I never through this would happen, never thought I would say this!
But as a "Sandbox" player V1.4.1d has TOTALLY changed the balance of the game!
There is now NO need to win the "House competition", as you can go to Dale anyway!
And as for the $50 Prize, So What! you can earn $70 by working two shifts at Molly's.
With no need to win the "House competition",
House Points become irrelevant! So, there is no need to collect lost books anymore,
Also, as there is no need to Rob other Houses of their House Points to help win the competition,
Duelling falls by the wayside,
With no need to duel, there is also no need to practice/upgrade spells or to build up a stock of potions.
The time would be better spent working at Molly' as you can no longer go fishing in Dale.
Before V1.4.1d
In order to maximise the chance of winning the House competition,
my day (without tasks) would look something like this: -
[Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit)
<Corridor>, <Living Rm>, <Bathroom>,
[Map], <Academy>, <Inner Garden>{+1 book},
<Right Wing>, <Cafe>, Peek, <Inner Garden>,
<Left Wing{+1 book}>, <Classroom>{+1 book}.
[Small blackboard], Wipe,
*Victoria, Practice, Rictusempra ,
{Rictusempra +1.5}
{+5 H/Points}
<Inner Garden/L-Wing>, <Inner Garden>
<Right Wing>, <Potion Class>,
*Sabrina, Practice, Reflection.
{+1 Reflection}
{+5 H/Points}
{New post Lustagram; Ashley/Nice}
<Inner Garden/R-wing>{+1 book},
<Inner Garden>, <Entrance>,
*Ezra, Duelling Club, Crowhive(Lvl 2),
{Combat Bolt +0.2},
{Rictusempra +0.2},
{LH +4}
<Inner Garden>, <Main Hall>, [Map],
<Campus>, <Upstairs>, <Mc's Rm>,
But now the same Day turns into this: -
[Calendar],[Chr Info],[My Profile],(exit)
[Map], <Academy>, <Inner Garden>,********Can be skipped from Here
<Right Wing>, <Cafe>, Peek, <Inner Garden>,
<Left Wing>, <Classroom>.
[Small blackboard], Wipe,
*Victora, Practice, Rictusempra ,
{Rictusempra +1.5}
{+5 H/Points}
<Inner Garden/L-Wing>, <Inner Garden>*****To Here
<Right Wing>,
*Molly, Work, {+$35,+3 H/Points}
*Molly, Work, {+$35,+3 H/Points}
[Map], <Campus>, <Upstairs>,
<Mc's Rm>, Sleep.
As a Sandbox player this is NOT good,
This is looking more like "VN+" than "Sandbox"
So, Bear, If possible, PLEASE bring back the *Challenge*