just finished season 3 after letting content build up since 3.7 to get the end in one playthrough.
the English quality really took a nosedive. it's a pity because there was a clear improvement at the start of season 3.
tons of typos and errors. but most importantly, the dialogs are really bad. vocabulary is either weird or super basic. the vast majority of the lines are not how normal fluent people would speak. I was thinking of just pointing out the mistakes if there was a few, but it's just everywhere, every scene, almost every line.
it's a shame because some of the secondary plot lines could be interesting if written properly.
did the competent proofreaders leave the team ?
completing all the puzzles in the game on MC's laptop doesn't give any reward. the reward is supposed to be the AI generated images used for the puzzles ?
MC gets a card from Willow for Elijah that is supposed to feature a girl named "Madison Star" but when Elijah has the whole collection available in his room, there is no card with that name...
the sex scene for Dakota is a mess, the animations and renders are in the wrong order. it's weird that it got a passed from all the beta testers
Wendy deceived, lied and manipulated Alice, but Alice still blindly believes her friend without checking for herself there is something really wrong with her...

where is MC's reputation coming from anyway ? literally every girl wants to keep their relationship and sex encounters secret from everyone else, except maybe Haley. So the logical answer should be jealous guys, and Wendy went to guys that she hates to learn about MC ? talk about a "reliable" source

if Wendy went to ask girls about MC, they would all say that he is a good guy while hiding the details.
MC never asked Theresa or Leona from what world Theresa is from... that would be the very first thing anyone asks when told that Theresa comes from another world even though she is human.
MC seems like an incompetent gullible idiot when sent on those long missions in other academies... he knows something is wrong with the sources of power, he knows the overlord ALWAYS has a possessed agent, he knows he has to be on his guard and should suspect everyone, but he still falls for all the most obvious stupid traps. he always gets tripped and gets saved by pure luck and plot armor, yet his ego still inflates continuously, thinking he is invincible...
hiding scenes from the gallery is a weird choice, as it hinders replayability from completionists. hiding content is a bold choice for a game that literally lives from the quantity of content