Darth Vengeant

Active Member
May 6, 2020
I'm a bit torn. They're adding new girls, which is great in theory, but they have a bunch in there already that we're waiting for updates on.
This is the problem with devs in many renpy games, mostly the more popular ones. They make new characters to further milk the game to make it longer. You end up with updates that only focus on two or three characters, when there is 20 or more. It gets bland and tiresome, and frustrating. I can't stand games with piles and piles of characters. It is unfocused and just ends up going on and on and on. This seems to be what is going to happen now with this game sadly. The game already had quite enough characters. It needs to progress the story to a conclusion, not milk the Patreon for more money.

Lust Theory aka Echos of Lust did this. It was absolutely fantastic in the first season, then they wanted to milk it on and on. The second season was an absolute mess. I remember one update was nothing more and an long boring party scene with new characters that progressed NOTHING in the story and made you repeat the same party over and over. It was dreadful.
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Jun 2, 2019
Don't know what it is, but this latest update just seems off. The whole open marriage thing came out of nowhere, Don suddenly seems like a different person, the reasoning for the fighting makes zero sense, and suddenly the MC is waving their wand around desperate house wives without a care in the world...


Nov 21, 2021
This game is getting progressively worse season by season.

Jack Townsend

Active Member
Sep 4, 2020
Don says in the game that the open marriage arrangement with Olivia was agreed to recently. I wonder, did they agree to this before or after the MC pounded Olivia?

Jack Townsend

Active Member
Sep 4, 2020
Don't know what it is, but this latest update just seems off. The whole open marriage thing came out of nowhere, Don suddenly seems like a different person, the reasoning for the fighting makes zero sense, and suddenly the MC is waving their wand around desperate house wives without a care in the world...
The in-game explanation that is given for Don's apparent change of heart is that all his kids leaving the house changed his outlook on life. I don't really buy it, but whatever. I think him and Olivia agreeing to an open marriage is a last-ditch effort to save a dead marriage. And when it comes to affairs with other people, they seem to have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy arrangement. It's an agreement that says, "Have your affairs and flings. But I don't want to know about them, see them, or for you to bring them home with you." The problem is that Olivia has already kinda violated it. She brought the affair home with her, and to her marriage bed to boot. And I think it's only a matter of time before Don finds out about it, and even sees it first-hand. :sneaky:
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Active Member
Jan 1, 2019
I am confused, I imported my save, and I'm pretty sure that I helped Audrey fight the monster, but at the end of the update MC asks her how the battle went, is this another battle or is the imported save borked?
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Jun 28, 2023
Welp, I named the MC Henry and now there's another Henry. I originally named him Sam, which was pretty quickly shown to be confusing and weird. I wish there would be some sort of mechanism for NPC names to change if taken. Maybe a warning for MC names in a part 1 where it conflicts with a known NPC name, but in a part 3 where this new Henry guy probably wasn't named or even planned all the way back in part 1, I don't want to go changing the MC's name after all that time.
LOL that's happened a few times with me. Name MC Mike = another Mike shows up later, but too far in to justify starting over and naming MC something else. Maybe we need to be able to rename all other chars too? Very few AVNs offer that option (probably not much demand for it).


May 28, 2018
How do I transfer the season 2 saves? I'm not seeing the option like I did with Season 1, do I have to redownload season 2?
Edit: Yeah it needed the new version of season 2
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Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
You want Lust-Academy-Season2-1.11.1d, as that is the final build/version of Season 2.

The DLC is just quizzes/character sheets/PDF walkthrough...

Yes, it says this is a "beta", before it was an "alpha". So, there will be a "delta" version in a few days/weeks. Up to you if you want to play it now or wait it out.....
ok thanks


Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
After each update that game becomes a shit i liked it in first season second was ok to but now its just nothing i hope the developer work on another game or just make something to end up that game and start new one.
this is only the off school period...leave it be and when it comes back to academy all will be ok
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Jun 6, 2020
I wonder how many updates will it take to have a scene with Dakota ? :unsure: Been waiting for it since her first quests no wonder her scenes will be good quality.


Jul 30, 2017
Sorry but I don't get it


ch_Name "Oh, Ashley... Why did you keep it to yourself for so many years?"
Ashley "Could any of you have helped me? Even Olivia said I was lying."
Ashley "And then she started scolding me when I was dressing up nicely or wearing bright colors. "

ch_Name "Calm down, Ash! You're not alone, we're with you!"
Ashley "You see, she thought I was luring Don to me!"
ch_Name "Oh, no..."
Ashley "You know when was the best day of my life?"
ch_Name "I won't even try to guess."

Ashley "When you saved me and took me away from that nightmare. "
Ashley "I didn't even realize right away that Don couldn't get to me here. "
ch_Name "Why didn't you tell me and Samantha about it?"
Ashley "To hear it back like Olivia's, that I made it all up?"

ch_Name "I can't imagine what you've been through. "

From such a father I would be miles away from him....
Then this:

It doesn't seem to me that there is coherence in the narrative, or I don't get it.
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