No scene if you wanted to know about that. Just some build up for a potential scene in the next version (which has a high potential cause the last devlog mentioned "finishing Victorias storyline for version ...")Anything with Victoria?
Work for Molly,i need some general help on how i make more money in this game without cheats
I have the same problem.I can't find June, the room where she plays is empty. Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have the same problem?
In english, please!Ciao a tutti. Sono bloccato qui. Qualcuno può aiutarmi per favore? Grazie.
???Where is June?
The room where it should be is empty. The only place he shows it is in bed at night.???
Use the calendar system to simply skip to her position.
Okay that's super weird. Probably a bug? Can't really help since I never had such a problem. :/
I have the same problemThe room where it should be is empty. The only place he shows it is in bed at night.