I see, well thanks for the info, one last question, well till I think of more, what is Claires deal, how bad is the femdom stuff with her.
Restraint machines in the club and dildo machines all equipment is available to rent and cleaned meticulously between session in paid private play areas in the back, all 100% voluntary... There is no rape or physical violence. EVERYTHING is consensual.
Claire is WAY too much into latex for my preference. I'm not a BDSM aficionado by any stretch of the imagination but I will take a girl in a leather and lace halter top and miniskirt and a lace mask over fully covered, head to toe latex condom suits! That is my one real issue with this entire game... too much fucking latex!!! With all of that full body latex there is no way that the club doesn't wreak of malodorous manky minge, rotten head cheese, ball sweat and fetid ass! The human body NEEDS to breathe!!! So, Phat is NOT a fan of all that funk generating full body latex! In the VN no one ever sweats and there is no odor. But, IRL??? The funk generated by all that latex would gag a maggot!

Nauseous just thinking about it
Stench aside, however, Claire is a huge proponent of creating a safe, secure environment for her clients where they can explore their inmost fantasies and EVERYTHING is consensual or it doesn't happen.
Lastly, when it is just MC and Claire together, they take turns with each one as dom/sub with nothing too strenuous. For the most part, the BDSM aspects are about as vanilla as BDSM gets... mostly dom/sub play with some restraints and several dildo machines. You'll see once your MC helps Claire open the club... Oh... one word to the wise though... if you are not into futa on male pegging content... watch your ass! If that is NOT your thing (like me) then just say no. The futa girls will be disappointed but respect your decision, cool? Hope this helps.
Adventure ever on my friend, Phat