Saves order:
Save 1 - 0.15 Full
Save 2 - 0.16 Full
Save 18 - Right before the sister blowjob scene (if you don't have the option leave the room and enter again, it's random)
Save 19 - Right before Chris and Elena balcony scene
Save 20 - Right before Chris enters MCs room (go to sleep)
The other 2 scenes are repeatable and easy to get.
Just try: ...Lucky Mark ALPHA 17.0 WIN_Data\StreamingAssets\saveGuys can you tell me where are saves and how to use them (do I need some cheat mod to be able to save or sth? I'm at day 4 btwBut i played this game at version 0,9 or somewhere near and I'm back ) Help pls
Edit: ok nvm i ve got the saves the are at day 5 or 6
PS just tell me where I can find them in my PC
Just go to sleep at at midnight and the scene will start.Does anyone share save-game Mark and Annie having sex?
start of the scene