Bear In The Night sells the seasons a s separate games and probably has no interest in doing that, they can make more money this way.question can we cram all the season into 1 or no what i mean by that is download all copy the files needed in season 2 3 and 4 into the season 1 game and have all seasons in 1 game?????? will this work or no because doing this does work with games that are in parts
There is a endless loop in there due to a missing entry point 'Main_Quest_49_label'Hey, I can finally attach files! Anyways, here is the trace file.
you know hotel in dale talk to girl there sunday morning visit ashleyIn season 2 how do I talk to Ashley at Dale? On info progress section it says i should visit her at Dale-ly apartments when I'm at Dale.
Also don't forget that if you download a new version, always use a empty target directory or delete everything from the old directory but the savegames.I'm using the zipped, uncompressed, un-moded version found here. I will get another DL, and see if my game file is corrupt. Thanks for looking at this!
I try to talk to mina in the hotel but it just says there's nothing to talk know hotel in dale talk to girl there sunday morning visit ashley
have try in morning sunday in dale orI try to talk to mina in the hotel but it just says there's nothing to talk about.
Check the scheduler. It will tell you when you can to what and teleport you there.I try to talk to mina in the hotel but it just says there's nothing to talk about.