I have a question, and forgive me, because I have waited for a couple of updates to play.....just to have more content to play through Lol!
I'm also one that thinks the Gia thing should be a players choice and not over ridden by Mom. I mean Luke is an actual boss over her to begin with, and what he says should matter ( not only as her boss, but also as her only son who she is supposed to love over everybody else.....so his opinion should take top priority to her, on that aspect alone).
My question here is.....If Gia has signed the NDA so she can have the date with Mom, does this mean that Gia's son (who has not signed or works for company)....is now forbidden to have sex with Gia and Mom now?
Because Gia would then be breaking the contract if she did....it would be awesome for her to realize that, she can no longer have a relationship with her son, in the date exchange and that Mom fucked her life up now.
I also heard the Ellen has lied and betrayed the MC, and is having a lesbian relationship with Luke's secretary.
If that's the case, since both are on the NDA...Can we as a boss, then just fire one or the other...thus making their relationship null and void, because one or the other can't be with someone that isn't in the company??
I do have one more question.....offhand I can't remember her name, but the woman we meet who's Michelle's MILF friend, that also has a relationship with her son.
Is she still in that relationship?? if so why have Luke as a sex partner and arm candy then??
I'd like to think that she's no longer in it (for the aspect of a one sided incest meme) that her son couldn't cope with it, once it had been known. Maybe he had ditched her for a woman he could be with and married away from her.
I do enjoy your game and hope we are nowhere near done with your story....Keep up the good work Brother........Peace!!
I don't remember if Rachel already signed the NDA, but if she did, the Gia thing could be troublesome. Maybe she is an exception because of her current role as an "educator", but if that isn't the case, than Rachel is already in a breach of contract. If Gia starts to work for Luke, and she signs the NDA, she can kiss a goodbye to her son/lover, if the guy isn't part of the company as well yes, but she does seems like the kind that doesn't really care about a little contract breaching.
The Ella-Sandra situation is a really tricky one. Neither of them had breached their NDA, and you couldn't really call it a betrayal or something, but the fact is that they both tricked Luke, went behind his back, and lied to him about why they want to stop seeing clients. While you could say it's their personal matter, it would've been the normal and decent thing to tell why they want out. It also makes them hypocritical, because Ella basically sold herself out in exchange for the favor, while Sandra did something similar and played the victim card as well. It's funny that Sandra, who didn't seem anything like it is behind the whole thing, as a twist I like this.
As for the firing part, the circumstances mentioned above, and a few others as well makes it even trickier. Luke is new at the company, and while he does have the qualification, he lacks the experience. He does need people that qualified and experienced enough to be an effective leader, at least until he has a perfect grip on everything, especially since thanks to Dave, Angels is in a financial bind, from which Luke has to get out the company.
Even though Alexandra is only a secretary, she's working there for a while, knows how things work, knows how to run her tasks smoothly, which could make Lukes job much easier, not to mention that if they hire someone brand new, it would take a lot of effort and time to get her acquantied to her tasks and such. So you either keep her, or fire her over something that also could be branded as plain jealousy and pettiness, even though the manipulating part does make it somewhat legit, and you get an even worse situation than you already in.
As for Ella, she is also an experienced member of the company, not on the lowest level either, some of the same reasons apply to her that for Sandra, plus she has connections with several clients, and as a former pornstar, as pointed out by Luke and Michelle in their convo, has connections, experience and knowledge in the industry as well. With the porn thing becoming one of the cornerstone of getting the company out of bind, firing her would be the same as shooting yourself in the balls. I guess that's why if you discard her, you go back to be strictly professional, as keeping her as an employee is the right choice, but from your personal circle, casting her out is as well. I did like the fact that you could go all dominant on her, but I'm kinda torn because getting rid of her seems a better solution on the long run now.
Thing is, you could go all Dave on them, treating them like shit and being a scumbag, but that would severely damage their work ethic and morale, and as of now, Luke has to rely at least on Ella big time, and since they are an item now, screwing with one or another or both could affect the work morale for the both of them.
I think Samantha speaks of her son/lover in a past tense, probably after the husband found out they broke things off, so I'd guess that's why she has Luke as an arm candy, other explanation that it's a porn game and you need to get to fuck her duh